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Show RADICAL CHANGE IN WEATHEHJOHDITIOHS &ftd Rain More Than Likely to Sweep Over Zion City Today. "Winter lingering in the lap of spring" is doing his usual affectionate stunt at presont, and there is.no further fur-ther worry over that early spring that Zionites wero worrying about, a rew wooks. ago. The lilac, buds as well as the tree sap, arc discouraged and have about mado up their minds that there is plenty of timo for a little between-scasou between-scasou nap. Over the Southern Pacific a storm center of considerable size and ;m-. portance has formed. It is rcacnincr' out long arms northeastward to the northern plateau and KocXv mountains, and Los Angeles and Independence both report heavy rains, while snow is general gen-eral through' the West. The North Atlantic At-lantic coast is having its troubles, too, and n passing storm is hnriying the good Yankees, giving them both rain and snow. The Lake regions and the Ohio valleys are not free from precipitation, precipi-tation, and altogether there is enough rain in the country to counteract even Zion's dryness of a Sunday. The cold wave is still on hand, brisk and energetic ener-getic as over, and extends from Montana Mon-tana to Florida, rather a wide reach oven for a cold wave. With not a speck of high pressure m sight and tho Southern Pacific storm creeping up slowl3" but surel.y, it looks to the weather man as if Zion is going to got another drenching todaj-. He also sa,ys "cooler," which means a careful cherishing of the old winter's clothes for a few daj's to come. The records of th rise of Salt Lake are more encouraging each day, and show that when the season opens,. Zion will have bathing pleasures that have not been surpassed in some 3'enrs. In the meantime, today will bo cooler and decidedly de-cidedly wet. Yesterday's Record. Yesterda.y5s record at the local office of-fice of the weather bureau for the 24 hours pnding at fi p. m.; Maximum temperature, on degrees; minimum temperature, 39 degrees; mean temperature, 47 degrees, which is 0 degrees above normal. Accumulated excess of temperature since the first of the month, 24 degrees; accumulated excess ex-cess of temperature since January 1, 407 degrees. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. 42 per cent. Total precipitation from 6 p. m. to 6 p. m., trace; accumulated oxcess of precipitation pre-cipitation since the first of the month. .12 of an inch; accumulated oxcess of precipitation since January 1, 2.60, inches. in-ches. Temperatures Elsewhere. Mln. Max. Boise 32 35 Chicacro 26 34 Denver 28 f!0 Grand -Junction 3S 62 Havre -2 24 Helena 20 38 Huron . . .. 22 42 Independence 3S 62 Kansas City 36 56 Lander 21 36 Little Rock 4S 64 Los Angeles 51 60 Miles City -. 20 40 Modena 42 54 New l'ork City 20 3S Omaha 50 70 Pocateilo 30 34 Portland. Ore 38 52 San Francisco 48 52 Spokane 2S 46 Swift Current 6 30 Tonopnh 33 52 Victoria -. 32 JS Washington 26 50 Winnemucca 30 48 I Winnipeg ,.-2 20 |