Show A MODEL OFFICIAL the report of P L wiliams WilU ams territorial commissioner of district schools which was presented and read in the legislature on monday shows plainly that no matter how hard this functionary endeavored botay his mormon I 1 spleen from dropping on the paper as he wrote his report that h failed and to let the people sample it we cull the following from his document so eliat they can gain some idea of the astonishing would like to have the schools of utah undertake in what good citizenship consists wi 1 bo fund little difference of opinion when we stop with the general definition yit are certain y conditions here and ten dencler at in most afta district schools that are quite inconsistent with that definition of good citizenship which not only in cul cater and exacts obedience and respect for all valid laws but with readiness and those declared to be so by the tribunals provided under our form of govern metto determine while I 1 during the years any teach lug of dogmas or tenets inconsistent d compliance with the broadest t KOOI KOO I citizenship zen ship I 1 have observed lauy evidences if a condition that indicates n and respectful ful silence chise violations of law that are so frey nent in this territory and countenanced as uy me amser portion of the lioa the I 1 that this connection lu the ei as one of omission rather tsiun i here is in the public ano ila seii eraSh a win t of the exertion ot these Influence i and calculated to the pupils with the idea that good bip lv avoles oles an unqualified and respect for penal laws polya auy as well as against tender icim to which I 1 refer c inn ot be better described or triau by the statement rande to ine th lust few mantta by alio r uio llon In parted in that or to the of clau government blitte perhaps be anost tally edl it should he l chuyen shap exacted obedience to those law enacted bv congress agalos agal ns alie polygamous condl tl n and vices in etab it would break up the school what on earth doea r V vaut the schools to do he have district teachers haul pupils up and in the presence of the scholars go to vork and argue the question of polygamy with them la ho desirous that teachers should forsake their legitimate calling and convert the scholars into missionaries certainly this gent lemans beal is getting away with his reasoning powers we call the attention of the governor to this case |