Show CWT CALENDAR THE FEBRUARY TERM ONE HUNDRED CIVIL CASES DOCKETED thirty eight unlawful cohabitation apfl adultery cases OFFICERS OP THE COVET hon H P henderson judge presiding HH henderson clerk B bachman jr deputy cleric george S peters united states attorney Ogden Hiles david evans assistants john E hills united states commissioner frank BL dyer U S karsnal Mar charles N bedfield Eed field W 0 norrell FG hudson J B mclellan deputies thomas fowler court crier wm P bennett A M laird HL evans W T holland bailiffs ATTORNEYS S B thurman george sutherland david evans B W driggs jr W N dusenberry booth brown sutherland provo wm ik manti william creer spanish fork D S dana JS ureka henry adams milner nephi W zabriskie ephraim jacob johnson spring city william H king abs 8 giles fillmore ockrie frisco WI snyder park city bennett kirkpatrick bradley sheeks hawlins sutherland mcbride arthur brown darko S H jlewis 0 S varian marshall boyle hall young WH dickson woods hoffman C EL gilchrist H R wattrous E B critchlow hoge burmester le grande young S A kenner W van cott salt lake city L K rogers P H emerson J N kimball george J marsh ogden LAW AND MOTION silas aeed vs george pearson et al demurrer to complaint arthur brown for plaintiff sutherland mcbride for defendants eureka hill mining company vs bullion beck champion mining co motion to dissolve bennett kirkpatric bradley dickson arthur brown J G sutherland others john Q packard vs bullion beck champion co motion tor injunction bennett kirkpatrick bradley dickson arthur brown JG sutherland and others isaac li lyon vs thomas davis demurrer to complaint george sutherland booth brown isaac li lyon Vs geo T peary et al demurrer to complaint S B thurman D evans hoge burmester john creen vs hawkeye mining company demurrer to complaint P H emerson J G sutherland sutherland mcbride united states vs S S jones demurrer to complaint W dusenberry S R thurman geo sutherland booth brown ignited states vs S S jones demurrer to complaint WN dusenberry and others united states vs S 6 jones de to complaint W N dusenberry and others 0 P bockwell vs E covert efa al motion for commitment S E thurman ale grande young booth brown B G Eay bould vs alex thornton motion to strike from files amended complaint sutherland mcbride W K dickson P H emerson united states vs W N dusenberry efa al demurrer to complaint Davi dEvans david williams vs david J williams co demurrer to complaint S E thurman george sutherland sutherland mcbride eureka hill mining co vs bullion beck champion mining co da complain Bennett sirk patric and bradley arthur brown bullion beck california mining co vs john Q packard etal demur er to complaint arthur brown bennett bradley andoh dirkson Dijk son B G Eay bould vs the price mercantile company et al demurrer to complaint sutherland mcbride W H dickson arthur brown E B critchlow giles bowler vs samuel demurrer to complaint patrick the people vs gabriel huntsman i demurrer to indictment S E man george sutherland kingston co vs barr brown demurrer to complaint davic evans george sutherland S E thurman A G sutherland babe berglund vs Oscar borglund motion william K arthue brown buth IL Kinsey vs J C 0 glanfield demurrer to complaint 0 S varian marshall boyle willial hing vs utah central by co demurrer fo complaint S B thurman W EL king le grande young Bichard Brereton vp nels C sen to complaint evans sutherland stacee cluff motion for contempt S B thurman A beoda mr Y Witty 9 ax roberts etal complaint S B faz Ct eorge T al motica d aam john beilner 1 united states js thomasb culler unlawful for griat foien ra states vs i lawful cohabitation berry set y I at 1 fr ft united states vs 0 N dorius unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial for feb the people etc vs henry nelson grand larceny booth brown set for trial on february the people etc vs marion drapery grand larceny booth brown set for trial on february united states vs john buchanan unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb united states vs richard hall sr unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb the people etc vs N J fairbanks rape A G sutherland set for trial on feb the people etc vs charles aured et al grand larceny jacob johnson S B geo sutherland set for trial on feb the people etc vs calvert allred et al grand larceny jacob johnson S Ej Thurman geo sutherland set for trial on feb the people etc vs joseph S bagley misdemeanor set for trial on feb united states vs thomas harding unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb states vs J P E johnson unlawful cohabitation S K thurman and geo sutherland set for trial united states vs william clyde unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb united states vs frank 0 boyer unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb united states vs harvey H cluff unlawful cohabitation S E thurman geo sutherland and W N dusenberry sen berry set for tri alon feb the people etc vs babriel huntsman battery S E thurman and geo sutherland set for trial on feb united states vs william T unlawful cohabitation S B thurman geo sutherland and W N dusenberry sen berry set for trial on joeb the people etc vs james W crisp assault weapon etc set for trial on feb united states va david broadhead unlawful cohabitation S R thur and geo sutherland set for trial an feb united states vs george farns unlawful cohabitation S E Thu onan geo sutherland anaw N dusenberry set for trial on feb united states vs james JL atimer unlawful cohabitation W N dusen beny set for trial on feb the people etc vs snelson forgery set for trial on feb the people etc vs samuel singleton grand larceny set for trial on feb vs robert T king unlawful cohabitation S B thurman geo sutherland and W N dusenberry sen berry set for trial on feb vs charles P axtell murder hoge burmester set for trial on feb united states vs Frederick Weight unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry set for trial on feb the people etc vs soren chris set for arri on march ast 1st the jpe aple elci vs james gunderson J grand larceny jacob johnson set for trial on march the people etc vs joseph swazey feloniously marang sheep geo sutherland and S B thurman set for trial on march ast 1st chii people etc vs hyrum K polk et a grand larceny S B thurman geo sutherland and W N du benberry sen berry set tor trial on march ast 1st united states vs F W christen david evans the people etc vs dennis oconnor voluntary manslaughter ben nett kirkpatick bradley george sutherland and S E thurman the people etc vs timothy D sullivan murder bennett ricly and bradley george sutherland S E thurman united states vs george W gee unlawful cohabitation S E thurman george sutherland W N duzenberry people etc david S king rape B W driggs jr united states vs charles mccarty adultery S E thurman george sutherland W N dusenbory Dusen bony united states vs john C graham unlawful cohabitation S E thurman georga sutherland W N r states vs elmer taylor unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry george sutherland S E thurman united states va mary E J taylor fornication W N dusenberry united states vs david udall unlawful habitation john B adner united states vs elmer taylor adultery WN dusenberry S E georgo sutherland united states vs jesse gardner unlawful cohabitation W N dusen borry united states vs loveridge unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry united states vs henry G boyle unlawful cohabitation W N dusenberry S E egeo sutherland vs S jones unlawful cohabitation W N dusen bersy states vs A 0 uc lawful cohabitation W N dusen berrti S B thai man geo sutherland united states TS marintha icove ridge perjury W N S jl thuirman thi irman geo sutherland f the people etc TS daod da od B broadhead S K gaorge sutherland the people etc vs worthy nash grand larceny george sutherland k united states vs george fi unlawful cohabitation W N anen berry t va rahn jacbo mil 1 wi Dusen dusenberry beary r t vs arabella maeh ley W boyle adultery jw dusenberry sib states vs georga t perjury JB Milner 0 united S totes vs george jagers fornication booth brown united S sates vs phoebe hollands states vs jacob unlawful N dusenberry the people etc vs william daniels appeal S E thurman D evans sutherland mcbride the people etc vs william H manhart appeal S E thurman D evans george sutherland the people etc vs james holly appeal S IL thurman george sutherland booth brown the people etc vs nelson A evans appeal S E thurman B W driggs jr william creer spanish fork city vs morgan hughes appeal S E thurman george sutherland A G sutherland provo city vs C E appeal S B thurman and george sutherland david evans provo city vs R S hghes appeal S S thurman and george sutherland david evans A G sutherland provo city vs C E appeal S R thurman and george I 1 sutherland david evans american fork city vs samuel dean appeal S B thurman george sutherland AG sutherland payson city vs john clayson appeal S RT hurman george sutherland booth and brown springville Spring ville city vs isaac fordon appeal SE thurman george sutherland david evans the people etc vs john freckleton appeal henry adams D S dana spanish fork city vs thomas jarvis appeal SE thurman george sutherland and william creer hoge burmester fillmore city vs james george appeal sutherland CIVIL CALENDAR benjamin bachman vs edward fuel S K thurman george sutherland booth brown william P bendott Ben nott vs M efa al george sutherland sheeks hawlins omer call et al vs joel grover et al marsh D evans S R thurmal Thur maa bullion beck and champion mining co vs john Q packard arthur brown J G sutherland and others bennett kirpatrick and bradley and others eureka hill mining co vs bullion beck and champion mining co bennett kirpatrick and bradley and others arthur brown J G sutherland and others john Q packard vs the bullion beck coben n eaf kirkpatrick ana bradley and others arthur brown J G sutherland and others D adana etal vs H W lawrence et at woods hoffman and dana OK gilchrist A G sutherland lehi irrigation co vs stephen embyle et al sheeks kawlins and S R thurman arthur brown AG sutherland stephen et al vs lohi irrigation co arthur brows A G sutherland sheeks ballins ands R thurman geo sutherland administrator of the estate of jomes bobbins vs don 0 sagers geo sutherland P H emerson grant odell co vs joseph A thompson booth brown S B thurman fc george sutherland john W smith vs nels 0 nelson S B thurman D evans and geo sutherland booth brown albert ubel et al ve D B dana A G sutherland sheeks ballins Baw lins john baker vs Desere fc silver mining company H emerson david evans and S E thurman andrew nielsen vs william jenning S B thurman liams young george A J C snow et al D evans S p thurman W N dusenberry booth brawn united states vs solomon edwards et al george marsh william lloyd vs isaac jones S E thurman david evans and william creer sheeks in the matter of the estate of lovi F pritchett deceased jacob johnson for appellant appeal from probate court david evans and S K thurman for respondents the bullion beck champion mining co vs F 31 morris arthur brown bennett bradley united states vs john turner bonnet kirpatrick bradley united states vs H smith et al S E thurman charles crane vs B watts efa al thurman george sutherland bonbon P miller vs hiram wilson et al H E wattrous A G sutherland S E thurman D evans david broadhead et al vs uriah coleman A G sutherland george sutherland henry adams hoge burmester Bur john creen vs the hawkeye mining co P H emerson W Y snyder sutherland Mo Bride christian G Uhn stensen vs peter C barrison et al jacob jahnson A 0 sutherland george sutherland john G holman vs andera A johnson george sutherland B W driggs S B thurman 0 P flanders vs chas patten et al S B tharman george sutherland david evans united states vs carl J borea billmore rill more operative cooperative co mercantile institution vs mary ii C holt william king P Iio chrie silas heed vs geo pearson etal A G sutherland Ji ennett kirkpat rick bradley horace holt vs the indiana ilive stock company T evans S B Thun nan jamas neim charles tt Titz patrie k vs alfred jonnson george sutherland booth brown 3 MC Cran dallet al vs jaah crockwell Cro clwell et al S H thurman D evans george sutherland shocks heber and susanah ys Arinio bedford appeal V m u 3 sf jl land S E thurman woods I 1 hoffman isaac 0 abegg vs william M ormond appeal B W driggs jr george sutherland therland bu united states vs J E mccauslin et al S E sutherland 0 P bockwell vs E covert et al S E thurman booth brown ole J jacobsen vs henry beal ot al george sutherland S B thurman jacob johnson louis andersen vs S J golding default entered jacob johnson sophia andorson vs lars anderson divorce booth brown B W driggs jr H woodruff vs C lyons appeal S W darke AG sutherland eurela hiu mining co vs the bullion beck champion mining Co coah WH dickson bennett kirkpatrick bradley arthur brown eureka hill mining co ve the bullion beck champion mining coah dickson bennett kirkpatrick bradley arthur brown axel einarsen vs don carloa sagers jacob johnson Davi dEvans thomas vs william H patten S E Thura aan george sutherland david evans D M mcmurphy et al ys A marks et al appeal george sutherland S E thurman aj E rogers david broadhead vs cyrus footo et al george sutherland S E thurman david evans W H dickson christina mclain vs william mclain divorce booth brown david evans gabriel huntsman vs fillmore city P H emerson S E thurman geo sutherland shocks baw lins W N dusenberry W H king john sullivan vs jere D sullivan etal appeal D S dana david evans st Y vs william jex et al george sutherland S E thurman arthur brown william breor william D roberts et alvs joseph D jones george sutherland D evans and S B thurman george E thompson vs white sons S E thurman and george sutherland legrande young caroline debits vs george jdewitt divorce william K joseph baumgarten vs bou kofsky S H lewis W I 1 snyder frederick petersen vs joseph wightman david evans george sutherland and S E thurman alfred dunkley vs frank michat ton et el A G sutherland B G Eay bould et al vs joseph gabaon et al george sutherland and S E thurman D S dana I 1 fillmore city vs gabriel huntsman sheeks hawlins and W Is dusenberry thurman george Sutherland Land P SL emerson james walsh co vs isaac abr donski george sutherland S E thurman david evans W H farrar vs martha P farrar divorce S A kenner and B W driggs jr spanish fork operative cooperative co institution ta clars 0 lawrence booth Brow irand S E thurman A G sutherland giles bowler vs samuel W van cott bennett kirkpatrick bradley gelia jacobsen vs john jacobsen divorce george sutherland and S E thurman milner Wash bume chipman vs joseph swazey appeals jacob Johnson Geo sutherland and S E thurman jessie huntsman vs peter huntsman divorce S E thurman and george sutherland william H king L A scott eliott vs geo C whittmore et al 0 S varian hoge burmester herbert bate vs american fork city et al W H dickson and D evans george sutherland S E thurman and J G sutherland goulda austin vs james amp man booth brown george sutherland and S E thurman babe berglund vs oscar berglund divorce william K arthur brown F K morris esy bullion beck california co bennett kirkpatrick ab arthur brown adelina B vs Eo bertiL bybee william K alien G campbell hall marshall jane B young vs henry J young divorce david evans henry adams JI case machine co vs zebedee coltrin et al marshall boyle J I 1 case machine co geo T et al marshall boyle john B milner ezra W penny et al vs william H manhart W H king S E thurman david evans george sutherland vs william doll divorce david evans joseph broadhead vs cyrus footo et al george sutherland and S E thurman david evans henry adams eva adams vs alexander adams divorce booth brown martha E dark vs isaac dark J EJ Booth sutherland nells B johnson vs joseph S beesley sutherland joseph C patten vs james wilson adelbert Bober tp et C E cheever vs joseph morgan et al sutherland maxoy |