Show springville Spring ville excellent work seems to be the order of the day in the citizens of that place are doubtless also preparing for the inevitable boom for there ia a united effort on their part just now to put the main of spring vine in first class condition the mer union have donated and the city council for this laudable undertaking besides the D KG railway co have generously give the cf zeus ten days use of their gravel train A and J S boyer have been appointed on behalf of the city and H L on behalf of the union to operate cooperate co with street edwin iee in the direction of the work reward for a better or moe pleasant remedy for consumption bronchial troubles coomb croup and whooping cough than SATA ABIE the california king of consumption every bottle warranted if vou would be cured of chati ingilis ease catarrh use california CAT ft CURE 1 ajar by mail Santa Abia aad pat R cure are bold and war by any druggist y 53 sr s r a t S f ja 3 8 s an absolute cure the ORIGINAL OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce boses and is an absolute cure for old sores barns wounds chapped hands and all ekin eruptions will positively cure all kinds of piles ask for the ORIGINAL OINTMENT sold by all at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents they are clippers we mean those canton clipper plows and harrows at snow brothers personal dr M H hauls returned from salt lake wednesday evening prof T E talmage as progressing favorably bupt supt reed smoot returned from the capital on tuesday J S giles of millard county was in town wednesday edwin lee of visited the garden city on thursday DC F H simmons was a visitor to tha capital this week J has been to salt lake on business we are gratified to learn that irs james dunn is on a fair way toward re covery A tennant of manti made us a pleasant cau today to day he is up here on jury alma greenwood of the fillmore academy has been in provo for a few days arnica salve THE BEST SALVE in tho world for cots bruises sores ulcers salt fever sores setter chapped handt chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively ures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by smoot co he was bat when he boneata bone hta sulky plow from snow brothers he was mado happy all take notice notice the quarterly conference of the ee cef society of utah will le held on friday March in the meet ing house provo city services to commence at 10 a m M ions Pre didenti 0 DANIELS secretary 1 al notice the stake conference of the primary associations will be held iu provo city march the business meeting of alie officers will be held in the priesthood koom at 30 alie conference T ill be held in the meetinghouse meeting house at president louie felt from salt lake will be present the pro gramme will be carried out by the children of provo everybody invited K SHOOT president MARY secretary notice the annual meeting of the stockholders of the first ward pasture co will be held in the basement of the meetinghouse on monday barcli 5 1888 at 7 p m important business to be transacted A full attendance is requested by order of the board S S prest T E farmers attention there will be a meeting of the farmers of provo city held in the fourth ward meetinghouse meeting house on saturday evening march 3 1888 at 7 p m for the purpose of considering the advisability of organizing a farmers association notice the public are hereby reminded thai all cases of contagious or infectious dis eases within the county of utah must be promptly reported to the respective local health Officer sand through them to the county physician milfus H HARDY M D county quarantine physician P 0 box 66 provo city utah public health the public are hereby reminded that all cases of communicable diseases dangerous to alie public health within the quarantine limits of provo city must be promptly reported to the health officer MILTON H hardy M D PO box 66 look here we have just received the finest and most complete stock of the studebaker wagons carriages and buggies that was ever south of salt lake city call and examine before buying elsewhere provo L M B co provo city H bupt supt tue seabon opens W H gray co have BOW hand a large and varied supply of garden seeders cultivators drills harrows plows clippers etc A carload of wagons is expected in daily anything in the way of farming implements clements ts can now be obtained at W H gray cos centre street provo real estate several good bargains in city property vacant lots houses and lots and farms calland see list of property for sale those having property for sale will cad a more ready market by putting it in the hands of agents B no 7 bank building provo look look look east coop co op can undersell everybody in fine velvet trimmings blushes Plus hes braids buttons and astrakhan trimmings immense bargains in ladies coat ilsters Ul Dolman sand jackets etc wanted to let our friends know that we are on hand to do painting and paper banging on short notice H J MAIBES co merchants take notice I 1 have now on hand one ton of the finest peas ever seen in utah and will sell them both wholesale and retail prices given on application J R notice all latter day saints knowing themselves indebted to me will do well to cash up immediately otherwise I 1 will notify them through the local papers f 17 1 m ALES SHAW baker stock will be taken out and fed for the summer commencing april 1 1888 terms reasonable apply to W gilles and george ferre provo mra lm the best cheapest and most cloth saving tailor shop in provo is II 11 C ambroseno Amb have houses and a lot for sale 1 m the east coop co op are making a sacci alty of mens shoes priced for laced buttoned and congress from to J wanted at the east coop co op immediately wild rabbits wild and tame clucks turkeys chickene chic kena butter and agga egga the highest price paid for fat hogs weighing pounds and over at the WEST co OP A carload of wire just received and selling at salt lake prices at EAST COOP CO OP bug yarns assorted colors at EAST COOP CO OP the east coop co op ay iy paying the highest price for lucern seed call and see cheap goods and notions 3 doors west of the bank at T H JOKES cash paid for fat calves by W cox butcher provo 0 undertakers carry a full line of undertakers boods WHOLESALE AND solid walnut rosewood and borl casket and coffina of all silpa the metal caskets orders by dispatch promptly at landed to liberal discount given lo 10 the trade tiro doors north of bank provo city CLUFF BOOTH CO who been east over the great express them selves as pleaded with its elegant equipment und fast time but more particularly with the rates procured through C U agent no 10 windsor block denven write v W fe jt i kaaa Sa Aa DYSPEPSIA S that misery experienced when we sud denly become aware that we possess a diabolical called a stomach the stomach lithe reservoir from which bwy and tissue must bo nourished it Is soon felt out alio whole system amon a dozen dyspeptics no two will have the same pre 1 e mental po a aro to sick headache those flesh constipation while alie thin and ner fusare abandoned romedi skeptics are forgetful others hae areat irritability of temper whatever form dyspepsia may take one thing Is certain the cause is ift the LIVEK and ono thing moro Is equally certain no ono will remain a dyspeptic who will it will correct acidity of the stomach erpel foul gases allay assist digestion and at the same SS alma start the liver to working all oilier troubles soon disappear my wife was a confirmed dyspeptic some three years asa acy the ad ce ot dr steiner of augusta she was induced to arv liver regulator I 1 leel g abail for the relief it has giden her and may all wio read this and are afflicted la anyway her chionio or 0 her wi lieue eue liver Reg and I 1 acl confident health will be restored td to all tc advised wu M fon valley ga see that you set slie with red ja on bof wrapper T n CU pa 1888 1888 PURE BRED AND vivtor FIRST imported from france and en SULTAN 1 will stand for the season ell spanish fort and bobay lu alx Ko will i ati 1 for alie saas n at punish fork od prevo I 1 cach ll r e brilliant aul wul ba with vie torf rth sason briell Bril ll ints i as follow sired by ivanhoe 1 Q by albert who took u int dal at alie calr halt lit in 1873 vis mafry kan dall alio hi borne lio hi andrew jackson he b the 3 heat horlor csori es dam w 11 darn mary IU udal dam fanny fcc sired by Harol Honlon sired by imported l rench and grand dam ed by imported In ported morgan great grand am an amerle in asare is R and handsome ct aillon wh i when dev loped 1560 pounds the season will commence on april ail those who have anies ready becore that date should bring them to spanish fork those at a distance can fand their mares to 1 ore where I 1 he v can be pastured NIELSEN spanish fork TOLLS WELLS CV I 1 am prepared to sink and finish artesian wells ia the best manner cheap and on short notice have a fall set of loois fur my new steam power machine and acan sin kawell JUS CHEAPER thin ANY I 1 UE armitstead ARMITO TEAD w A 3 t H 4 y s spring summer jat m mm m MER AT ba know all liy tee presents M if tove book stationery hot only keep an unlimited stock of OL constantly on hand but we have the agency for the and household sebio machines also a laree stock of hovels poems gift books autograph albums photograph albums stationery legal blanks pocket cutlery Cut lerv purses hand satchels accordions etc etc E tc we are also prepared to receive subscriptions for all foreign and local newspapers and periodicals CALL AND SEE ITS P si WHOLESALE FINE DRUGS CHEMICALS FANCY i TOILET ARTICLES AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTO ALBUMS AN lulal abill faw ALI our display of holiday goods is unsurpassed m variety and cheapness in price TRUSSES homeopathic REMEDIES and a full and complete line of goods as can be found in any Drug store at the lowest market rates store and office opposite meetinghouse meeting house provo city ambesi Am EESi X WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes where limited quantities of waterland Wat erand high heads aro utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made placed on horizons shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of hia form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers JAMES LAFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper the only place in utah and adjo ming territories that is prepared to fill orders for C R 0 C K E RY BY all orders by mail will receive prompt attention P e box 78 PHOTO CITY S 0 SST two or three potters wanted COUCH BALSAM and tar troches are invaluable in every family for cougar Y colds sore throat rand consumption ARNICA SALVE Is every boy warranted for Cuts Burns old 1 piles and sore eyes Noc pay every family should keep a box in their house only 25 cents has no equal stands alone as the GREAT BLOOD FIER and cure for rheumatism no t bold is so fully endorsed 1 by physicians and druggists complete formula printed on each bottle sk foi BROWS SAI and use boother no other P s S JA 4 |