Show AT LAW orrice 7 banac building CITY UTAH 0 als a Ls attorneys and counselors Conns elors at law will in A I 1 ahw berri oinie in brlek her lalu brcci brovo itah F F REED RESIDENT f DENTIST no 10 bank building UTAH V AT THE PROVO ie doing a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEP Ml AlD PORK shop on sinott block opposite house free delivery tn any part of pro yo A full line of imported coffins of all sizes and fine finish with all necessary trimmings etc kept constantly on hand ea 5 pleasant grove utah orders by mail telephone or other wipe promptly filled DEW DROP restaurant 0 A IH MEALS AT ALL HOURS FINK assortment OV AND OTHER ON HAND I 1 sy 12 blocks west of bank corner CENTRE STREET JOHN prop TUB mm STAGE ifie stage between and cureka will nn TR IW 33 ea K I 1 2 INSTEAD OP daal Y UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving euretha and on TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SUNDAYS OF WICK if one taie wll leave eureka and another connecting at bosben in time abr dinner atases will connect same liv l iv with going north from cbanta gelyon through 4 1 ni citak s icae at 10 a m sun jays jr v broo catali just fitted with arsi class modern improved machinery 5 X 0 TT bet ash pries gaii for shorts and bran all kinds of GRAIN FEED KEPT ON HAND free delivery to all parts of the city w chiw v irvy manager correspondence solicited 0 estt deceived DECE TvED PROVO L M B CO still continues to handle ALL ORDERS BY TELEPHONE no 20 or left at the provo east and west coop co op stores will receive prompt attention en utah WHOLESALE n we guarantee legitimate YOUR ORDERS ABE SOUGHED hoods sarsaparilla is peculiar to il aalf and superior to all other preparations in strength economy and medical merit 0 one of the finest private residences in washington glon will be the one that is now being remodeled by senator hearst it is a double house in the col lonial stylo and was formerly occupied by secretary fairchild beauty Is desired and admired by all among thac things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use of ayera hair vigor no matter what the color of the hair this preparation gives it a lustre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm should alio hair be thin harsh dry or turning gray ayers vigor will restore the color bring out a new growth and render the old soft and shiny for keeping the scalp clean cool and healthy there is no better preparation in the market I 1 am free to confess that a trial of ayers hair vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article ilg uso has not only caused tho hair of my wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy but it has given my rather stunted mustache a respectable length and appearance K britton oakland ohio my hair waa coming out without any assistance from my wife either I 1 tried ayers hair vigor using only one bottle and I 1 now have as a head of hair as any one could wish for K T dicksoh Dick sou tonn I 1 have used ayers hair vigor in my family for a number of years and regard it as alio best hair preparation I 1 know of it keeps the scalp clean the hair soft and lively and preserves tho original color my wife has ased it for a long time with most satisfactory results benjamin M johnson M D thomas hill mo my hair was becoming harsh and dry but after using half a bottle of ayers hair vigor it grew black and glossy I 1 cannot express the joy and gratitude I 1 feel mabel C hardy ayers hair vigor PREPARED BY dr J C ayer co lowell mass sold by druggists and perfumery perfumers ers IN OFFICE ard 3rd door south of post office TELEPHONE no 33 manufacturers ot STEAM ENGINES BOILERS PUMPS BRASS IRON CASTINGS CASTINGS foit STORE FRONTS MILL WORK FOR JAILS BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS WROUGHT CAST FENCING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OF pluming gas and steam fitting attended to manufacturers and Dealers in STEAM HEATERS FOB PUBLIC PRIVATE DEVEYS PATENT IRON WHEEL FOH MINERS FARMERS CASH PAID FOR OLD CAST IRON half block west of west coop co op P 0 box steam engines and water wheels has no equal stands alone as the GREAT S and cure for rheumatism so so fully endorsed by physicians and druggists complete formula eted on each bottle LA ise no other BROWNS AND GINGER i acknowledged to be the best remedy for diarrhoea and ala bowel complaints it contains the active 01 jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined aroma bics tics making it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by fk als X S WATER designed for ai purposes where limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel made being solaced on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts nd all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction aa well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe boses free oi cost bv applying to the manufacturers baies LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper BEFORE GOING EAST TO arch s ca 1 provo city atah E 0 box 17 IMPORTERS flab OF suffolk punch english shire and cleveland bay horses and shetland ponies horn and holstein cattle we ha fo the largest and finest of pure bred horses west of the missouri aie second to none in the debt stock for sale at all times at ON visitors Wel coine correspondence invited this association has special features insuring larger and more constine con profits than afforded by any other single association ahe borrower is a shareholder share holder and a profit sharer you need not die to win shares are not forfeitable forfeit able no extra assessments possible I 1 money tor six percent interest per annum abe profits from your stock i educing six per beut to about lour pe cent per annum by investing Invest ins ia the AMERICAN BUILDING ayi LOAN association faither particulars inquire of F W C special agent for utah coulty address pro TO fefa 1889 TRAINS LEAVE P M A fal juab at and t santaquin San pay son at spanish fork at t pj oveat lt lake view at P grove at 8 15 amer fork at t e 6 at 1000 trains leave salt lake at a m and pm arriving in provo at a m and p m trains leave salt lako for ogden at am and pm JO SHARP gen superintend ant FRANCIS COPE Is the place to get the CHOICEST and CHEAPEST MAT in town with all the latest cuts FRESH KEAT EVERY CORNING orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts of the city bl aw ilice 3 mu 10 fit av rolva OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE tended to for SIO FEES our office t opposite the U S patent office and we can w tain patents in less time than those remote w washington send MODEL or PHOTO of invention we advise as to ability free and we make AO cluess PATENT IS SOT circular advice terms and references actual clients in hate county city or town viita to i CA Off WM |