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Show ORIGIN OF PLAGUE IN 'FRISCO NOT TRACED, WASHINGTON, Jan. I2.A feature of tho annual report of Surgeon -General Wyman of tho public health and marine hospital service, transmitted to Congress during the past weelc. Is a review of the bubonic plague situation at San Francisco. Fran-cisco. Up lo November 19 there had been 30 cases of this dread disease and 60 deaths. The surgeon-general stalci that It has been Impossible to discover the origin of the plague outbreak. While the surgeon-general states that the disease dis-ease Is reported as diminishing, ho asserts as-serts that It will, of necessity, require a long timo for complete eradication. Tho ourgcon-general calls particular attention at-tention to typhoid fever mid the nccessltv of a regulation under the Interstate clause of the quarantine act of 1S03, providing pro-viding for the examination of the water and food supply on railway passenger trains. In onler to meet the growing demand for Increased Federal activity in mutters of public health. Mr. Wyinan asks authority au-thority to convoy Information through bulletins and pamphlets. As a further aid, ho asks for speclul authority and appropriations ap-propriations for the preparation and distribution dis-tribution of Mhort treatises on tuberculosis, tubercu-losis, particularly relating to transmission transmis-sion and methods of prevention. As a further means to secure co-operation with Stato and municipal health authorities, au-thorities, a recommendation Is made for the establishment of a school of hygleno connected with the hygienic laboratory of the service, to which accredited State and municipal health officers may bo assigned as-signed by the proper State authority for courses of research and special Instructions. |