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Show EFFEGT COMPROMISE 10 FREE SULLIVAN Friends Come to Aid of Real Estate Es-tate ill an and Adjust Difficulty. ' Compromise was effected Sunday in tho cane of William C. Snllivan, real estate denier, chnrged with embezzling amounts ranging from $1(50 to $1000 of the funds of the Horseshoe bar at 50 West. First, South street. Wheeler & Ilarman, proprietorn, and Sullivan was released from custody. Tho ba sis of the settlement was not made public, but it is undorstod that $1000 of tho amount, alleged to havo been embezzled is to be refunded to tho saloonkeepers. The case against Sullivan jirogrcBsed so far Monday that; a complaint charging charg-ing him with embezzling $70.75 front Wheeler Sc Ilarman wn6 issued bv County Attorney Hanson. In the meantime mean-time friends oi Sullivan were busv in his behalf effecting a compromise. "Settlement "Set-tlement between the accused man and tho saloonkeepers wns reached about 0:30 o'clock Mondnj- evening and, with the sanction of the county attorney's office, the police department released Sullivan from the city .jail. Wheeler fc Ilarman said Monday night that the losses Lo them could not be estimated then with any degree of accuracy, but that friends had agrcod to make good a part of the alleged embezzlements. em-bezzlements. Wheeler said that it may be a month before the precise amount of the embezzlements will be known. Sullivan practically admitted his guilt to Captain John H. Burbidgo when ho was arrested Moruho' night and at his release expressed gladness at the turn affairs had taken, but said ho is sorry on account of his wife. IHh friends insist in-sist that the checks were merely misplaced mis-placed by Sullivan, who was actuated by no wrong intent, and that tho amount of the alleged embezzlements is exaggerated. Sullivun will not be taken back into the employ of tho saloon, but will resume re-sume his real estate work with his brother-in-law, A. II. Birrell, under the Pescrot Nnlional bunk. He came here from Chicago Iwo or three years ago, is bright, and heretofore hns been highly high-ly regarded by business associates and others who knew him. |