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Show MANGLED BY ENGINE Mine Fireman of Frontier, Wyo., Victim of Horrible Accident. Special to The Tribune. FRONTIER. Wyo., Mar. f Martin Schoop. a fireman agod 34, eraplovod by the Kemmerer Coal company at 'this Place, while trying to start tho com-pressor com-pressor accidentally stepped Into the flywheel fly-wheel of the engine and hod lmth' feet ond limbs badly mangled. The loft limb was completely torn off. the right being so badly manglod that it will have to bo amputated. Dr. Hecker, tho company physician, and Dr Stafford of Kemmerer Kemmer-er wero on the ground a few mlnutce nftor he accident Tho engine had to be takon. apart to get Schoop1 bodv out of the machinery. Schoop in married and has two children. It seems a miracle that he escaped sudden death, as the engine Is run with a very high speed in order to force air down the shaft to. tho miners. |