Show the oft boid story 0 the peculiar medicinal merits c t s parUla is fully confirmed by the tiry testimony 0 thousands who haie tried it peculiar in the combination proportion aaa preparation of its ingredients peculiar in tho extreme care with which it is put ir hoods Sarsa parilU accomplishes cures u other preparations entirely fail becu li tr in the unequalled unequal led good name it lias made at home which Is a tower of strength abroad peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained hoods Is taco most popular and successful medicine before the public today tor purifying the alood giving strength creating an appetite I 1 suffered from wakefulness nd low spirits and also had eczema on the back of my head and neck w aich was very annoying I 1 took one bottle of hoods and I 1 have so much benefit that I 1 am t ery grateful and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine siba J S purifies tho blood henry biggs campbeli Campbe II street kansas city had scrofulous sores all over his body for fifteen years hoods completely cured him wallace buck of north broomfield N Y suffered eleven years n ath a terrible varicose ulcer on ills leg so bad that lie had to give up business he was cured of the ulcer and also of catarrh by hoods sold by all druggists by C I 1 HOOD S CO MAM doses ono dollar ALICK G A 0 kasas attorneys and counselors at law will practice in all the bourn r he territory up main street imo utah BW DRIGGS jr AT LAW AGENCY ROOM 9 C bink prove oita utah B AT LAW OFFICE cosm no if n ink building PROVO CITY UTAH WALTER R PI E M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO OFFICE AT 2 blocks north of depot DR C E from load nj cures saint vitus dane 0 fits all disease Di weakness Wea kuess and impotence by iha loridon treatment agent for uterine bu all aind world adone at alie I figurea Fi eurea gold and amalgam filling a all work warranted to be refunded tho lowest agures for dental wort ever riven anywhere J ENS over room centre street amm mm tiie treatment of CA and chronic diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 years suc experience a specialty PROVO CITY UTAH EXCELSIOR BEAN A THURMAN PROP RS BEEF i lUTTON PORK F nahe FRESHEST JL choicest in town delivered a t iho houses of our patrons promptly OPPOSITE THE COURI HOUSE T effi T AT Js domba large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEF matron AND PORK shop on smoot block opposite meeting house free delivery any part of provo IN THE LEAD always on band iho BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY leave or beni your orders and we will promptly fill them every day we have areah pork sausage the nicest in tha market COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors wet of post offida haliel street HEAL comfortable its location between the court house centre sti andt ahe depot makes it particularly ticul arly convenient to visitors fiest TABLE AND BOOM accommodations abo excelsior hotel is renowned for its comfort and reasonable charges arrangements can be made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D two ti locka south national bank PROVO CITY UTAH ams honse is NOW COMPLETED i newly and supplied with mw including large sample booms etc T BMW huelss conns eting with do have dyspeptic troubles tala floods sarsaparilla which his relieved thousands and will cars yon sold by druggists THE LARGEST WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY of THE ta SOUTH OF SALT LAKE AT JENSEN TAYLORS sae next door to taylor bros farn iture ditore provo LOOK HERE I 1 CM si sa OF ViLLE have al wayon liand M Q T S MARBLE and SANDSTONE GRAVE STONES flome AND REE US WE ARE Ug etling our stock at firt fir t coat and we want the people lr benefited by it all PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution UTAH CO r CT general merchandise agricultural VAO ii amber doors windows ETC T B bupt supt s CLOTHING HATS BOOTS AND SHOES New Prices new styles IATI LATOS CITY ladies will jand there splendid lines of COATS NEW MARKETS JACKETS all classes of woolen goods suitable for the winter season AT and main street salt lake SPANISH OPERATIVE cooperative CO DEALERS IN amm GRAIN FURNITURE 0 ea desoo ts and slices X X X X FAMILY FLOUR ALWAYS ON merchandise hour or grain FILLED ON SHORT JOHN JONES bupt supt MOWERS STAKE LINE 0 BETWEEN to THISTLE AHO FAIRVIEW U T leahm for thistle station on the oar 0 every tuesday and friday at 5 am and arrives at at 1 p m in time for trains leaves lor fairview eveia wednesday and saturday at 9 H m at 5 pm in li meto with the stage at pleasant HENRY MOWER prop pona r y OF BRASS IRON CASTINGS castings for store fronts mill WORK ironwork iron work for ails bridges buildings fences bic manufacturers of utaji valley iron mag gos MINERAL the largest establishment of the kind south of salt lake the very best work guaranteed JOHN DEVEY bupt supt workshops cor L 9 streets form erly known as hall OCR FIBRES REDUCED ON ALL STYLES we have the finest best est furniture in southern utah and keep constantly on hand an elegant line of organs and other musical goods BROS la brovo v I 1 te BI route irn tie east 30 cows in calf aahl 15 E si 5 this breed of cattle are the oldest in the world and the only breed that combines bulls weigh from 1800 to 2800 pounds at maturity cows weigh from 1100 to 1600 pounds at maturity cows give from 50 to 90 pounds of milk per day cows make from 2 to 3 pounds of butter per day if sufficient inducement offers I 1 will bring these 2 car loads to provo I 1 will sell for an average of and credit given at 6 per cent on endorsed notes all cows are in calf and 2 and 3 years old if parties desire any they will please write me at ogden utah I 1 sold 80 of these last season these holsteins are extry choice and I 1 make the price low in order to save expense and time 1 costs no more to feed a good animal than a scrub figure it 10 cows in calf will cost 2250 1 bull will cost total cost returns are 10 calve calvenni sni give for each at 10 months 10 cows will average 16 pounds of butter per week estimated at 1450 for one year 2450 and another crop of calves growing and bull for extra service how is that for profit now YOU figure it on common cattle for yourself holstein cows will give more milk in pounds than their weight every month ROL DB BITTERS the greatest health restorer and inife Pro loneer in DR SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain cure aitor CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DB A specific for gravel aud AH kidney and A female OFFICE E B Shoe bridges drug store centre st prove THE KEEPS AN AMPLE AND OF ready mixed paint PAINT BRUSHES OILS diamond wall anish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND NOTIONS proprietor etoi JAMES jr UK STOCKING YARNS JEANS LI DEALER IM general merchandise CASH PAID FOR WO OL HOMEMADE HOME MADE COFFINS CASKETS of the best and most durable of ROSEWOOD AND FRENCH BURL agency for borne made coffins T s to suit orders by mail telegraph or telephone promptly attended to OH BERG one block north att despot CE ANDER PORTRAIT AT V ILLS FOR THE F LOBAI jl etc of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints S PETERSON undertaker SPANISH FORK CITY UTAH has a fall or undertakers goods or all af Bu quality and in walnut rose cooil ana french burl also home coffins on hainka to order on short notice AU at prices that defy competition cavetta Ca veata and trade maria otte hied and all patent for rees our ohlas opposite V S of fecs we hate no denb agencies i all direct hence can transact patent in tesa time and at less cost than remote trem send model drawing or photo with flon we if or not tree ot charge our fee tul patent 1 A book how to obtain patents ditc refer aneca to actual clients in sotir state comity ci 0 a SNOW co lowik tint BC at any time can be obtained from S jeppersen second ward provo oyer PEOPLE USE a i i 3 sav ud to bo tha largest Seeds men h tha world ito itol l i UT ua SEED ANNUAL for 1833 ind to samsona without ordering it invaluable to al ic E t r 0 act P kl FERRY it addiw GUIDE is issued match and sept each year it Is an encyclopedia otha clo of useful anfor mation for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of life wo can clotho you and furnish you aith tho necessary antl unnecessary appliances to ride tola dance sleep eat elsh hunt work go to church or stay at home and in various sizes styles and quantities just figure out what is required to do all these things comfortably and you can make a fair estimate ogba value of tha GUIDE which will ba sent upon 10 centa to pay postage H calico LAKE view NURS ERYl 50 acres proprietor on the tali central and D E G hallway a one foai th ot a mite from tb after ally limits c proto city utah Otin nty wenty bobr yeara or and experience lo 10 the peculiar eligi eli ui in utah with fruit and ornamental trees I 1 am now prepared to afler to the the i selection ot very best varieties anai will give have also tor sala a collection or tha varieties of efa apples cesira plums peaches ES pana apricots grapes gaa raap ilal plants grcen trees and AT remarkably LOW PRICES mulberry treba for silk specialty V 0 Ai lUre J C bellven Kell ven provo city utah co utah great english keledy murrays Mur rays specific s A cure for all nervous ner as lo 10 diw of braan power hysteria headache rf pain in aba bisk nervous llon weakness aud general loss of power of the sex caused by indiscretion or over exertion and which aall bead to premature old aea insanity and a box afi boxes for 00 sent by mail tah particulars in pamphlet cant sent freeto free to every applicant wf guarantee six boxes f t care any caffi apor every 5 oo 00 anter ym re send alz written antee to remind the money gaar dees not ehert a cure manufacturers addrena aalt taft aclo THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO kansas Cl tyMo t soia in by BB C E v jk |