Show NOTICE I 1 have in my possession the follow ing described animals impounded for trespass one bay mare 3 or 4 years old silt in left ear and apper slope in right ear branded MB on left shoulder and right thigh une bay mare 4 or 5 years old branded resembling on left shoulder shon lder and thigh one bay mare 4 or 5 years old shod on front feet branded C on left thigh and ja J a on left hip one red cow 6 or 7 years old holo and swallow fork in right ear branded 27 on right bip costs oa said animals ba not paid fifteen days from date rf this notice they will be sold to the highest cash at clinton utah county the ad day of july 1889 dated at thistle precinct utah onney on nty territory of etab this day of june SIVa ELMAN ol 01 said precinct |