Show IN THE JUSTICES COURT charley basse tt and sam moore re ceide a legal airing charley a professional printer and hotel waiter present engaged in the much more healthy calling of a tramp appeared before justice booth yesterday morning and on a complaint being read to him in which was contained the charge of feloniously stealing a pair of pants belonging to heber har plead not guilty the evidence showed that the pants belonged to heber harrison aad that thy were found on the outside of the defendant who said be from some stranger whose name place of residence occupation or complexion could not be learned he will board at the expense of the county for five days next on the docket was samuel A moore who answered to the appellation app elation of defendant charged with throwing a stone through the plate glas of IS hines brug stored his cacere minded a big jawed ateer it waa afterwards explained as to the probable cause thereof that mr hines upon defendants intimating that a certain near relative of that was of the canine species of alie feminine gender found the defendants face with his fist after the evidence waa in ilie court took matter under this morning justice booth rendered a vr dict of not guilty the glass was broken abent 2 or 3 on tuesday morning by soma person unknown it was an expensive break for mr hines as the glai s cost it exhibits a of vandalism that deserves punishment but it as not prove I 1 at the alil to be mr moore who did the breaking he was drunk when the difficulty occurred |