Show NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF C S land office aalt lake city utah may notice I 1 hereby alven that the oU named settlers have filed notice of their anten alon to make final proof in support of their claims and that said proofs will be made before the judge or in hia absence tb clerk ct the county court el utah county n T at the county cobit houseas prove 1 on july 6 1889 viz charles E alien H E no for the W S W sec 23 and 8 y S E 14 SC 22 tp SS R 3 E he names the following witnesses to prova his continuous residence upon and cultivation of eald landvik land viz joseph B stevenson mark M alfield Fl field ozra floied Fl fied samuel Bram all ol 01 utah county utah any person who desires to protest against the allowance proof or who knows of any substantial reason under the law and the regulations of the interior it should not be allowed will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross examine tue witness and to oner evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant t je 28 D WEBB booth it auson aters for claimant |