Show FOUR acore NEW stites dakota and new mexico by a strict party vote the house committee on territories last thursday agreed to report favorably chairman springers omnibus bill to enable no people of dakota montana washington territory and new mexico to form constitutions and state governments and be admitted into the union on an equal footing with the original states tho republicans will present a minority report in opposition the bill authorizes the residents of these territories to elect delegates to a convention proportionate in number with the population of the counties the apportionment or delegates to be made by the governor chief justice and U S attorney of each territory and the election to be held on the tuesday after the first monday of next august the number of delegates to each convention is fixed at 75 except in the case of da tota where the number is they are to meet at the seat of government of each territory on the second tuesday in september next adopt the constitution of the united states and form constitutions and state governments es pressly disclaiming in favor of the united states all title to the publio lands and the indian lands lying within the territories the are also required to assume the territorial debts and provide and maintain a public school system the constitutions are to be submitted to a vote of the people on the tuesday after the first monday in november nest and if a majority are in favor of it the result shall be certified to the president of the united states until the next general census the new states with the exception of dakota are to be ono representative senta tive each in the house of beare senta tives dakota to be allowed two representatives those are to bo elected on the same day with the governor and other state officers sections 16 and 36 of land in each township or an equivalent are granted to each new state for school purposes fifty entire sections are granted for the erection of public buildings ninety entire sections are apportioned for agricol enral colleges and five per cent of the proceeds of sales oi public lands in the new states is to be paid into the fund for the support of their common schools other large grants of public lands are also proposed to be made specifically for the benefit of schools mines chri table and educational institutions and water works and for irrigation appropriations of are provided for montana washington and new mexico and for dakota defray to the expenses of the conventions after the acceptance of ane lr t is S p e i S A V s s KB k a J C HP T satt SW tt t legislatures are to meet and elect two senators from each stare and when each state is admitted into the union by special act of congress the senators and representatives are to be admitted to seats in congress and the state governments become operative the bew mexican convention is also to consider the question of a change in the name of new mexico to Montezuma and the washington convention is to submit to the people a proposition to name the new state tacoma washington feb 24 springer reported adversely from the committee on territories the bills for ho admission of borth and south dakota as separate states and babor of new york presented the minority report on the bame measure washington feb 25 in the mom ing hour springer of illinois under instruction from the committee on territories called up the bill for the organization of the territory of oklahoma and it was considered in ohp committee of the whole mcmillan 0 tennessee in the chair the hour was consumed by mr mansur of missouri in a speech in favor of the measure |