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Show DRILL HOLE ALLOWS GOOD WATER FLOW Ontario Tunnel Work Assumes Very Interesting Stage at .Present Time. m HOLE POUIUXG FORTH BIG VALORS Safe Ground Ahead of Dril't Should It Be Necessary to Drive Ahead. A telephone message fmm Park City on Tuesday announced that tho diamond drill hole which the management has sent from the parallel drift to the main tunnel Is still open, and thnt In thu neighborhood of S00 gallons of water r minute are pouring pour-ing from the same. Superintendent Williams, Wil-liams, of tho Ontario and Daly West companies, was In this city yesterday. ! When asked regarding the report, he stat-I stat-I ed thai the figures given are about cor-tect, cor-tect, and when naked as to his opinion regurding the significance of this How. he stated that while it certainly looked encouraging, tho management had been disappointed so mnny times that he wanted want-ed to wait a bit longer before giving his opinion definitely. This report also had It that the management man-agement had sent a diamond drill hole Into tho territory directly ahead of the face of this parallel drift, and that this drill had gone a distance of seventy feet in ground aa solid as the company could wish for. The significance of this fact Is th?.l In case tho management -will be compelled to continue this drift, the work can be done with tho knowledge that 11 is absolutely safo, and that the ground will hold against the tremendous pressure incident to the pent-up -waters In the main tunnel. It will be understand that this parallel drift to the main tunnel Is about iwrnty-fivo iwrnty-fivo to twenty-seven feel distant from tho tunnel Itself. Heretofore tho drill holes sent into tho tunnel from the drift have clogged up after allowing a flow of water for various spaces of time The now hole, one and a half Inches lu diameter, diam-eter, is allowing such a generous flow of water that those who have been watching this work In tho Ontario fool more than encouraged, and believe that this particular partic-ular portion or the drift Is the correct place for additional and larger holes which eventually should bring out all the waters held back It was this point that Mr. Williams was not yet willing to concede, con-cede, preferring to watch the conduct of this new hole for a. while first. The first cave-in In the Ontario occurred oc-curred In March, 1905, since which time the company has hcen waging a desperate des-perate fight with nature under very Irving Irv-ing and dangerous circumstances. Boston Mining Stocks.' James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, 6 West Second South street, fur-nsh fur-nsh tlie following Boston mining atlck quotations, received over their private wire yesterday: a I Salcs.( H. L,. Clse Bingham Con 2,151 6? 5lT C , Boston Con 720 15 14 14i I Butte Coalition 4.140 171 1S4 IS ! Bulte .fc London .. 1.210 1 99c 99c Balaklala 1,110 31 38 3S Calumet r Arizona . 275 115 1113 113 Con. Mercur 300 30c 3Sq 38c Copper Range 1,623 C35' 02 C2 Cumberland Ely 1,550 8J S J Daly West 5,360 9 83' SJ Davis Daly 1,360 5 A: l Eusl Butte 6S5 7i 7 71 Glroux -Con 515 4 1$ 4J Granny Con. 90 90 90 Grceno-Cannnea. .. . 2,052 U $k Si Nevada Con. . 140 11 11 It Nevada-Utah 24,160 5t 4J 45 , NlplHsIng 550 7i 7i 7 North Butte 3.500 51J 491 19i Trinity J.098 I63 15J 1C United Copper com.'. 45 75 7j 7i U. S. Smelter com .. 652 35 3481 343 I I'. S. Smeller pfd . 211 105 40 40 Utah Con 1.092 35j 31 ' 34 BOSTON COPPER CLOS li. j I Bid. Asked Butte & London 7777777771 i 777777" 1 Davis Daly -is 4 Dominion Copper 2; 21 , Globe SJ 8 1 Kew 61 7 Nevada Utah 4! 41 Raven I 3-16 U $, & P 13 14 Apex 4J 4 1 Cumberland Ely Til Si East Butte iljl 7 Glroux 4 l Hancock 6 ' Majestic .-..J li 2 ' .Xlpisalng 1 7 i , Shawmut 35 36 Troy j HI l j ' i New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock ,fc Co., bankers and brokers, C West Second south street, furnish the following New York mining stock quotations, received over their private pri-vate wire yesterday: LISTED STOCKS. I SalcB. H. I L. IClse Newhousc ; 1.700 9H S3 82 Utah Coppej- 2,770 2U 24i 2IJ Balaklala 1,000 3RI 35 3R Tennessee Copper 31 30 31 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I SalCH.I II. 1 L. IClse Cumberland Ely' ! 3,500! S3! 711 71 ! Ely Con. ' 1 j 1 J ?j 1 , Dominion Copper ..I 2,500 21! 2i 25 d. jG. & Silver-.... .. 2.00O J I 4 I Nevada-Lrtah .. 18,700 5i I3( i; Nevada Smelter 300 IS lil IS, Mitchell J t ? ; . Glroux Con ". .! 400 4; 41: ii i King Ed-ward j 600 Z 3 I j Tlnrlc Mining ! 100 li! U; fi ; NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. 'I Bid. jA-skcd. 1 Newhouse S?l 9 : Utah Copper 24JI 25 : Nevada Conn 102, 101 Cumberland Ely Si I Balk !.! ,35; 35 ! King Edward ? Nlpleslng .- ...t.f. .. 7 7i I Davis Daly U r. ; Glroux IK (', - G. G. & Silver It 1 Nevada Smelling 15 MiU'noll 2 ' .ii Nevada-I'fah ' ' l a ' Silver Queen . t ' 1 Silver Leaf , J j jo Ely Con.. V . ' S? 1 ' Dominion Coiper ! 2-i 2 Gibraltar Sef ' nic Tlntlc M' I Montgom;rv Shoshone H Butte Jfc London ' j' "14 Tenncsaee Copper 1 3il j . -31 1 . . ; Mining Isotes. President Tony Jacobs5n. of the Co-, lumbup Consolidated company, has rc- , lut tied f 1 um a visit to the properly at Alia. . ; John Dorir, manager of the Uncle Sam and Muy Day companies, spent Tuesday ' In Tlntic looking over these mines. Ed L. Sheets, the broker, uxpecls to ! leave this week for a. visit to the Soclefv j Islands In- the? Pacific. Jo Sheets, his ! brother, may be Induced to overcome his .' 1rcad of seaIdinees sufficiently to no- , company his brother on thlw magnificent winter trip. ' I |