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Show $ SOCIETY I; - , . , , . , ,T rj. CALENDAR. f k- Mrs. H. P. Kirtlcy will enter-. r tain at it bridpc tea this after- . v noon in honor of Miss Julia ! v CuIIeu, and Friday Miss Cullcn v- f will be Riicsf of lioimr at a , luncheon to be given by Miss -! Edua Farnswovrli. ! " 4 I Capt. and Mrs. W. A. Cave- ' I naugh will entoi'tain at a sup- -I , 4 per at their quarters al the post Saturday evening 1 v! r Mrs. Ji R. Davis will enter- -I r tain at a live hundred party $ ' Ibis afternoon, and this even- 1 v inir Mr. and Mrs. Davis will v r entertain at five hundred. 4 ' .i. 1 l .!. " i Miss Esther Allen will enter- ( I- taiu at an informal tea this : afternoon in honor of Mrs. J Ott. 4 ' k' The Sewing club will meet h this afternoon with Mrs. Ell- J- wood Brown. j . - Miss Katlicrino Jndge will entertain at a bridge tea this 'b I afternoon. ''f , - -! J -t. The Daughters of the Ameri- f- can Revolution, Spirit of Liberty v ' chapter, will meet at 3 o'clock 4 I- this nftcruoon- with Mrs. Ben- ner X. Smith, at 1057 East r , J- South Temple. -5 4. " B -' Tlie history section of the 4- i I- Ladies' Literary club will meet i 4 at the clubhouse at. 10:15 r I 1 o'clock this morning. A paper 4 -V will bo read bv Mrs. Bothwcll. 4- Jl. a '4 it .1, 4- The Pan-Hclleulc club will meet this afternoon with Mrs. r v fJlen Miller, at Second avenue 4 4 and E street. r 4'ly44!IIIM!''4'!''''''' Ou Monday of this week Prof. J. E. McKnight outcrlaiued Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Parmclce, Mrs. Lois Miller and Miss Althea Wheeler at a dainty luncheon lunch-eon in the domestic science department depart-ment of the University of Utah. The luncheon was prepared by eighth grade girls of tho training school, under the direction of Miss Lois Hart-man. Hart-man. H U The annual Christmas sale and luncheon of St.. Mark's church will open at 12 o'clock today aud continue through the evening. Tho luncheon will be in charge of Mrs. Denuy. Many pretty and attractive booths will be seen, especially that of the doll booth. The ladies of the church will have charge of the booths. Miss Helen Evans entertained four tables at a bridge tea Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Julia Cul-'en, Cul-'en, who will bo married December 15. The rooms were prettily decorated deco-rated in vellow. with large vases of chrysanthemums. Miss Evans was assisted as-sisted by Mrs. Herbert MaeMilian. Miss Marguerite Kiehmond and Miss ! Kose Eva lis. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Grosser are pleasantly located for tho winter at 17 East "Fifty-eighth street. New York city. Mrs. Prosser's mother, Mrs. S. L. Sprague, and her little daughter. Winirrcd Walker, arrtved-in New York last Saturday. Mrs. Sprague will return re-turn here after the holidays. V V Mr: and Mrs. W. A. Cook have as their guests 'Mrs. Cook's sister aud her husband. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Eby of Towa, who will spend a few days here on their way to California. t Miss Pearl Van Cott entertained at a prettily appointed luncheon at her home Wednesday. v - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swindler will leave the first of next week for Los Angeles; where they will spend the ! E holidays with their son and daughter, j j who are attending school there. I tr The Wednesday afternoon sewing ; 9 circle met with Mrs. A. A. Parsons j I vcslcrday. The next meeting will 1c B at the home of Mrs. Dr. Whytock. I lr If rr. and Mrs. E. A. Greenwood, son , and daughter will spend the holidays f with Mrs. Greenwood's relatives in . Portia ud, Or. ' I 5 F. .7. Fabian will h ave soon for the ( ( ast to spend the holidays. " i 3 |