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Show Issued every morning by Salt Lako Tribune Publishing Company. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily and Sunday Tribune, week...? .25 Daily and Sunday, one month 1.00 Daily Hnd Sunday, three months... o.on Dallv and Sunday, one year......... l.o Sunday Tribune, ono year Sunday Tribune, six months LOO Semi-Weekly Tribune, ono year S. C. Beckwlth Special Agency. Sole Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern or-lice. or-lice. Tribune Building-. Now York: Western West-ern office. Tribune Building. Chicago. Business communications should he addressed? ad-dressed? "The Tribune, Salt Lako OH. Matters for publication, to "Editor The Tribune, Salt JLake City, Utah." Where Tho, Tribuno Is on Salo. Murray. Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., Ind. phone 1 77-1. , . , Ogdon, Utah Branch ofllce, Broom hotel. Provo. Utah A. V. Roblson. 27 E. Center New York Hotel Imperial: Waldorf-Astoria; Hotallng's, Broadway and Tnli-ly-eighth stro'et. ,, . . Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket Or- Chlcago Auditorium Hotel: Palmer House; Van's Book and Exchange. Washington New Willard News Stand. Omaha Union Station News Stand. Kansas City Yoma News Co. Portland Bowman News Co.: Oregon News Co I .ok Angeles B. E. Amm. . San Francisco Amos News Co.: roster Orear; Ferry Bid., Hutchison News Co.: Parent's Stationery Co..; N. Wheatley. ! Seattle Acme News Co.; A. M. Keys. , Denver Brown Palace; Kendrick Book and Stationery Co.; H. P. Hanson; Bar-, vey News Sen-Ice. Boise Idanha Hotel; Boise Book and Music Co Pocatello Chaffe & Co. Butte John G. Evans; Kecfe Bros.. P. O. News Stand. Entered at the Pestofflce at Salt Lake City as second-class matter. Tribune Bell Telephones. 5200 Circulation 5201 , Advertising R202 Bookkeeper 520.1 . . . ! Manager 5201 City Editor 5205 ..., Managing Editor 1 .r.205 Editor in Chief 5207 Toll desk,! 520S Administration 5209. Composing Room 5210 Telegraph and Art 5211 Engraving Dep't ', Independent Telephones. I-' " For all Departments 360. 3S4, ."!? Monday. January IS, 3008. |