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Show FIFTEEN EXTRA MENJOR PITT Council in Pleasant Frame of Mind, and Grants (lie Petition. POPLAR GROVE TO GET $4500 FIRE STATION Usual Amount of Routine Business Busi-ness Before the City Fathers. The inenihors of the City Council were in an unusually happy and pacific state of mind Monday evening, aud. as a result, there was nothing during the session that smacked of contention or ill-feolittg. Even Periistrotn and Martin Mar-tin beamed upon each other and there was absolutely nothing to disturb the equanimity of the solons, or their friends, who occupied the gallery in groat numbers. One of the most important matters that came before the Council was the recommendation of the committee on police that fifteen extra patrolmen be uddod to the force. This wns in line with a recommendation made by Chief Pitt. The recommendation was adopted and the City Attorney instructed' to draft an ordinance covering the mnt-tcr. mnt-tcr. Mr. Martin introduced a resolution providing that the citv enter into a three-years' contract with the Utah "Light & Railway company, as of January Janu-ary 1, 1008. for COO luminous arc lights, at $5 per light por month. The resolution reso-lution was nuopted and the contract will be executed ns soon as possible. Acting upon the potitiou of tho Poplar Pop-lar Grove Improvement league, the committco on fire department recommended recom-mended that the chief of the fire department depart-ment be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a fire station in Pop-lnr Pop-lnr Grove, to cost not to exceed $J500. and that he spend not to exceed $200 in preparing the plans. This report was adopted by a unanimous vote. Street Intersections. Mr. Martin introduced a resolution providing that the Utah Light & T?ail-wav T?ail-wav company be ordered to at once repair re-pair all street intersections whore their tracks are laid. The resolution was adopted and the Street Supervisor di-rocted di-rocted to see that the work is done. The company has left a number of intersections iu bad condition. .In the matter of paving A street from First to Fourth avenues, all petitions relating to the kind of material used wore ordered filed and the City Kecord-cr Kecord-cr was instructed to publish a notico of intontion to pnvo the street with asplutltum. .Health Commissioner Stewart asked that the allowance to his department for street car tickets bo increased from ?15 to $30 a month. Granted for the current month. The board of public works announced the appoinlmont of Miss Kathorino 13. Leith, stenographer, and M. Fit'.ppat-rick, Fit'.ppat-rick, chief inspector. An additional communication was received from Chairman If. G. McMillan, announcing tho appointment of Irnuk I?. Chrisipn-sen Chrisipn-sen as clerk of the board. The appointment appoint-ment of tho clerk and stenographer was concurred in. but that of Filxpntrick referred to the committee on engineering engineer-ing and sewage. . MaA'or Bransford announced the appointment ap-pointment of James P. Kcatc as poll tax collector. Confirmed. The board of park commissioners submitted sub-mitted the appoinlmont-of Henry' F. Heath as parkkeeper at a salary of $1000 a year, and A. M. lloltcr as assistant as-sistant florist, a I .900 a year. The appointments ap-pointments were confirmed. A communication was received from the League of American Municipalities, with headquarters in New York, ask ing Salt Lake to become a member. IJcferrod to committee on revision. Chief Vail of the fire department submitted sub-mitted (.he following appointments to fill vacancies: A. A. Carlson, P. H. McCarthy, C. Oudcnwalder and F. Sr. Wilinoth. The appointments were confirmed. con-firmed. Auditor Alff submitted the following estimates: P. J. Moran, water main':. Sl-WSn.fjl; S. Birch, sidewalks, $620..l3: S- Birch, sidewalks. $33 10.45. Referred to the committees oii finance, and engineering en-gineering and sewerage. Tho C'ity Engineer reported that tho contemplated st nol-rivctcd bridge across the- .Jordan river on Xorth Temple Tem-ple street would cost npproxitnately ft-SOOO. . Plans accompanied the estimate. esti-mate. Referred to committee on finance. City Attorney Dininny asked thai $105.90 he appropriated to satisfy Jhc judgment which, Ilyrum Thompson recently re-cently secured against the citv for damages dam-ages to his propcrtv al, Fifth West and Kifth South, caused by a Hood. Thompson sued for $500. T'hi- amount was placed on tho list; of authorized expenditures. Other Matters. I). W. Harmon el: al., residents uf the Camp's Lane district, west of the Jordan rivor and north of North Tom-pic Tom-pic street, asked that tho locality be drained. It is set out that the 'residents 'resi-dents pay $2,000 a year in taxes and that the drainage would not cost the city to exceed $1,500 a year. Referred to committee on engineering and sewerage. sew-erage. Tho I'lnsign Knitting works asked permission to plnce a cauvas sign across Richards street for one" week for the purpose of advertising homo industry and salo of home-made goods, the sign to clear nil wires or obstructions. The petition was denied. A communication was received from Windsor & Co., agents of the Pidelity and Deposit company of Maryland, announcing an-nouncing that they would no longvr be responsible under tho bond given by them for the Utah Tndependc'nt. Telephone Tele-phone company, for the reason that the company has refused to pav the prc-mium. prc-mium. Tho bond is for $2"j.000 and was given to indemnify the city againofc any loss in case6 wherein the company was liable. Referred to .committee oil finance. The committee on claims recommended recommend-ed that the claim of David h. McDonald McDon-ald for damages suffered bv a policeman police-man shooting his mare after she had broken her leg be filed, ns the city is not responsible for tho net of the policeman. Adopted. The committee on improvements recommended rec-ommended the filing of the petition of the Stoker Smoke and Fuel Consuming Consum-ing company, ashing the city to indorse its device. Adopted. Tho building in-aMotor-haa been inscruuted.fco jjrocoed. at once against violators of the smoke ordinance. The committee 'on improvements recommended rec-ommended that the Utah Can and Coke company be permitted to install a block of Wclsbach gas lampc on some streets where Ihere is no paving, in order that tho council may be able to judgo of the efficiency of the lights; also that the Utah Light and Hallway company bo instructed to put in a block of luminous lu-minous arc lights 1'or.the purpose of comparison- Adopter!. The committee on fire department recommended that the resolution of Mr. Fcmstrom, requiring all magazines for the storing of explosives to bo removed from within tho limits of the city, be filed. Mr. Fornstrom protested vigorously against the filing of bis resolution, and cued tljo explosion near the Hot Springs last year in support, of his . contention that greater care should be exercised. Mr. Kernstrom then moved that the resolution bo referred back to the commit com-mit toe. . Thiajnotioh -Di'evailed. |