Show PAST AND PRESENT TRIALS the persecutions of today to day compared in missouri the following ia from an old volume entitled persecutions of the saints written by apostle P P pratt while confined in richmond jail missouri the author speaking of himself and fellow prisoners says we were now in arched to far west and each one was permitted to po a guard and take a final leave of conr families in order to depart as prisoners to jackson county a distance of some sixty miles this was the trying acene of all I 1 went to my house bein guarded by two or three hie rain was pouring down without ami upon entering my little cottage lay my wife eick with a fever of v aich she had been for some time confined at her breast was an infant three months old and by her side a little gill three years of age these my household no other person belonged to my family on the foot of the same bed lay a woman in travail atho had been driven from her house in alie night and had taken momentary shelter ju my little ant ten feet square my cargor house having been torn down I 1 stepped to the bed she burst into tears I 1 spoke a few worda of comfort tellina her tu try to live for my sake and for sake of her little babes and expressing a hope that we should meet again though years might separate us she to try to live ind though an ape ge parate us we weald live for eacle ther I 1 kissed the little babes and departed till nowa had refrained from bepp ing but to be forced from so helpless a family who were destitute of provisions and fuel in a bleak frame with no one to assist theland the mand expose I 1 to a lawless who were atter etian erB to humanity and this at the approach f winter was more than nature bcd ocd well bear I 1 went to the general m ire and slated the circumstances of my sick heartbroken heart broken rod destitute banut l in terms which would have moved 1 any heart that biad a latent spark of humanity yet remaining butt haa only answered with an exultant faugh und a taunt of triumph from this murd arar As I 1 returned from my house towards the reain body alio were to conduct ua I 1 hajtek with the anard at the door of hyrkin and heard the bobs and groans of his wife at hia parting words asbe was about to be confined in childbirth when lie left her to accompany us As we to the ag saw S rigdon taking leave of ins wife and daughters who stood at a little distance in tears of anguish inexpressible whilst in the waon bat josegh smith while his aged father and venerable mother came up overwhelmed in tears and took all by the hand in the mean time hundreds of the around anxious to take a parting look or a silent shake of the our feelings vera too in tense to allow of speech in the midst of these scenes orders were given and w moved alc aly on a brigade of jackson and van boreri county troops s c 4 the aloyo will of the paints who are now being persecuted a little relief the present hardly as baddis those in the early baysol day sol the Church described bahe late Apostle 6 caps ogawa oy AWA vy va SS u S f ca a ufus i isse |