Show I 1 Is a peculiar medicine and Is carefully pre aired by competent pharmacists the can and proportion of sarsaparilla Barsa parilla D ui delion mandrake yellow dock and other remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to hoods giving it strength aul curative acer superior to rations rat lons A trial will convince ion 0 its preat medicinal balac sarsaparilla purifies tho blood ireatus and the appetite stimulates sie aid elves strength to eveia organ ot alie it cures the roost severe cases of Sero luls salt cheum boils and all other affections caused by imparo blood dyspepsia biliousness headache kidney and liver complaints catarrh laicu and that extreme tired feeling hood s has helped me more for catarrh and impure wood than anything else I 1 ever used A B ML syracuse N Y cleatos an appetite 1 I used hoods to cleanse my w and tone up my system it eave TOO a good appetite and seemed to build me over E M HALE lima ohio 1 I took hoods sarsaparilla for cancerous humor and it began to act unlike anything else it cured the humor and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life J F mass send tor book giving statements ui arcs hoods prepared only by C I 1 A CO apothecaries lowell mass v 00 doses one dollar WALTER R pi kervi D PHYSICIAN SURGEON PROVO OFFICE AT 2 blocks north of depot DR C E SHOEB BIDGE from london FHY cures saint vitas dance epileptic fis all nervous disease seminal weakness and im potency by the london treat beut agent for Hydra stia uterine ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE rom no 3 bank Buil dlug CITY BW jr ATTORNEY AGENCY ROOM 9 bank building provo city utah DENTISTRY B all kinds corli done at alie louvest ITi anyee gold and platina amalgam filling a specialty all work to money will be refunded the lowest figures lor dental work ever given anywhere J N CHRISTJANS SN over boom centre street DR JOHN RIGGS amon tho treatment of 0 A and diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 deais experience a spy fialty PROVO CITY UTAH EXCELSIOR BEAN A PROP RS BEEF MUTTON veal PORK ETC FRESHEST AND THE in town delivered at the housah of oar patrons promptly OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE T IS macneer Man neer COX AT THE Is doing a large family trade and continues to keep on band the choicest MUTTON AND PORK shop on smoot block opposite meeting bouso pree delivery Deli Tery to any part of provo IN THE bead always on hand the BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY KIND leave or send your orders and will promptly fill them every day we have fresh pork sausage the nicest in the COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors west office HOTEL neat 1 its location between the court house centra st and the depot makes it particularly ticul arly convenient to tora TABLE accommodations the excelsior hotel Is renowned for lla umfort and charges Arranga menta can be made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D johnsson ROBERTS HOUSE two blocks south of first national bank CITY UTAH the worst abent i its dangerous tendency to consumption hoods blood liy tha t 5 A IT this apace belonga so i itaas aalt T E DANIELS t HO MADE COHNS CASKETS manufactured of the best and most durable material and of ROSEWOOD atno FRENCH BURL agency for jo jp taylors horns T y S t it S K i to suit orders by fl dat d iy ay at i dijt r promptly attended lo 10 w OM block of dedov provo r av armco 1 tongs GS icoy sale by MOWERS STAKE LINE ot BETWEEN to THISTLE AND U T stage leaves for on the dojk G kallwey Kall wiy every and friday at 5 ain and vt at thistle at 1 p in antime time for triant nt thistle lor and saturday at 9 m arriving it 5 p m in almeto connect with the ataee at I 1 mount pleasant HENRY MOWER prop IMPORTANT NEW ARRIVALS IN MENS CLOTHING HATS BOOTS ANOiS HOES new prices new styles IA IATI aai T citar ladies will findl there splendid lines of COATS NEW MARKETS JACKETS AlL Classes of woolen goods suitable for the winter season AT 13 and mam street salt lake PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution LEHL UTAH CO f IS general merchandise agricultural falows FAeO WS lumber doors windows C T B bupt supt LOOK HERE boub OF springville SPRING VILLE A f ft have always on hand S 0 T S MAEBLE and GRAVE STONES bome fome AND aee US ABE our stock at pint cost and we auant the people to be by it all work S PETERSON undertaker SPANISH FORK cin uw hauton binl tf gooda and ci diets of af nal bart ahn mafla edff t chort naili no ili alln ON we hav etlie fim st hast an 1 cheapest in rn utah and keep constanta constan tk of organs monical goods ia A W 3 lilt astl sa S e RK fim BOTANIC BITTERS alie G JECe alth restorer and life Ero lonser in amelca DH VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain cure eor CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR A specific for garavel and all kidney and female complaints OFFICE E B Shoeb ruiea LIUK LI UK store centre st prove C PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPH Eft AT gyug 7 aibel 11 etc if the church of jasus chant of litter day saints OIL KEEPS AN AMPLE AND CHOICE assortment OF ready mixed paint BRUSHES OILS diamond wall finish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF aind NOTIONS proprietor JAMES WHITEHEAD jr OK STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS IN general merchandise VILLE CASH PAID FOB WO foak C 0 OPERATIVE gwm lionil GRAIN or boots abid X x x x f t mea chandise hour or grain ON NOTICE JOHN JONES bupt supt mexican S fe 1 braot rA Ot idt liniment Contra etea Is abaga Miu clAt banin smia s dutot t feitor callb bani Bp ni fc Bp ivia bonu tda ag THIS GOOD OLD STANDBY STAND BY everybody exactly of ther casona for the great popularity ot the mustang liniment a every the lumberman deeds it in case of accident use atie needs if toree aeral lambly 1 1 needs it for his andai men i ria mechanic needs lt alway on hit work 0 the miner needs it in case or emergency y loutit the pioneer needa it cant get along with abe farmer it in hs hoa sehl eatable and his yard r the or the boatman abeda it in afloat and moore esho i meas i lt li l i bla bat vas nsf ake it it vm MT ot dohan iaia ia i clr H u or ta danca M i nr me tu 9 kai kea bottle lfeo M M MM awty RUI elway afe v WET SWO I 1 aci I 1 M bily 53 S Ms for 75 gents and everything else aa cheap best assortment of Stationery jn town 27 centre street urine iw that we carry the LARGEST mm AND MOST COMPLETE OF SOUTH OF SALT LAKE CITY TO SELECT FROM BEAUTIFUL upholstered LOUNGES FOR 10 magnificent BROCADED bluish LOUNGES TRIMMED WITH OLD GOLD FOR 1350 LOVELY BED lounges 1500 UP CARPET FOR 32 CENTS PER YARD AND UPWARD COMMON SITTING FOR 70 CENTS W H HUISH SONS fayson city butali PROTO the only place in utah and territories that is prepared to fill orders for CROCi KERY by LOTS all by mail prompt attention P 9 box 78 PROVO alt E C henrichsen two or three potters wanted H J MAIBEN HO j Rain and paper df r DEALERS IN POINTS OILS BRUSHES WINDOW glass FULL STOCK AND LATEST STYLES OP WALL PAPER AND decorations J ETC i 1 t H J CO lit door corili ot bauk BROWNS COUCH and tar n an valuable in eabry family for coughs colds sore consumption BROWNS SALVE Is ayery box warranted for culs burns bruises old sores piles and sore eyes no cure no pay every family should keep a bos in their house only 25 cents has no equal stands alone as the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism now sold is so fully endorsed by physicians and formula printed on each bottle gk for BROWNS aab and use no other ft 7 undertakers carry a full line of boods WHO IMiE fb RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and burl casteel auld lU ld caffin s of all 1 I lwy ja w f r sa i s 0 metai ordera by dinall or dispatch promptly prom ply at J tended to discount givan 10 two doore provo city CO people USE lawt i ln the world rr cx art TJ Ciny SEED for 1888 any astle St le S caveats and icide maas obtained and all patent business conducted for moderate fees our is opposite V S patent of aca we hava w an laai fieM hence can transact patent bagileo ic lesa time and at leaa cost than those remote from wasa iseton seed model drawing or photo with tion we advise it or not tree ot charge our fee not dee till patent L A book how to obtain Pa tenta with refer encee to actual cuseta in your state ox address tha 1 l aad mali 1 33 paces a whole oa all gooda fos or fundy e talu liow ta iad gitch exact coat i of oya JIT can wih tae BOOKS Arf cef of the world wa to iliad of 10 atko aft ny of hear trum g WARD CO i e asa a 2 great english remedy surraya raya specie A cure for all herrons tu ti weak memory alss of rower hysteria headache am in alio kack nervous s ilon wakefulness leleon haa acl weakness impotency eucy alii general loss ct tower ot the generative la either sex caused br 0 liver exert loa alii which ultimately lead to Prenia turp old age insanity and loja boxT nADE MASK or six boxes for sent by all oa receipt offrice of price lb pamphlet sent free to deverr apas AST i boxes sis ts cure aay case for every soo order received we tend six written gaar antee to retina the specula Spec fla desa not deflect cure address ail communications to the sol manufacturers r f THE 1 kackas clermo cloid in lar DB ct E S ih i H brara TS A too fondd on file at aeo oeo f V ST f a 1 ip a 4 s F s f |