Show v printed and published by THE COMPACT entered atthe postoffice Post office at provo city for through the mails as second class friiss february 23 A scrap of paper sie herline Her LiTe it was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper but it saved her life she was in the last stase of consumption told by physicians that ahe was incurable and could jive only a short time she weighed beis than seventy pounds on a piece of wrapping paper she read of dr kinds new discovery aad got a sample bottle it helped her bo bought a large bottle it helped her more bought another and grew bettor fast continued its use and is now ncr healthy rosy plump weighing wei ghine pourris pou iris for fuller particulars send stamp to W H cole druggist fort smith trial bottles of this wonderful at ribbed rd A co a drug aitor i ask for ayers sarsaparilla and be sure you get it when you want tho best blood purifier K with its forty years BT B T of unexampled success in the cure oi blood diseases you can make no mis tako in preferring ayers sarsaparilla to any other tho forerunner fore runner of modern blood medicines ayers sarsaparilla is still the most popular being in great er demand than all egiy ja others combined ayers sarsaparilla is selling faster than ever before I 1 never hesitate to recommend it george W whitman druggist albany ind I 1 am safe in saying that my sales of ayers sarsaparilla far excel those of any other ana it gives thorough satisfaction L H bush aca moines iowa ayers sarsaparilla and ayers pills aie the best selling medicines in my store I 1 can recommend them conscientiously tiou sly C bickhaus pharmacist boreland Bo seland we have sold aberg sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood purifier W T mclean druggist augusta ohio 1 havo sold your medicines for th last seventeen years and always keep them in stock as they are staples there is nothing so good for the youthful blood as ayers E L parker fox lake wis ayea sarsaparilla gives tha best of any medicine I 1 havo in stock I 1 recommend it or as tha doctors say 1 I prescribe it over tha counter it never fails to meet tho cases for which I 1 recommend it even where the doctors prescriptions havo been of no avail C T calhoum Cal houa Monmouth i kansas ayers sarsaparilla BT dr J C ayer co LOWI mam pile th ri lw 4 worth ta for infants and earea colte recommend it as to any I 1 stomach diarrhoea eructation known tome HZ ma wms aites sleep aad da bo oxnard st brooman Broo Myn N Y 5 THE 77 morray street N Y D TI TT 0 o tann HIS I 1 S jt u m m JL a A WE A COMPLETE of pore drugs patent GJ fancy and toilet articles etc 0 physicians prescriptions carefully prepared lai au choirs OF FO JV D ALL KIDS OF BOTTLED SODA WATER GINGER ALE ETC smoot RICHARDS A CO i general merchandise furniture and produce OF our geni roller mills SST tarns out flour that 3 is unsurpassed in tho territory orders for SIT merchandise flour or 31 grain filled on short notice our motto is to asi please our customers Q in aae A B R fc 8 oca iba ui JOHN JONES bupt supt have in stock a large and splendid assortment of t WATCHES sm spectacles JEWELRY ETC ETC the largest stock in butali new store between coop co op clothing house and tay lor bros furniture store american fork city are now running on full time FLOUR BRAN AND on hand to exchange for wheat S 5 pounds of flour and 15 pounds of bran and shorts for a bushel of wheat flour and other mill stuff for sale for cash GASH PAID FOR WHEAT W CO froin belof 4 HOUSE SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties in v dress doods d ladies and BOOTS drop m and examine our the brunswick always on hand the choicest him aty FTP fischer brewery beer on draught kept ou las naci special to the family trade RAWLING ft the utah AND subscription per year three dollar OFFICIAL PAPER OF UTAH COUNTY til popular home newspaper ol 01 the terri tory and has the largest circulation south ol 01 salt lake ot any paper published i GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST highest cash prices paid forthe peoples produce aps buggies spring mag aai harvesting MACHINES OF description we have the exclusive agency for utah county of the baan and fish brothers 9 also for the DEERING AND CHAMPION MACHINES complete line of and waon tire ELL E AND OTHER WELL F W 0 superintendent and builders manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames screed doors stairs stair railing Ba lusters kewell posts and bracket wholesale and kessl dealers in weights sash cord door locks hinges screws etc etc we manufacture and leep constantly on hand the celebrated combination fence composed of 6 8 or 10 annealed steel galvanized galvanised galvani sed wire with 44 pickets rod at prices from 60 cents to per rod saving the farmers more than per 00 per mile v c factory R K depot opposite ll 1 a bwy ovo alby sv aft T W R EL bupt supt DON R CORAY CO n SOT SOTO O MONEY ON LONG AND low rate of interest solicited and answered promptly office over first national bank THE abia association has special features insuring safety equity larger and more constant profits than afforded by other cia tion any single association the lor rower is a and sharer a profit you need not dio to win I 1 shares are not forfeitable forfeit able no extra assessments possible money loaned tor six percent interest per annum the profits from your stock i educing six per beut to about tour per cent per annum br investing Invest inc in the AMERICAN 1 VT AJL LOAN association for further particulars inquire oi P W C special agent for utah county address provo city utah DR F H THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED 1 on th of salt lake j j OFFICE AND STORE OPPOSITE MEETING HOUSE UTAH |