Show worth knowing mr W 5 morgan merchant lake ci y ria was taken with a severe cold attended with a distressing coach and gunnine into consumption in its first stages he tried many so called popular cough remedies and steadly grew worse was reduced in flesh had difficulty in breathing and was unable to bleed bleep finally tried dr kings new discovery for consumption and couo immediate relief and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and hag had no return of tha dis ease ho other remedy can show ao rand a dof cures as dr kinga new discovery for consumption guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it trial Bott lefree at smoot cos drug sacro give them A chance that is to say your lunga alao all your breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it is not only the larger air passages but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them when these aro clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there your lungs cannot half do their work and what they do they cannot do well call it a cold cough croup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions all are bad all ought to be got rid of there 13 just one sure way to get rid of them that is to take Bos chees german which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle even if everything else has failed you you may depend upon thia for certain A convenient extension the following needs no explanation from us publishers CHICAGO february 23 hon P L williams salt lake city utah DEAR SIR I 1 have jagt returned from the east and find conr letter of some days ago on my table agreeably with your suggestion I 1 take pleasure in extending the time of introduction on our books to the schools of your territory to april ast 1st and hope that such notice can be given of it in the papers and otherwise as to make it generally understood throughout the territory very respectfully W J BUTTON hope thia will prove satisfactory to your people W J B beneas her youth miss phoebe cheshev Che Pete raon clay co iowa tells the following remarkable story the truth of chich is couched vouched for by the residents of the town 1 I am 73 years old have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years coul T not dress myself without diep now I 1 am free from all pain and soreness and am able to do all my housework I 1 owe my thanks to elec bitters for having renewed my youth and removed completely all disease and pain try a bottle and 1 at sm oot COB drug store deputy registrars for utah county the of deputy registrars for this have been made as follows t albins G Y myers american fork jag chipman jr benjamin joshua hone cedar fort J W mcfarlin fairfield wm thomas goshen geo white lake view jessie buckner payson W II 11 fairbanks ant grove J M ballinger provo bench newell knight P V junction S C hoot provo R A hills spanish fork J S thomas santaquin San Alex Evana springville Spring ville D C huntington salem W H taylor spring lake W W barnett thistle G A hicks hotel arrivals james A barton manti george park C lasers vardi mcniel salina joseph Ti spanish forkum Fork Wm ic acid banfi john K jle id Orange david hone benjamin J W lewis spanish fork garry S gates F M ivie salina W D brandin lenver john S lindsay luella lindsay kuby lindsay aamir lindsay salt lake city james dan orson cazier gushen gus hen roid wife and hild smith wm H hyda louie billip broeder Sc L 0 lawrence spanish fork alexander and bello tennant lanti A celebrated case this piece waa only fairly performed by the lindsay company on wednesday night last in the theatre of course mr lindsay yag equal to the character 0 jean remma his impersonation being grand and effective ona or two exceptions the support was far below the average of an amateur performance certainly mr Li ligday uday deserving c better support and the justly famois drama of A celebrated case merits different treatment than it received here on wednesday night small pot A member of my family was taken down with the small pax I 1 immediately commenced to use prophylactic fluid the atmosphere of the room pure and fresh patient was greatly relieved and never for a moment delirious was not pitted and was about the house again in three weeke and no others had it JAME W hankinson PAn KiNSON ED the caterer phila pa Spring garnr just arrived at JONESS those beautiful dreda goods see then at JONESS ladies hoso misses hose chelda hose at asu gest and best selected stock of goods ever offered by us new cheap and durable bale SL e SS 1 l a Q st tte all sori of potion mr W F daley of the brooklyn elevated railton Rail tod writes inflammatory rheumatism swelled lay legs and arms twice their natural alzo I 1 gaffer cd excruciating pain your won aeiful S S 8 mode a completo cure major sidney herbert editor of tha cultivator and dixie atlanta ga writes 1 I have fully tested the virtues of swift specific both aa a rheumatism cure and a tonic it has done even more than its proprietors claim for it mr michael long jr with the lithographic co ohio writes 1 I suffered for two years with a terrible itching and painful sores op my neck arms hands and fingers no physician could help me B S S relieved me perfectly and I 1 feel alilce a new man mrs amanda englc of gastonia H C writes my baby when four months old developed hira he had two severe risings find sores on the neck 1 sent for our family who pronounced it scrofula nd prescribed S S S for it I 1 gava the baby S S S and i s on got abo disease auder cout zol the bores are healed and the baby is well and healthy I 1 lenow S S B saved it life and I 1 told conr doctor so he is a regular physician S S S for abo baby aa eoon 68 he saw it had scrofula treatise on and skin disease nailed free THE co drawer 3 ablat At lat GA the prisoners having served the terms of imprisonment to which they vi ere sentenced for unlawful cohabitation anre fiote the pen wednesday upon paying fines and costs aa follows J A marchant geoa peoa 85 isaac buddle marion william blood M fisher mill creek henry south jordan in addition t the fine isaac riddle bad costs to the amount of assessed against binm and it will be left for the courts to decide whether or not he should pay that amount prudence prudence in medication as aught else prudence should be oar guide yet thousands cast it to the winds jevery new nostrum finds its patrons the medical empirics of every false school have their eulls eul ls every change an the gamut of humbug iff rung successfully for a time at least the notes being furnished by the credulous in happy contrast to the many advertised impostures im postures of the the day stand Hostet tera stomach bit tp rs now in its third decade of popularity approved and recommended by physicians sic ians endorsed indorsed indor sed by the press of many lan ds sou arid prized by invalids everywhere isan ascertained specific for and siu diseases chronic complaint d u constipation checks the growth of rheumatism and neuralgia isa peerless and useful diuretic nervous people benefit by it the Ipe seret telegraph company has made its rate from salt lake to all parts of san pete county 50 cents and to sevier county 60 cents to take affect march ast 1st this will be of interest to the business public EO A LOW SALT LAKE CITY UTAH G agent for ROCKY MOUNTAIN WAGON moline and other makes of first class 1 spring wagons bunot W motifs fetn cissell chilled plows planet garden cultivators seeders etc sulky hay eakes aspinwall potato planters acme harrows evano harrows buckeye mowers and readers reapers Re apers buckeye cord binders haines candolph Ean dolph headers advance threshing machines minnesota chief threshers Thre ames steam engines leffel turbine wheel saw mills shingle mills and wood working machinery bakers barb wire A full lino of buggies boad carts and harness m ema 8 ibe stage between and will run s FURTHER leaving eureka dnn santaquin San on SUNDAYS cmok A one stae will leave another aan connecting at gobuen in time slades will connect same day ellb passenger north aiom riom aaita abia aud trill kes you through to eureka at 4 pm stages leave at 10 a m sun days Tuesdays and thursdays Thur J V ES half Bloc kWest co op centre street provo utah r JOHN gilfer proprietor clean comfortable and well aired kooms strictly first cias accommodations RATES REASONABLE 8 A fina commodious sample room special bates to weekly boarders hacht connections with al U C and D K 0 trains AND business done on a strictly cash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices W A at 3 sa X wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat and skins THE GOOD IN LATELY OWNED BY W 0 EESLEY HAS NOT but having purchased the same consisting of shoes hardware groceries cod fish herrings sausages bologna nuts candy oranges figs etc etc will sell for cash we give acts worth for and ask for a share of your patronage call and see if we do as we say CEO TAYLOR PROVO any scrip sir beesley may have out win be taken as cash by us within thirty davs carriage and ansy Kep airm neatly lio i all work warranted 21 1 ra 8 inch 30 inches between weight alb ha face claie combination chuck one first c ass slide set oe toos also 3 llund rests and tools far wood the head stock baa a 3 cone lo 10 2 inch cell driving wheel about 76 ibs all in first clasa order SPEAK QUICK ALL FOR ADDRESS T PROVO r our stock of is unsurpassed aliis department is replete in every respect our is well supplied with goods our purpose being to have everything on hand to met the demands of our extensive trade the departments are filled with everything needful we have afine line of CAPS ETC our stock of is gagain enlarged we carry the best cook ing and heating stoves in the market if you want fine and cheap goods call at the east coop co op where you will find a large assortment to select from A HARRIS bupt supt TO ac 00 importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of As pine a stock of goods as housein house in attah we carry a full and complete line of the following goods anre Ini gai medicines boilet articles Art iclet binmond Din mond 3 yes brushes mirrors Clia mois Sst tins JF aricy articles trusses a I 1 varnish ef J Eti inta oils etc prescriptions flad RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARED AT ALL HOURS we make our purchases from the largest and most reliable drug houses iri america and can therefore sell as low as any house in utah thanking the public for their liberal patronage in the past and hy fair and courteous treatment in the future we hope to merit a continuance of the same RICHARDS CO smoot block centre street prove abia manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames doors stairs stair railia Rai liu lusters balusters Ba posts and brackets and retail dealers in Treis his sash cord door locks hinges screws elc ec of the celebrated studebaker bros make S SS kr C sa we manufacture and keep constantly on hand the celebrated fenced composed of 6 8 10 combination or annealed steel gah ionized rod wire with 44 pickets at prices from per centa to od iod i per saulny the farmers per mile more than Office and factory opposite IL C E K depot W R H bupt ogden utah WHOLESALE druggists mis guarantee legitimate prices 1 YOUR ORDERS ARE SOLICITED DEW DROP restaurant os ipsas M AT ALL fene OT CAK C constantly ON SAND I 1 sy 14 blocks ast of bank corner CENTRE STREET PROVO JOHN HA fiDia prop S |