Show relief society anniversary last thursday evening at 7 the anniversary of the belief society of the second ward was held in the assembly boom of that place to which alie I 1 ward was invited to attend and hear alic yearly reports of the secretary and treasurer on the stand were bishop loveless counselors A halladay elder evau president sarah A scott counselors matilda loveless and sarah goodman secretary elizabeth D brown and other officers of the society after partaking of a good picnic the yearly reports were read showing the society to be in a healthy and prosperous condition the evening was spent in appropriate addresses delivered bv the officers mentioned interspersed with leonirs and recitations at 10 the room was cleared of the seats and all took part in dancing until 12 A vote of thanks was tendered prof U E giles for his kindness in furnishing instrumental music for the occasion A general good time was spent and the R S anniversary of 1888 will be remembered by all who attended it |