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Show ISWIFTWATKR BILL IS IX AT RAWHIDE CAMP Since the first discovery a few days ago of the wonderful immense gold-bearing ledge on the Royal and Tiger ground about two miles from here. Messrs. Allen and Bray have been besieged by mining men from all parts for a lease on the ground. Large sums aro boing offered for interests in these valuable proper-lips. proper-lips. On every lease let up to the present lime, development work has shown that , the same tremendous valu.es aro thor- oughly distributed over the entire district. dis-trict. This vast deposit of the precious metal lias been traced on tho Royal for a distance of GOO eet and along the entire en-tire length of the Tiger claim, which ad-Joins ad-Joins it. for a distance of 1500 feet, making mak-ing 2100 feet up to the present writing that the lend has been traced, and everywhere ev-erywhere it has been tapped in different places it shows tho same phenomenal values. ' On tho Kirk Jeane nnd Wilcox It has been picked up and opened up for quite a distance, producing assays in the picture pic-ture class. Barker has tracod It on the Ttobblns lease, whore two feet of it goes $500 to the ton. The ledge ut present has reached tho astounding width of twelve feet in places, all of which produces pro-duces big values, and five feet of which averages between $500 and $700, although al-though on some leases even these values arc exceeded. The Packard lease on the Tiger has four feet of the leud and eighteen Inches of this assays 1029 ounces in silver and one ounce in gold. . On the Lee and Elliott, which is consolidated con-solidated with tho Rainier, Immense values val-ues 'showed on the surface nnd a tunnel is being driven to cut the big lead nt a depth of J00 feet, where it is estimated esti-mated that fabulous values will be obtained. ob-tained. "Swlftwater Bill" will have his twenty-ton twenty-ton stamp mill hero in a few days time and before three weeks have passed it will be in operation. It Is intended to construct the mill at Murphy's, about elx miles away, on the flat, where plenty of water is obtainable. obtain-able. The advent of "Swlftwater Bill." or William Gates, as he is known in polite po-lite society, should be considered a lucky omen by Rawliide, as "Bill" has alwayw had more than his share of good fortune In the mining game, and with but very few allures to his credit. Rawhldo Rustler. |