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Show RADICAL CHANGES ON MARKET ROW Forty Cents Raise Yesterday on Hundred Pound Sack of Potatoes. APPLES SOAR UPWARDS AND SUPPLY IS SHORT Fresh Green Peas Sell Rapidly and Tangerines are Also New Comers. One of tho disconcerting features of yesterday's market was ttyc Jump in the price of potatoes, they soaring skyward to the tune of a 40 cents raise on a 100-pound 100-pound sack, wholesale: 1.10 has been the market price for some time, but the Jump came of a sudden, and at that price potatoes aro very scarce, the present pres-ent available supply almost exhausted and no prospect of a reinforcement. Tho trouble Is all owing to the bad roads, which make' hauling In the country almost al-most Impossible. The farmers have potatoes, po-tatoes, are ready and anxious to sell, but there Is nothing doing when It comes to getting them to a shipping point. Hay Is In exactly the same way. One local produce merchant had all his teams standing idle yesterday in preference to working them hauling hay, for he was fearful of crippling his horses and also damaging the hay. "A few days ago." he said. "I sold hay at 10 cents that I had to pav 60 cents for, not to speak of the hauling and labor. And If conditions con-ditions are that bad right here, you can Imagine what they aro In the country. ' Apples are another scarce commodity, selling from SL25 to S1.75 per box, and hard to get at the price. Something to make the mouth of the spring epicure water was the display of green peas, which sold rapidly at 20 cents 11 pound. Tangerines were newcomers new-comers also, the tlrst shipment of tho season being on hand yesterday, and retailing re-tailing at 25 cents a dozen. The tangerines tan-gerines at this time arc quite sour, but as the season advances they will sweeten up and be most palatable. Sweet potatoes aro on their last legs, and out a few scattered displays were noticed along the row at 5 cents n nound. Dealers arc- making a feverish effort to rid themselves of cranberries, which aro ripening over fast, and the price of 5 cents a quart is very apt to take another an-other slide. Eggs are sleady at $5 to $n 2o a case, while poultry is scarce, though the price remains Etatlmiary- The rise In the oranges has not as vet effected the retail price of the ycl-iow ycl-iow fruit, as thev are selling from 15 to GO cents a dozen. Wholesale they aro going at $2.25 to ?3.25 a case. There wore but few consignments of anv sort received yesterday. The gloomy depressing weather made marketing dull business, and there were not so many buvcrs along the row. which consequently tended to make the market rather Hat. |