Show ECLIPSE providing fo morrow evening iff clear of clo urfa i beautiful sight mill be wit air od by the moon passing through a total alie conditions for aaion nil be specially favorable as the spectator ill neither be obliged to sit up lute in the evening nor get up early in alio morning for a view of the interesting exhibition the moon enters abu earths shadow before unet but when the total eclipse begins half past five eastern rime it will bo dark enough to watch its pro gress through the most interesting stae the moon will not be entirely lost to feight ahen totally immersed in the earths dark shadow she will shine faintly with a lurid copper colored light thus giving an unearthly aspect to the surrounding landscape the light is refracted refract eJ into alie shadow by the earths atmosphere it varies greatly in defier erent eclipses depending upon the quantity of clouds and vapor in that portion of the atmosphere where alie sunlight must graze in order to reach the moon the middle of this eclipse occurs at twenty minutes past six while the tots I 1 eclipse ends at ten minutes past seven at twelve minutes past aine the moon will bo free as ever great preparations pa rations have been made among scientific men in this country to take observations vat ions as the progress of the eclipse will continue after it is sufficiently dark to enable them to make a very thorough examination the new lick telescope will be brought into scientific use for this occasion for the first time the same day at a m will occur the conjunction of the moon and saturn likewise an occasion interest to astronomers |