Show ja AT mm mi READY fajr THE END NO FOR THE RECOVERY OF TUE CROWN PRINCE the royal family resigned to the inevitable BERLIN march 3 the imperial family has ceased to hope for the recovery of the crown prince the first results ortho microscopic examination by prof as communicated to the emperor are unfavorable disclosing traces of cancer the official report of prof will bo delayed until dr makes adf analysis apart from the results of the examination the court despatch os confirm the progress of the symptoms tending toward a fatal issue the occasional appearance of improvement is followed by the renewal of the gravert indications no immediate crisis is expected but it is recognized that a sudden change for the worse may occur at any moment involving death if the disease should be permitted to run its full course the crown prince maybo ablo to return to berlin in may and pass his last days there iho question of the period of his return will be the only subject havin remotest political bearing that will i be discussed during prince william s presence at san bemo and the decision arrived at will depend on the personal inclination of the crown prince himself he has expressed an urgent desire to return to berlin as soon as possible he has stated his intention to the emperor who coinciding with the crown Princ ehas relinquished ed his proposed journey to san bemo the re spites from suf fenig that the crown prince obtains encourage confidence that he able to return to berlin if he is fated to die suddenly at san bemo he has everything ready he has written his will and prepared a political testament for his successor the presence cf william at theVilla nas cheered his mother the princess comments adverse to prince william continue to be heard ii berlin society significance is attached to the fact that none of the family mot him at ban bemo station where he ar arved from genoa in company with ance henry his brother and prof bargmann he was received by the the mayor and the german 0 ahls argement gement ao was due t to the crown prince who sent instructions to prince william at Carls rhue that prince henry with dr bergmann would meet him the ob object being to enable him to gam fuu knowledge of the condition of his father before seeing his mother and sister the crown princess awaited within the villa it is understood that he received the warmest welcome and that many tears were shed during tho interview twenty minutes after his arrival tho crown inn cess alone accompanied him to meet his father during yesterday and today to day prince willia m has been with the grown pance on tho balcony and there was every appearance of cordiality between father and son exports of coolness in their relations are chiefly traceable to french y each other in malicious inventions PT froan Carls rhue pance william obtained a number of drench papers and was excited to auger by the stories in them of his ivash intention toward the crown princeann Prince and hia callous disregard of his fathers sufferings throughout germany the public interest in the news from san bemo grows in intensity the people of berlin awat the dispatches with the same eagerness and agitation as would be shown ilSy the fate of the ration were in progress extra editions are rushed out and papers are excitedly read and discussed bv groups on tho street |