Show NO MANS LAND when the house committee on territories ri mr springer the chairman in an interview with a press representative said referring io the chances and probabilities of tho admission of some of alie territories as states and alie idea some possessed that a territory must have a certain population to qualify it for admission the admission of a new state cannot be done on a mere application or any mere arithmetical basis somehow the impression lias got abroad that a territory must have a certain population to qualify it for admission some put it at and some at and some at and I 1 have been it placed at as high as in then I 1 have seen it laid down eliat alie population required to qualify a territory for statehood was just alie population which in the apportionment tion ment of representation g ts one member in the house of representatives but all theories are entirely fanciful ami arbitrary there is no law no rule nd no custom about it alie admission of a new state is the legislature it is the power of congress to erect no mans land into a state jid admit it to the union there is no census qualification prescribed the state of illinois was admitted when she had less than population dakota has over now the congress in its discretion may exclude dakota and may admit no maus land without doubt to a great many people it is a matter of surprise to learn that there is such a province under the shadow of the american flag as no mana land it will only be found under that name on the older maps it is the disputed strip of country north of the pau handle of texas whose inhabitants recently held a convention and elected officers A territorial delegate lias been to washington to ask for a seat in congress and admission for their section into alie united states as the territory of cimarron the name is derived from uio largest river which flows through the proposed territory this land appears on the maps at the interior department as public landa it a parallelogram thirty milea wide larger than the state of Delaware Sand nearly as large as new jersey it is bounded on alie north by colorado and kansas ou alie east by indian territory on the south by texas and on the west by I 1 uw mexico the cimarron eiver rises near its northwestern boundary and empties into the arkansas eiver in the indian territory Terri toy territory came into the possession of the united states in 1819 under what is known as the florida treaty with spain by which treaty we secured florida but lost Texas the proposed territory of cimarron is the most symmetrical division of the united states not far to the south of it ip texas and new mexico is the high table land known as the llano estocado estacado Esta cado or staked plains which forms the eastern base of the bocky mountains and rises to the height of over 2000 feet the vote of alie new delegate will be democratic |