Show lelii WE are now certainly both learning and proving how smal 1 a quantity of water can be got along with for where in times past we had a stream for each ditch and a turn each two weeks we now have b it one stream for four ditches each ditch take it in turn in consequence of th s scarcity a leifi area than common is farmed this season SOME eastern buyers of wool have been seen on our streets proving that w ool is no drug in the market this year but we liepe in our own interests inte resti that our factories will have a fair show as selling wool an I 1 buying shoddy cloth is not the best way to build up a country THE D R G W R R have com mence dwork widening their track also straightening their road at the point of alie mountain this work has drawn off all of our surplus hands and will circulate quite an of the needful CROP such is grain luy lu y and lucern are fair despite alie great scarcity of water and tho fact also that whilst copious rains were reported lately from both north and south of us lehi wag not so blessed as early in alio field aid for alie by the great flood in pennsylvania was the total amount raised for their aid WE are thankful for health all dangerous diseases having disappeared with the cold snaps of winter and spring oun committee of arrangements for july fourth are already appointed and the pro gramme partially out THE prospects for a fruit crop aspeci 1 ally ap and peaches are immense SHEEP is about through with wool and cambs iambs a fair crop CITIZEN LEUI june |