OCR Text |
Show WANTED Bnr?p TO INSTRUCT A FEW I THACHER iytQ rcad and writo Eng- If fflajg 573 W- "Sj17aft ;roat ffiirl SouUi and Main Sta. x!780 T-TcfiRSE WILL. SHARE A. NICELY - Nt .JnMie6 room with another nurso. Ihlf ciSn; reasonable. Address J-50 Trlb- 'JlnW una. rn BUY REAL ESTATE. IF YOU If want cash quickly for your property Bnrf will sacrifice, bring It to us. We have :WfS mnney. Peterson Real EBtate Inv. 330 So! Main. x!317 TO RENT. PERHAPS BUY, -1 OR 5-EM, 2E P- house: modern; east bench preferred. ? Address P. O- "58 X15G9 tolfS OR 6-ROOM 1-lOUSK. EAST SIDE OR !, : north bench. Phone 1029-X. x!464 RyODNG AND FAT CALVES. DRY lliE cows, fat bulls. Saunders, Bell phono (Ug-74-Y. 1587 Zk'.tc'.JTEL TO BUY. A 5 TO S-ROOM Jiousc. close In, from owner. Address jfpF. O. box 35, Park City, Utah. iZpYOUNG MAN WHO WORKS NIGHTS Tilt'-, . wants a clean, quiet room when he jjPcan areep during: tho day. Prefer room SJiwlth furnace or steam heat In private Mfamlly: reference furnished. Address J- gN3,' Tribune. x!641 RHORSEa WINTERED AND STABLED. ::ft 3115 So. State. Phone 10013 Ind. Terms ftM reasonable. av2978 MtcASH PAID FOR OLD BOOKS. NOV-S NOV-S r "els, magazines. 132 W. So. Teroplo. $ . wlSll U t'DBWEY 5-CENT PLAY SLOT MA- F chlno, must be In good order; state g.prlce. Address J-8. Tribune. x!268 fi FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. WALK-r WALK-r I lnff distance. Answer with full par- M frticuTars. box 1353. x383 VOL.D BOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT IJ i and exchanged at 132 W. So, Temple. wlSlO 'HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR METALS, i Jron, bottles, etc, second-hand machinal machin-al trtxy. Great Western Iron & M. Co., Inc., 3 S2J0-240 South First West. Ind. 821, Boll l ET2439-Z. b896 4 i TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND V. mattress remaking. Utah Eedding and Mf g. Co. Both phones 383. b303 t. Highest price paid for iron, brass, rage, bottles, rubber, copper, a etc. Utah Junk Co.. 63 E. Sth So. Phone km. 307 1 I ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH-f CLOTH-f w ing trunks, valises; best prices paid. I &28 Commercial st. Reply by postal card. 1 I Phones 8771-K. 174 LPYOUR OLD CLOTHING. WILL CALL. !Jn Salvation Army. Both phones. t2191 j WANTED HELP MALE 7 jJSALEnDNWATnf IS WEEK AND r -J commission. Apply Scott, Sunset Mag- I'azlne, 73 So. Main St. xlS30 iiMAN FOR CHORES FOR BOARD AND room. 443 East First South. xlS3S WANTED TWO SOLICITORS FOR S the road; gqod proposition for those i Wlooklng for .permanent employment. Call il0-12 and 2-1. Room 233 Cullen Hotel. I GOOD CHECKER: MUST BE QUICK I 'i. at figures and must como well recom-N recom-N ffinended. Louvre Cafe. xlS38 I sJMAN WITH GOOD REFERENCES TO solicit and collect; experienced man to I jfro with you and teach you the business; "i if opportunity for promotion to good sal-? sal-? Sarfed position soon. SOS Dooly Bldg. f X1814 WANTED HAT SALESLN FOR I' ' X'tah. Idaho and Montana; would prc-Jffi prc-Jffi for a salesman with an established trade, -it. 'but would consider an energetic, am-Hr1 am-Hr1 bilious man, acquainted -with the country; II!: a full letter detailing experience and ref-i ref-i crenues must accompany Ilrst letter. Jay King Hat Co.. Kansas City. Mo. x.1523 m AT ONCE 75 AlEN TO PREPARE FOR V railway mall clerics; 518 week to start. SVall or write 501 Security Trust. Bldg. I-K X1S24 WANTED AN ALL ROUND BAKER fi at Royal bakery. Logan. Utah. x!241 In MEN TO LEARN ELECTRICITY. iKi plumbing plastering, bricklaying, all -jti1 kinds of drafting and plan reading; day 5 and night, no books; positions secured. 751 ' Free catalog. Coyne Trade school, 230-fR.240 230-fR.240 Eighth St., San Francisco. p!747 ml PLUMMOF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Jf3 heatlquartcrs for all kinds of help, etc. 60a E. 2nd So. Fono 35S4. glBl iff STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY fS- Hotel, restaurant and household help. 3m. Headquarters for laborers. Sk B, 2nd South. Phones 464. e743 ft WANTED HELP -FEMALE II YOT'NG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND W help mind chlldrep, Phone 1500. x!816 I GOOD DRAPERY If AND: MUST HAVE )l K exper'nc; good salary to right P''V-jt P''V-jt ; The Qrcencwald Furniture Co. -I80fi 1 COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. H . to go home nights. Apply No. 13 Ox-ft' Ox-ft' S ford Hats, 113 West North Temple. ;tS29 r BE A GRADUATE NURSE AND EARN Tfci , S20 to ?30 per week We provide home Vf study course lectures. Hospital practice 1 1 when desired. Employment for students 4. and graduates. Largest training school Ju in the world. Write today free book. American Training School Nurse. 48 ,1 Crllly Bldg.. Chicago. M"34 ' 4 A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-)S HOUSE-)S work in small cottage. Apply 167 I street. xl'lZ GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSEWORK. SMALL l yj-v family 318 2nd ave. X1765 y'OUNG GLRL TO ASSIST WITH r. I housework; must slerjp at home. Apply j i, U6Q Third avenue. v X17C6 j ; GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. $ must be good cook; no laundry; wages, i ? Apply 30 U street. 1141 Jj GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- W' work; small family; good wages. n32 E. - & 2nd South. Ind. phone 795. No washing, fll x!3fll & GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mr Apply 86 K St. 10rif. W U1RLS WITO UNDERSTAND HAIR it work. Salt Lake Costuming Co., ,207 A South State w960 GOOD TAILORESS: MUST UNDER-9 UNDER-9 stand bushellng. Regal Cleaning and Dyeing Co., 101. East 1st South. xlbl3 , . 1ST CLASS COOK; GOOD WAGES: 2 W& In family. Officers' quavtors, No. G. Wi I'ort Douglas. :15a6 eL-C)OD, COMPETENT COOK. APPLY K- , 715 Brlgha n.' MS90 t GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Km "Bell 3181. X1709 (1. A WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND f Ironing. Inquire 1001 E. So. Temple. . A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. R- J25 E. 3th So. X1722 fr WANTED SITUATION I 1-ADY .ENORAjlrVlTriOUT I , practical experience, will work short yf ilnie for reputable firm free: object, ex- 1 Pcrlcncc. Address .1-51. Tribune. xlSll S MBN TO LEARN ELECTRICITY, Wi.. .jPiumblng, plastering, bricklaying, u". ft; JIM8 of draftlncr and plan reading; das t .ntl night; no books; positions secured 5 n'i?e "-talr.g. Covne Trade school. 230- y&. glKhth st.. San Francisco p!74 fflfc AN EXPERIENCED JAPA NESE WANT? a W11"?1'0" bs saloon porter. Bell 2953 -Z !' lijjy. So. T.implo St. X1451 J GRADUATE ELECTRICAL ENGINEI5F 1 ' ' nATex')f)r't!ncT.d superintendent, water 1 v k?. .L'erlencefornierly with Genera tw u and Westlnghousc. desires posl a ! Vv?; hn-rse of mine equipment or con Iff ?n,ct,0n v-ork preferred. Address G ff mann, 1733 Lincoln Ave., Denver, Colo if. V'ESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS AN I - K1I1 of work. 29 H St. Phone 3212-K I I xl3: FOR BENT AN EXCELLENT SUITE OF ROOMS; elevator service; atoom hoat. .Call 501 Security Trust Bldg. x!825 THREE-ROOM HOUSE. REAK 838 E. 1st South. xlS15 TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng; HOUSE-keeplng; electric light' and bath. 29 Church st. xlS21 A LEASE TO LET, 9-ROOM HOUSE, AT 272 So. 3rd East. . x!307 NICE TWO-ROOM UNFURNISHED house. 556 So. W. Temple. Apply 544 S. W. Temple. x!326 THREE-ROOM COTTAGE. $10; 8-ROOM mod. dwelling, close In, $30. J. K. Shaw, over 153 Main. xll70 THREE NICE. LARGE ROOMS; CLOS-ets CLOS-ets and electric lights.- 556 So. 2nd West. xl450 THREE-ROOM MODERN BRICK, 129 So. Sth West. Inquire 629 W. 2nd North. x!457 THREE-ROOM BRTCK. PANTRY, closet, water In house. 356 W, 3th So. Inquire 26 Gale St. . x!797 222 L ST. 6-ROOM MOD. BR., FRUIT trocs. Iron fence, cellar, fowl run, $20. 925 W. 1st So. 6-room brick, por. bath, e. 1., $22.50. LITTLE '& LITTLE, Under Natl. Bank of Republic. x647 23 HOUSES ALL KINDS. LOCALITIES and prices. Tuttle 'Bros. Co. 153 Main st. x995 FOR RENT $15.00, NEW 5-R. BRICK cottage, on car line. Call 51D S. 5th E. sL X1237 FINE OFFICE ON GROUND FLOOR, cheap. Hoffman Bros., 62 W. 2nd So. X931 MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR rent, close in. Ind. phone 10944, x857 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. $25. 237 C street w2302 THREE FRONT UNFURNISHED rooms. 226 West 5th South. w347 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN. 64 "F" ST., $35. Equity Investment Co.. 2la South Main St. w!599 TWO ROOMS. PANTRY. CLOSET. ETC. 339 W. ?rd North st. w308 760 FIRST AVE.. SIX-ROOM MODERN. $30.00. w485 SECOND AVE., NEAR S., BEAUTIFUL new 9-room, thoroughly modern, hardwood hard-wood finished house; $60. Stowe & Pal-mer. Pal-mer. t2904 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. ES?E-clally ES?E-clally suitable for doctors and lawyer. Apply Rental Dept. S. L. Sec. and Trust Co., 32 So. Main. t2245 i-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE. AND FUR-nlture FUR-nlture for sale. Esllnger, 85 Commer-clal Commer-clal hlock. x!353 FLAT ON 2ND FLOOR: BATH AND elec. light. 50 E. 3rd So. xlG14 B-RM. MOD. HOUSE. 468 2ND AVE. X1662 MODERN. 6-OOM, DESIRABLE RESI-dencc; RESI-dencc; lawn, etc.; 135 B St Enquire 504 So. Third East S,t. x!669 DESIRABLE HOUSES, ALL PARTS OF city. Stowe & Palmer. 52 W. 2nd So. X163S S-RM. MOD.: 444 SO. FJFTH EAST; $16. Goddard Investment Co., 31 E. 1st So. FOR RENT FURNISHED TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; summer kitchen and cellar; $16. 252 No. First West. xl309 ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: modern; bath; electric light. .".24 East Second So. xl313 NEWLY FURNISHED THREE-ROOM housekeeping suite; porcelain bath; electric light: fprnace heat furnished. Phone 3944-K. 544 East First So. xlSIS NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE CLOSE IN. Enquire 170 South West Temple. xlS26 ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Rear 222 West North Temple. "X1S23 A BEAUTIFUL SUITE OF ROOMS; ground floor; choice neighborhood. 328 E. Second South. . X1775 ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for ono or two gentlomen. 15G Canyon road, one block from Eagle Gate. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 680 E. 6th So.; board next door If desired. TWO NEAT, FURNISHED ROOMS; light housekeeping; lights; baths; close In. 241 E3St 1st South. x!7GS 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; e. 1., bath, closet. 433 So. 2nd W. x!552 FOUR MODERN. NICELY - FURN. rooms, ground lloor, housekeeping. 530 So 1st West. xlG20 NICELY FUR. S-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. 167 2nd Ave. Phone 1788 Ind. x!067 FUR. APARTMENTS FOR HOUSE-keeping. HOUSE-keeping. 2G4 W. 4th So. xlG02 FURNISHED 5-ROOM STRICTLY MOD. cottage. 4 17 No. 1st West. Ind. phone 3472, xloSO SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. modern, walking distance; references required. 1573-Y. ' x!58S PRIVATE FURN. ROOMS AT 119 E. SO. Temple. Ind. phone 637. Smith Grah-am. Grah-am. prop. t X1563 THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, bath, electric light, clothes closets. 430 So. 2nd West. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, electric light and bath. 29 Church St. x!670 TWO FURN. ROOMS. L. 11., E. L., bath; no children. 518 E. 3rd South. ' xlG55 THREE-ROOM. FLAT FOR 1IOUSE-keeplng; 1IOUSE-keeplng; no children. 311 So. 2nd West X1323 THREE ROOMS IN A SUITE, NICELY furnished; housekeeping. 161 E. 2nd So. -1332 NICELY ,F U RNt-FRONT ROOM- 150 E. Brigharh. Bell phono 1701 -K. x!258 THREE FURN. ROOMS FOR HOUSE-koeplng. HOUSE-koeplng. 420 No. 3rd West. X1235 SIX-ROOM, MOD. HOUSE. NICELY furn.; no children. 283 6th ave. xlllS TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT IIOUSE-kceplng. IIOUSE-kceplng. 217 E. 3rd So. Electric light and gas. xlH4 COSY SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS. WITH bath and furnace heat.; private house, and close In. Independent 2615. x!39? FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-kceplng. HOUSE-kceplng. 429 So. Main. Apply 525 So. 2nd West. Phone forest SO-N. X1395 NEWLY FURNISHED SLEEPING room. 273 W. 3rd So. xK!9G 5-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE. FURNISHED, with gas range. Phone 1455-K Bell, or inq. 1312 So. 9th East. x!397 TWO LARGE ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR, furnished for housekeeping. 37 West 1st North. w2975 NICELY FURN. FRONT SUITE OF rooms for housekeeping; modern; ga3 range; also two single rooms, cheap; all nlco and clean. No. 10 Kendall sq. x743 : TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. modern. 217 West Fourth South. w2753 FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-kceplng. HOUSE-kceplng. 142 So. 3rd East. x!23S A DESIRABLE 4-UOOM FURNISHED flat. No. 2 Wayne Ave. Bell 5080-Y. X1774 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-Uooplug; HOUSE-Uooplug; no children. 231 So. 1st West. . x528 . TWO OR THREE MOD. HOUSEKEEP-ing HOUSEKEEP-ing rooms, with or without private bath. Phone 1979 Ind. 443 S. 1st West. x848 5 UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS, 1310 E. 2nd So., newly furnished, steam heatod, I. hot and cold running wntor, strictly new : and modern; rooms by day, week 01 month; rates reasonable; nxoullent cafe In connection. Ind. phono 3680. J. F. I Whlttomore, prop. -11 7f '. TWO NICE, FURNISHED ROOMS FOB light housekeeping. G18 So. Main. . xDSj NICELY FURNISHED, MODERN 7-1 7-1 .room house, 129 So. 4th East. Apply . at 128 So. 4.th E or 24 D. F. Walket 3 bldg. x7l4 '1 -. ' for rent furnished Furnished flat; close in. in- quiro 72 W. 5th So. Phouo 23S7-Rod. x655 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 150 No. Main. x585 ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for one or two gentlemen. 56 Canyon road, one block from Eaglo gate. X533 NICELY .FURN. FRONT ROOM FOR gentleman. In mod. cottage; very reasonable. rea-sonable. 350 E. 1st So.. Bell 3255-Y". xl693 NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR IJOUSE-keeplng; IJOUSE-keeplng; reasonable. 44 No, 2nd West. X1691 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE or en suite; close In. 432 So. Main, un-der un-der new management. x!609 TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; ground floor. 562 So Main. x!703 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-Ing. HOUSEKEEP-Ing. 250 So. W. Temple. X1706 NEWLY FURNISHED RMS.. REASON-ahte. REASON-ahte. 375 or 377 Second EaaL X1711 FINELY FURNISHED, STEAM-HEAT-ed front suite, with or without H. K. 24 East Brlgham. x432 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 24 Church st, 4th So. between Main and State. w2409 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, THOR-oughly THOR-oughly modern, private family. 47 Cen-ter Cen-ter st. . x71 NICE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY fur., for parlor, and sleeping room ad-Jolnlng: ad-Jolnlng: modern: cheap. 2403-NY. a!240 NICELY FURN, ROOMS FOR GENTLE-men; GENTLE-men; mod. 353 E. 3rd So. t!791 FOR MEN ONLY BRAND NEW ROOM In private family; everything mod.; fur-naco fur-naco heat. 367 E. 6th So. t28S7 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. MODERN. 424 E. 4th So. Phono 4S63-Z. t2533 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, furnished; bath, electric light. 474 S. West Temple. w357 NEW. MOD. ROOMS IN PRIVATE home. Phone Ind. 2897. 142 2nd East. x458 TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY Have several nicely furnished homes; 5, 7 and 9 rooms. Call for keys. x35Q FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-kecplng. HOUSE-kecplng. 504 So. 1st West. x441 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 62 SO. 1st West. x971 MOD. STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. REA-sonablc: REA-sonablc: close In. 238 So. 2nd East. Phono 4779-Y. x968 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeplngt HOUSE-keeplngt 215 W. Sth So. x!043 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM ON ground floor; modern house; gontlemen preferred; references. Phono Ind. 2160. c2379 SMALL HOUSE, TWO ROOMS. CLOSET and pantry, cellar. S63 6th East. xlOCS NEWLY FURNISHED MOD. ROOM; gentlemen only. 534 So. Main. s3310 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE" keeping rooms; strictly mod. 216 W. 1st South. w!169 ONE MODERN. FURNISHED ROOM; private family; $0 per month. 568 East Brlgham Bell phone 1933-K. w!346 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM. , Everything Ev-erything first-clasB. 315 East Second South. r2576 BOARD AND ROOM nusleKilniu home-cooked vegetable meals, homelike. Terms. 419 So. Main. x!812 ONE SINGLE ROOM FOR GKNTLE-num; GKNTLE-num; first-class homo; excellent tabic. 4 13 East First So. x!684 PLEASANT ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE-men, GENTLE-men, modern, homo cooking; reasonable reason-able x23 COMMENCING FEB. 1. A SELECT boarding establishment will be opened on the east side; three minutes' walk from, center of city; limited number taken: references exchanged. Call Bell phone 1662-NK. x!704 NICELY FURN. ROOMS; ABSOLUTE-ly ABSOLUTE-ly homo cooking; board optional; very reasonable. 115 So. 4th East. Phone Ind. 1989- X1269 GOOD BOARD AND ROOM. ONE block from postofflce; 25 por cent discount. dis-count. Address 71 Wall st. Phono 2826-i 2826-i NK. xl390 I BOARD AND ROOMS, MODERN, IN prlvatyi family, hlcc place for 1 or 2 ! couples, at 773 West 1st South street. X1624 ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 47 B. 5th South. x!554 $27 GOOD HOME COOKING: PRIVATE residence, bath, phone. 357 So. 2nd East. xlC71 TWO PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS; everything modern: strictly home cook-Ing; cook-Ing; cloBe In. 32G So. 3rd East. xS42 ELEGANT FURN. ROOMS AND board- 225 East So. Temple. x843 ROOMS AND BOARD. GOOD HOME cooking. Table- boarders wanted. 232 E. So. Temple St. x6G7 NICE ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD A specialty. 215 East 4th South. w2989 ROOM AND BOARD. FURNACE HEAT, gentlemen preferred. 327 E, 1st South. Phone 184G-Y. x208 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. WITH STEAM heat and good board. 315 East 2nd So. t929 LOST a'eTrTTsubIjr Return postofflce r.tutlon No. 1. cure of Deseret News Book Store. Reward. xlS17 SMALL CAMEO. BET. 2ND E. AND Main arid 1st So. and 3rd So. Return to I. Cllno & Bro. Rowatd. 1S22 WHITE BULL TERRIER PUP, 4 MO. old: answers to name "Jack." Return to F. B. Cook. 67 1st ave. Reward. x!313 AT MAJESTIC OR 1SIR THEATER, OR between same, lady's side comb, gold and poarl trimming. Leave at 160 Main sl Reward. I PERSONALS BlTv'cTcHEADS. PrMPLEsTuTuRS of the faco and neck curod by Dr. C. j W. Higglns, 30 West Third South. All ( cases guaranteed. r2278 YOUNG GERMAN. AG RD 30. WISHES tho acquaintance of German girl. Hgcd 2(1 to 30; object matrimony. If, w.. P. O. Box 864 xl6.17 WANTED. ADDRESS OF LAFAYETTE Crooks, formerly a citlzon of Salt Lako and a saddler by trade. Address Brooks, care of Tribune. Salt Lake. x214 ATTORNEYS Maurice M. Kaighn. Richard" B?Tnljrman. KAIGHN It THURMAN. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Practice In all the Courts of Utah. Rooms 414. 415. D. F. Walker Building, i Salt Lake City, Utah. wlSCQ j oash registers atITaITcsh Groshell, sales agent. 221 Main stroot. export cash register repairing. Second-nnnq Second-nnnq registers alwayB In stock. nl580 HAT FACTORY MEN'S HATS CLEANED' ""and blocked; Panamas a specialty. Salt Lake Hat Factory, 24 E. lot South, Phono 2 1 37 -NIC b!138 WANTED! AGENTS I WANTED RELrABLELV7?nEACH . locality to -advertise our goods on com-I com-I mission -or snlory: $90 a moirth and x- penses $3 'per day.- Entirely now nlan j I Wflle-Salus Medicinal Co.. London. On- . j tarlo. Canada.' ; DETECTIVES JAMES inOrRIVA'TEDETlSCTTvE" r 206 BrookB Arcade. Bell phono 1152. ,Call, phono or writ. I can help vou. . v ' " IC3 SECRET SOCIETIES. A. A. S. RITJ53 THE FOUR CO-ORDI-nate bodies af tho A. A. S. Rita of Free Masonry hold stated meetings the third Thursday' in each month at tho Masonic Temple, cornor First South and Second East. Sojourning brethren Invited. Richard L. Qonley, 83 deg. W. M. Jordan Lodgo of Porfeotion No. 2. A..B. Hutchinson. 32 deg. W. M. Jamen Lowe Chapter of Roso Croix No. 1. C B. Diohl, 32 deg. Commatidor of Salt Lake Council of Ka-dosh Ka-dosh No. 1. G. D. Evans, K. C. C. H. v M. of K. Utah Consistory No. 1. Christopher Dlohl, 33d deg. Register of All the Bodies. EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. Regular sessions held at Masonic Temple, corner Second Ea3t and First South, the third Wednesday of each , month. Sojourning nobles invited to at-tond. at-tond. S. D, Evans, Potentate; W. L. Barnes, Recorder. UTAH COMMANDERY, NO. 1. KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclaves held at Masonic Ma-sonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the first Thursday of each month. 8oJournlng Sir Knights cordially Invited to attend. CLESSON S. KINNEY, E. C. E. O. LEATIIERWOOD, Recorder. g!900 UTAH CHAPTER, NO. 1, I. R. A. M. Stated convocations first Wednesday In each month at Masonic hall, corner Second Sec-ond East and First South streets. Companions Com-panions cordlallv Invited. C. F. Kut-newsky, Kut-newsky, H. P.; Moses C. Phillips. Secretary. Secre-tary. R ARGENTA LODGE, NO. 3, F. k ar.3 A. 3a. At Masonic Tem-"T Tem-"T IS Pie, corner Second East and First South Btrcets. first Tues-' Tues-' v day of each month. Members of sister lodgea and sojourning brethren Invited. In-vited. W. E. Howard, W. M-: Moses C. Phillips. Secretary. , MT. MORIAH LODGE. NO. 2. F. AND A. M. Masonic hall second Monday each month, corner First South and Second East. Members of slater 16dges and sojourning so-journing members In good standing invited. in-vited. O. B. Pfoutz, W. M. ; Chrlsto- pher Dlehl. Secretary. , WASATCH LODGE. NO, 1. F. AND A. M. Masonic hall, second Friday each month. Members of slstor lodges and sojourning brethren In good standing invited. in-vited. A. E Hutchinson. W. M.; A. J. Lowe, secretary. . A LYNDS CHAPTER. NO. ljW 1, Order Eastern Stan Wujfa? Masonic Temple Stated JziSi meetings first Friday each SW&&2J month. Visiting membors v7 will receive a cordial wcl- X? come. Alice E. May, W. v ' M.; Mary G. Wright, Sec- retapf. T "Z, MIZPAH CHAPTER. NO. tth. 5, Order Eastern Star VjSHv c Stated meetings first Jr& Monday of each month JggejQ,y3jfeh. Masonic Temple, corner VTv Second East and First VW South. VlBitlng members V cordially Invited. Cora I. Jvlohsc. W. M.; Flora E. Sinclair. Secretary. - Independent Order of Odd Fellows. FIDELITY LODGE. NO. 17. I O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, I. O O. F. Temple. Visitors welcome. wel-come. J. D. McCarty, N. G.; J C. Smith. Secretary. JORDAN LODGE. NO. 3, I. O. O. F. Moots every Monday night at I. O. O. F. Temple. Visitors Invited. R. G. Buckle. N. G.; W. T. Hopkins, Secretary. al437 I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY, Subordinate lodges meet as follows: Salt Lake Lodge, No. 2. Friday. Enterprise Lodge, No. 15. Tuesday. MIRIAM REBEKAH LODGE MEETS first and third Saturday evenings of each month at I. O. O- F. Temple. Q2175 NAOMI REBEKAH LODGE NC T Meets every second and fourth Saturday Satur-day evenings of each month at Odd Fellows' Fel-lows' 'Temph2!Marketsjcjit; n2559 FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Wednesdays each month, Knights of Columbus hall, No. 21 We3t First South C. E. White. F. C. s!134 WOODBINE CIRCLE NO 41. WOODMEN of tho World Meets every Monday, 8 o'clock, at Eagles' hall. Knights of Pythias. CALANTHE-MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1 Even' Monday, K. of P hall. A. T. Sanford, C. C; C. E. Baker, IC of R. and S. LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23. K. OF P. Meets every Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, K. of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3 Every Thursday evening. K. of P. hall. I-IERMION TEMPLE NO. 3, PYTHIAN Sisters Meets every Friday evening at K. of P hall. Evelyn Vandlver. R. C. 02573 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, Salt Lake 'City Tent No. 2 Every Thursday. I. O. O. F- hall. Visiting Knights Invited. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES, SALT Lake City Hive No. 4 Meets every first and third Wednesday, 8 p. m., in I. O. Q. F. hall. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. Salt Lake Aerie No. 67 Every Friday, 5 p. m.. Eagles' hall. ROVAL ARCANUM, SALT LAKE COUN-cll COUN-cll No. 1517 Second and fourth Thursdays. Thurs-days. Jennings block. G. K. Smith, Re-gent; Re-gent; E. L. Jones. Secretary. KNIGHTS OF HONOR, LODGE 4470 Meets cvory first and third Friday night, 1. O O. F. Temple. C. E. Homen-way. Homen-way. Dictator: W. T. Hopkins, Reporter. 31160 MONEY TO LOAN. DURING THIS' SO-CALLED PANIC, wo have more money than ever to loan on real statu. Russel L. Tracy, 11 East lBt South. t2093 ON MORTGAGES NO COMMISSION; lowest rates. Porneroy, 36 West First North. uSSl ON IMPROVED REAL KSTATE. LARGE or Binall amounts. Thos. W. Partrldgo. 4 Commercial block. wSS TH15 CITY LOAN AGENCY 'MAKES loans to salaried people. 610-611 Tribune building. . oSISl ON REAL ESTATE; LOWEST RATES. Elmer E- Darling Co.. 112 Main st. ml 563 DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR salary until yo-t see me; lowest rattva. F. A. Newton. 421 IJerahl bldg. e2087 $1000 TO $5000; ONE TO FIVE YEARS; farm or city property. James K. Shaw 6 Co.. over 153 South M.aln street. r!065 . AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW rate of Interest. Houston Renl Estate Inv. " . 251 S Main st. Phonos 27. Jlgfifi THE CITY LOAN AGENCY MAKES loans to salaried people. G.10-G11 Tribune building. 1940 QUICK LOANS ARE AS IMPORTANT as cheap money. Wo furnish both. Tho Hcme Trust & Saving3 Co., 6-10 West , First South. aftCR MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon lhMr own names, without with-out security; cheapest ratys; jeaidcut payments: pay-ments: offices In 60 principal cities; save vourself money by getting our terms firHt Tolman. 3;:S Atlas V.ldg. yS73 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ! M7s1Tr7Tcl?uTTjK Law,- .and commercial work - dono. Phonos Bill 2930. Ind. 33. x706 BIRD-COWANCO 160 So. W. Temple. Bell fonc 1114. ' X1256 ASSAYERS chemists, removed to 229 South Wuat Temple. wl792 MIDWIFE PRIVATE HOME FolTbFIEAD3NT cases. Mrs. Llzsle Gelulor. 836 West 3rd No. Bell 1493-X. Ind. 4037. r917 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AND ROOMING HOUSES . CAPITAL R. E. INV. CO.. - 17 W. 2nd So: St. Business Opportunity Department. $6000. 55 new, modern, up-to-date rooms, tumlture new and good, long Joase, rent includes steam heat: expenses aro low; the Income In abouo $800 per mo. This lo a genuine money-maker; never beforo offered. $1700. 22 rooms, modern, nico and clean, In a Hplendid location. $600. 8 rooms, modern, nice and clean. No. Main; a good bargain. $500. 12 rooms, Main St , betweon 2nd and 3rd South; rent $22.50; a bargain. $1500. 14 rooms, modern, elegantly furnished; rent $65; one-j-car lease. Grocery store stock -at invoice; fix., horse, harness, wagon, etc., for $300; good trade. For good investments at bargain prices see us. Wo can save you rnonoy. Phonos Boll, 3S01; Ind., 66. x!6U EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. 12 well-furnished rooms for H. K.; not rent $3S; modern conveniences, steam heat; loc. i blk. .from Main St. If you are looking for a snap, hero it Is; must be Bold this weak; owner leaves city. $625 takes all. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. A. L. Brattaln, Mgr. B. O. Dept. 19 W. 1st So. Both phones 641. X1531 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OR WILL TRADE, FULL-BLOODED greyhound for horse and wagon; greyhounds grey-hounds and bongleo carod for at Oqulrrh kennels, West 8th South. x!807 COMPLETE OFFICE FURNITURE OF very desirable front suite in Commercial Commer-cial Club building. ROLL TOP DESK, LARGE, FLAT-TOP DOUBLE DESK, SAFE. LETTjBR FILE, TABLES, CHAIRS. LETTER PRESS. CARPETS, ETC. Will give immediate possession of office and soil furniture at le83 than half price. GOOD AS NEW. J. IC Newcomb, room 414, Tribune bldg. Ind. phone 12C, xlSOS GERMAN SPITZ DOG, MALE. NO. 5 Brunswick avo. xl820 FURNITURE 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; phono, gas, o. 1., bath and furnace fur-nace heat; cheap for cash. 214 W. 2nd South. x!831 SECOND-HAND FORD RUNABOUT. 4-cyllnder, 4-cyllnder, good condition, cheap far cash. Ford Auto Co., 142 Main at.; both phones 468. a3126 R. R. TICKET. SALT LAKE TO Helper and return. Address 0-3, Trlb-une. Trlb-une. w608 FOR SALE, NICELY FURNISHED flat of 4 rooms, will sell cheap; party leaving city. Flat 20, Kensington. 1st North and Main St. x!687 R, R. TICKET TO GREEN RIVER. Utah; cheap. Address 0-4, Tribune. w603 THE X-RAY MOVING PICTURE CO. machines and films bought, sold and exchanged. ex-changed. 5th floor, room 6, Security & Trust building. x631 TWO NICKEL-COPPER COFFEE URNS. 4 -gal. each; guaranteed, to be In perfect per-fect condition. J. H. R. Fianklln Co.. 268 South Main. W231Q FOR SALE. ONE SPAN OF WORK horse3 5 years old. 224 So. Sth EaBt. X1080 TWO NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. cost $450; will sell for $100 each. J-26. Tribune. x!455 A 5-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETE FOR light housekeeping, and $400 piano; a bargain. 74 Kendall squaro, bet, 4th and Sth So., on West Temple. 3:1456 NEW PATENT, IN PART OR WHOLE; sells to every farmer. Address C-45, Tribune. x961 LAUNDRY MACHINERY 1 BOSOM Ironer. $100; 1 Trigg seam dampener, $15;. 1 waistband Ironer, $15; 1 C. & C. dampener, 326; 1 power roll wringer, $10; 1 five-roll Hagen mangle, $500, 1 80-h. p. boiler, with slock, etc.. $175. Tho Royal , Laundry, 129 E. Flrat So. xllS7 R. R. TICKET TO GREEN RIVER, Utah, and return, cheap If sold at once. Address K-56, caro Tribune. xS56 ELEGANT ONYX FOUNTAIN AND drug fixtures. A. C. Smith, 142 South Main St. w2524 HORSES BOUGHT AND BOLD. IOWA Stable. 129 West South Temple. h!113 IF IT'S ROOMING HOUSES OR BUSL noBS opportunities, see J. K. Novr-comb. Novr-comb. 414 Tribune bldg. Ind. 126; Bell 1634-Y. ofl3 A LARGE NUMBER OF 2ND -HAND automobiles at one-half original co3t nver.y ono guaranteed. Sharman Auto Co.. 100-111 W. South Temple. sl36 IOWA STABLE LADIES' AND GENTS' saddle horses; divided skirts. Phono 440S. in 2 63 DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE; NO feo unless successful; Bpcclal attention to legal matters. Phoenix Law aasocla-tlon, aasocla-tlon, 614 T-rlbune bldg. r!269 TROUT EGGS FOR SALE. ADDRESS Lost Lako Trout Hatchery, Creede. Colorado. p2035 FURNITURE 7-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. 164 So. 1st W. X157G YOUNG LADY . STENOGRAPHER. about to got married, has typewriter wishes to sell; flrst-claes condition. J-41, Tribune. X1645 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTSDA Incrcaso buslnoss established two years; profits run $200 to $500 monthly; will stand investigation. Address J. C, box 324. Goldfield. Nev. X1203 WHERE TO 8TOP LINCOLN HOUSE. PAUL HEIN, PRO-prl6tor, PRO-prl6tor, OS Eost First South; 200 rooms; rates 25c, 35c and 50c. xlOGl " SCAVENGER UAHTSCAvTcottH 394fi. Boll phono 2610-K. a93 i UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING PAToTr'FURITUlT and repaired. Estimates submitted on j requost. Phones 3299, S. L. Matt. & ! Mnfg. Co.. 531-5 W 3rd So. 224 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TALK ABOUT BARGAINS. WE HAVE thm; 00 acres specially adapted for poultry and hog raising; $1600. Mahan Inv. ,Co-; -7 Eagle Blk. xlSlO REDUCED FROM $1700 TO $1000. A bargain for some ono wanting a new modern house in east bench; 5 rooms, bath and pantry; attic spaco for 3 more rooms. Comonted collar, solarium? lot 5 Ox 1 (0 root to alley. Reasonable terms. Don't fail to sco this. I FRITSCH. No. 12 E. 2nd So. St. Phones Ind. 717. Bell 3567 . X1827 I-ROOM PR. BRICK; PANTRY AND closet; lot 50x137; city water, elec. lights 0110 block from car lino and fine school; northwest of fair grounds; $2150; $250 cash $20 por mo. Hubbard Investment Co.. 78 W. 2nd So. xl834 A FEW' CHOICE BARGAINS In building sites: 2 lota, Rice St.. near nth So. and State. 2 lots Sth 13., bet. 9th and 10th. 143 rt, Lako st., e. front. 1 lots 1st ave.. East Waterloo. I lots oast bcnclu I lots cor. Cth E. and Clark sts. The- price at which you can got thso lots will glvp you a profit of 100 per cent In less than two years. Espcclnll.v desirable to build houses for sale. Call at once If you want u real bargain, Those lots will be sold In a fow days. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO.. 78 W. 2nd So. i'3rlS35 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I - ZZZZZ t THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS, BAR- GAINS, BARGAINS. 1 ' f M.EEK8 & LYNCH, J 315-316 Atlas Block. Boll phone 2622. f ( $3300 Do j'ou want a real bargain for 3 days only? Will sell 5x20 rods, ' 82Jx330 feet, 4-room brick, pantry -and closet, $300; barn, 50 young bearing fruit trees; on 11th East, 1 Just below 2nd South; faces East- Tho party who owns the 5x20 on J tho north of this will put In 10 feet so you can mako a 20-foot 1 drive down tho center and build It up or sell lots off. We will make terms on this; ifo worth $4500. Right now yours for 3300. $210 No. 747 E- 9th So.. -room rustic . cottage; bath, pantryN closet, fine brick cellar, 15 young bearing fruit trees, good barn and chicken sheds; faces south; lawn, sidewalks. side-walks. . $55 per foot tako3 80 feet or 141 feet on Main street, near 8th South; 140 feet deep to R. of way. $3000 Now R-roorn, riiodern, R. P." brick; S. Et, cIobo In, fine lot, just completed; com-pleted; $500 cash, $25 per month, inc. Interesti $7250 Elegant new 9-room, white pressed brick; fine 4-compartment. basement, base-ment, with laundry; 45x132 and R. ' of way; faces south, on 1st 'South street, near 12th East. $900 2Jx8 and R. of way, corner on 8th East, cheap. $900 2xl0. on Sth East, bet. ?th and' 8th So. $5250 10x7, comer, on 2nd Ave.; faces south and east. $45005x5, corner, East 2nd South. $5500 Fino corner, flat site, . East 2nd South, 3rd E. $3750 10x10 rods on Sth Eaat, near 7th South. $1400 Fine comer on 6th East. $850 2Jx7, faces south on 3th street. . $105021x7; faces south; 5th St. near H. Paradise Addition! Paradise Addition! 11th South, Runs from 7th to 8th East. We will sell a few more lots from $200 to $275 each; 2 car lines; city -limits; $1 cash, $1 per week. You are foolish if you want to get a. start if you don't come and get eomo. 8 per cent, a small amount bf money to loan $500 and up. - ' We write fire Insurance. . Board companies. Board rates. 315-316 Atlas Blk. 315-316 Atlas Bile. Bell phono 2622. MEEKS & LYNCH. MEEKS & LYNCH, X1544 35x115 FEET. 6TH SO., JUST . east of 3rd East; has alley in rear. $1200. 100X1S3 feat, facing west, on State street, just south of Capitol grounds: one of the bent sites In the city. It ought -to sell readily for $100 per foot; ail we aro asking Is $50 per foot, and can make you terms. 491x132 feet. Just north of the. Eaglo gate, facing west; elegant apartment house site; lawn; paved street; close In; only s $8000. 50x132 feet on Main St., bet. 11th and 12th South; west front. $500. i 6-rm. mod. brick, 57x125 feet; 819 E. 3rd South. $8500. We can mako you terms on any of the above; we will take clearing houso certificates certifi-cates or checks in payment. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. COMPANY, 251 So. Main St. Wo write Flro Insurance. Phonos 27. x!660 "IT PAYS TO OWN A HOME." CAPITAL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 17 West 2nd South St. FOR SALE $100.00 PER ACRE." A farm of 47J aere3, near Rlverton. Large house and barn with other outbuildings. out-buildings. Good orchard. Best water rights In Salt Lake county. Good soil. Raise anything. Terms, one-half cash, balance long lime, low rate of interest, FOR LEASE ONE YEAR, $100.00. 20 acres In Hunter ward. Good houso and barn, four artesian wells. good equipment for poultry raising on large scale. No alkali. "Drop In and talk it over. xlG30 SAMPLE BARGAINS. $6200 For this now S-room bk.; hardwood hard-wood floors; two toilets; pore, bath: flrst-clas3 furnace; handsome mantel; cement basement; sower v connection. $1700 For full 2-story, 6-room; pore, bath: furnace; good basement; newer connected; terms. $7700 For 10 rooms; built for a home; hardwood floors; strictly mod.; two toilets; hpt water heat; terms. $2975 For 6-rooni new bk.; pore, bath; toilet; nico mantot; cement walk all round the house; terms. $5500 For this new 6-room; strictly mod.; handsome O. K. mantel In parlor: beautiful chipped bk. flro-placo flro-placo In dining-room; large rooms Rnd fine basement. C7 F. LITTLE .U CD . .: B. Hlrth. Manager. Both phonos HS1S. 209-210 Atlas Block. XI5S2 PROPERTY AT TUB LOWEST MAR kot prlco listed and sold at Ranck Ror.l Estato Inv. Co., aulto 232 D. F. Walkor. b2433 . A TERRACE OF 4 rooms, bath and pantry, on a side; lot 90x75. Hero Is a chanco you .can live In ono and rent the othci1 or rent both, as 1 you like; rents now for $K6' per mq price I S3750. 1 HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO.. ; 73 W. 2nd So. XlSovl J EAST BENCH. 7 choice lots, best view on bench; tine location; $1925 cash. This Js only $275 per Jot, and a sacrifice. Those lots will sell for $1000 oaoh within 5 vearu; must sell. Address J-52, Tribune." xl830 FOR SALE REAL EBTATE W$t 1 NO PLACE LIKE HO'MB. m' iE S 10- room modern, on ea6t bench, nice t X'& t arn and large grounds $10,000. & 11- room modern pr. br., southeast; one- W -M Lore ground; good bam; shade and fruit E'-'M rees $7500. m 1 f I 7-room modern pr. br., lawn, ahaae, , VM rult; faces north on 3rd Btreet $4700. 6-room, brand new modern pr. br.; lot . 1x7; $1000 cash, bal. easy; on So 8tn w ,WM 3ast $3500. . if 4SI 5- room, brand new modem pr. br., 'K 'aces west and south, ono block from ; f n Jenter street car line $3300. - 6- room. 2-story brick; elec. light; S. B.; iW,Gl ot 113x140; on corner; a nice home; only -53200. R? Bl S-room frame; 2 porches, flowing well. twf'Kl ledge fence; lot 3x10: on Fifth West; not gjl 1 better buy anywhere. Price $26o0. tmfc ,g Half cash, baL easy. W . rjl 7- room, 2-atorv pr. br.. In fino condl- 'r ,a tlon; East 10th "So. $3000. Terms easy. mi V;I 7-room. 2-story pr. br... South Fourth f ft! East; $250 cash. bal. easy. Price only K 5-room pr. br.; barn, cement walk: lot f 1 50x150; $500 cash, bal. $25 per mo. Price U4I 52300. il&ill 4-room pr. br.; closotn and cellar; lot 'Cvpj 33x140; N. W., one block from car line; $250 cash, $15 per mo. $1850. 4-room frame, on So. 10th Ear; lot Mf 1I 371x82i ; $150 cash, bal. $17.50 per mo. $ Price $1450. t MPM 4-room brick: one acre gromd; with VmW windmill; a nlco place for chickens; S. E. $1250, Half cash, bal. easy. 5-room frame, on Post street $100(1. Half cash, bal. $20 per mo. , K'5fvl 3 -room frame, on West 3rd So. $950. flfi Nice lots on the east bench. In fact. K wo have lots for sal In most all parta of the city. Finely located business HtTa property. -ES?fl HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., K? 78 W. 2nd South. Wt '4 ' gig FARMS AND TRUCK GROUND. i $2750 5 acres good ground, 400 fruit LttS -i trees, 400 r. currants, 6-r. frame; XWi z flowing well, 5 shares water; south- flr east. tsh.v $36,00 341 acres gTound. 5-room nouse. a bam, chicken yard, etc.; all HVv3f implements; about 750 fruit trees', PtnjS t 65 shares of water; southeast. . f7J $3500 160 acres of ground, all under H 5 cultivation; good house, bam and outbuildings; 1 acre fruit; mostly ifeu? in alfalfa; 42 shares water; 20 ilff-i miles from Salt Lake. Terms. Byr1 $1500 Small fruit and chicken ranch; 5- KT'u room house, bam. flowing well. KfW shade treis, chicken house and n l ,-. runs. fi? 400 acres in Idaho, nicely improved. B'fl $650 160 acres, or will trade for horses. We have a party with extra water to irrigate one section of lst-class ground Br? which can be bought from the county, KfCfi cheap; this Is a dandy. Vtrc? We have Improved city property from IhiMjS $700 to $10,000. lv' V If you want to buyytsell or "trade, call gw i on us. -In 'i ANCHOR REALTY CO., M I 33 So. W. Templo, Room 2. iiteH: xlflOS W$fi FARM FOR SALE CHEAP; NEAR SALT fffl Lake City; good water right; $45 per f v e J acre. Phone 74 -NX. x!642 ,. t V". SPECIAL. ifi We offer No. 210 N. State sL today. m1. V Owner got to raise money; 7-rm. br., j t'Jyt mod.; 2 elegant mantels, pore, bath, etc., - cement walk. Stone 3teps loading up to; t--S ovorlooks the entire valley. This place i'tS Is to bo sacrificed for $4800; one-half cash MM will buy It. s .tj-S TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. 153 Main St. x!5S5 yift .A FINE HOME. I will sell my 11-room, thoroughly mod- i, UV2 em home, pr. brick, a fine spring, hot- I fviJi and cold water, one acre ground; good 'atflt bam; on car line; southeast location; 1 wfl price $7500. Address J-30. Tribune. ,il59L fli MR. SPECULATOR. flfi1- Ju6t read this carefully. 1271 acres, this side of tha Jordan R' ii.m river, about an hour's drive from the l yM city. 10 acres In lucem, good flowing n .m welli 5-room frame house, good soil. Can j f3m bo bought for $3200 and terms can be I 'Qj arranged. jj- $3800 will buy a well-improved farm l Trf with plonty of water right located la a jm Granger, with good six-room h5use'. out- a M houses, etc. 20 aores. It's worth your ji tim while to look it up. "t '-Jfik Just listed, an S-room modem rasi- i'l dence on East 2nd South; all street as- JjM't sessments paid, at $7500. j,f$sjl $3500 for two good framo houseir on ' 8th East, near 7th South, lot 3x10 rods, 'Tr renting now for $30 per month. i Near 11th East and 11th South havs an elegant 5-room modern brick cottage 1 U which was not built for sale, beautiful iwj yard with fruit trees and shrubbery. Owner leaving city and very anxious to 'iJH sell. Price $3500. Can arrange reason- f able terms. , Ijif ? If you aro looking for. a building lot, lvj3 would liko to' have you call. Have them )T V everywhere L J I A. RIchter, 19 W. 1st South. Phones 641. j Hi ; xi6o m-M SPECIAL. U'k Just completed. m$ The, best S-room modem house for sal fPH In the city. Yon will not find another ono Vi as well constructed and finished. Tha Vlil price la $S000. It's located on 2nd Ave.. E B between O and P streets, facing south. fJlm Tho lot, 21x10 rods, sewer, sidewalk and -. fif'fl paving paid for. House luaa large base- u$m ment with stationary laundry tubs, no bc.ttor plumbing In any house. Down ttfB stairs all polished. I can make reason- ikV ' able terms to tho right party. Go and U seo it. A. RIchter, 19 West 1st So. Phones 641. jfvJ I WANT TO BUY A HOME FOR CASH: Vt'tM . no agent. Address, with full partlou tv lars. K-33, Tribune. x649 )i INrESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS, ffr-1 Kelaey St Gillesplo, 22 Eat 1st South. U , : WE HAVE PROPERTY EVERYWHERE, M'f l E. E. Casady & Co., 407 AtJaB block. ! FARM LANDS, UNIMPROVED, $8.50 wM "and 210 an acre. 402 D. F. Walker blk. IKf'l A. L. Scott. Bell 2S9. r23S5 H? til SAMPLE BARGAIN8. Wr If you want to sell your houssi, list It !fa with us. C. F. Little ft Co.. 309-10 Atlaa block. pSS lljl IF YOU WANT MONEY , i'fSfl For your real cstnto see Juiiyl A. M KBLLAR & CO.. 631 W. 2ND SO m M SEE ASHTON & JEN1CINS. ACTrvri kJM real estntfyagents. 75 Main at. n224 PfcnB IF YOU WANT TO SELL.' Ilf.'l See C. W. MUler, 113 W. 2nd South. M M VACANT AND IMPROV15D PROPERTY hV-'M nil parts of city. Moeks & Lynch, 31S DW'H Atlas block. p!8il R'fi'l A. J. JENKrNS Is 'building 2 handsome 5-room bunga- ; t . low houeeB on 11th East, bfftwoan 4th. f and Sth South. Something now and up- fHf'H to-daie. Fino mantels and electric light fUrM fixtures,- first-class plumbing, etc. Can fl'WH givo terms. Rosidence, 373 7th East. Ind. phone 2113. x32-t lyJ''M NEARLY A SECTION OF LAND i MILE ftl from a countv seat. In Colorado; good K-WsM land, Improved with buildings and $5000 rfff-iH In hav, grain, stock, teams and farm tools t"i'fH on the place; would llko to trade for pare mfl cash and good Salt Loka property. Ad- I JrB drees K-59. Tribune. xS23 NjB WE SELL REAL ESTATE, THAT 9 VlH all. Tuttlo Bros., 153 Main. Rod ball ItejH elgns. Q139T f-lB FOR BUILDING LOTS SEE. FRITSCH. '$: No. 12 E. 2nd South at. kll94 HERE'S A FINE PROPOSITION: AN MnB investment of $15,000 will net 12 per KjhM cent in rents; property vory close in and ff$ (S suro to Increase hi value. Address P. O. viii'lUm Box 163G. XS74, ViS . OR RENT. NEW, MODERN BRICK; llu cottage. Addicss 1077 S. 0th East, this til t'H city. o43Se Uj $600 LOT ON 5TH AVE. GODDARD ly'-.fl inv. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. w269,l fi'M NOTICE GOOD RANCH FOR SALE. S20 acres deeded land, close to railroad, IV good tltln. lots of water, good sheep or cattlo ranch. Write or see J. J. . Scott, j McCainmon. Ida. x41ft I t'tM OUR MOTTO: QUICK SALES IN REAL li'fl ostato. W. L. Wlmmer. suoceeaor t Anderaon R, E. Co., 300-301 New Hsrald fM building. Fones 474 1H MM y |