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Show LIVE STOCK. QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHICAGO. Juno 6.-CaUlc-Rccclpt8. 2500. Mnrkot steady. Beeves, $4.00.00, cows and heifers, 51.056.10; Btockora and feeders, S2.SOir4.75; Toxans, S2.i6j4.4o; calves, ?5.E&7.00. Hogs-Recolpts, 12.000. Market 5 cents higlier. Estimated tomorrow, 23,000. Mixed and butchers', ?0.25fi0.45; good heavy, J0.40 C.47V4; rough heavy. $G.2ofiC35; light, ?0,25 G.12V:; pigs, $5.001jfi.l5; bulk of sales, ?G.23 Sheop Rccolpts, 12,000. Market steady. Sheep. $1.40JjG.'J0; lambs, ?G.15UC.50. Omaha. OMAHA. Juno G. Cattle Receipts, 3000; markot slow to steady- native steers. $4 2GS6.50; cows and heifers, 3 OOfi-1.60; Western steers, S3.GOff4.G0; canncrs. $1.7dQ 3 00 stockora and feeders. $3,0034.50; calves, $3.00XtG.25; bullB and stags, 2 7Gt3 '"Hoks Receipts, 10.(00: market shado to Go higher; heavy. SG.22C30; mixed, SG22MiSG.25; light. ?G.20'a6.1i); pigs, $5.00 C.00. bulk of sales, $0.226.25. Sheep Receipts. 42"W; markot steady; yearlings. S5.70TG.15; wethors $5.6ftijC.C0; owes. $-1.7Gjj5.7G; lambs, $G.0OnG.G0. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Juno G.-Cattlo Re-cclpto; Re-cclpto; 7000: market slow, steady; native stoers, Jl.25fiG.65; native cows and heifers, 2G0f(5.15; Blockers and feeders, $2.75'ff4.G0; bulls $2.G0frl.l6; calves, $3.CO.fiG.2o . Western West-ern fed steers, J3 500.25 1 Westorn fod cows. $2.75(34.25. Hoirs Receipts, 14.000; market strong to G cents higher: bulk of oales J0.3XSti.3C; heavy. $G.30S. packers, Jo25u.3o; pigs and lights. J5.25SO-30. Sv,eepRccclpi3, 40TO; market shado lower; muttons, J4.75GC 25; lambs JS.OOtf 7.35; range wotnors, $5.oOjjj.0'D; fed ewes, S4.GOfi6.75. , St Joseph. ST JOSEPH, Juno G. Cattle Receipts. 3-10); market steady; natives, J-l.2Gfi5.75; Texas Westerns, JI OOiG.40; cows and heifers" heif-ers" $1.7WH C5: bulls and slags, J2.0Off4.GO; veals, W 000.50 yearlli.ps. $2 604.00; Blockers and fecdors. J3.0J74.3o. Hogs Receipts, 7000; steady; light mixed. $C.1D?G.30; medium heavy, $C.25fi 0.40; pigs. $4.7tfQi5.25; bulk of sales, JG 22& 0jfl.32W!. gn0Cp Roco'lpts. 1GO0; markot steady; Texaa wotherf, J5.40. Dick Bros.' Stock Letter. Dick Bros, say: "Markot continued ncllvo and strong this morning with ag-gresalvo ag-gresalvo manipulation and urgont short J covering carrying many stocks materially higher. On tho rise, howovcr, there was a llttlo supply of stocks and this selling not only checked tho rise, but brought about ncw weakness in tho afternoon, when early buyers tried to sell and found only a poor market' to sell on. There was no news except some rather unfavorable advices from Texas. Tho closing waa distinctly dis-tinctly heavy." Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, Juno G. Trading la quiet In tho wool market. Tho lack of stock is said to bo prime cause of tho Indifference of manuf-icturors with tho unsatisfactory conditions of tho goods market also an Important factor. There Is llttlo doing In foreign wools horc, olthcr In South American Amer-ican or Australian grades. Torrrltory wools aro steady at 72.'5T3o for fine and 63 fiTOc for lino medium. Pulled wools nro aull, with superb moving at G05G4C. Territory Ter-ritory quotations follow: Idaho Fine, 22n23c, heavy flno, 19ftC0o; line medium, 22g3c; medium, 2&327c; low medium, 2Jy27c. Wyoming Flno, 21-23c; henvy flno. 1!3 20c; fine nodium, 22j23c; medium, 2G27c; low medium, 2Gti27c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 22'f?23c: heavy line. lOfiOc; lino medium. 22itf23c; medium, 26tf?27c: low medium, 2Gi'27c. Montana Flno cholco, 2425c: fine average. aver-age. 23324c; flno medium, choice, 2iJf25o; average, 23g24o; flno medium, choice, 24 25c; avcrnge, 23fi'24c; Btaplo, 27tfr2Sc; medium me-dium choice, 272Sc; average, 2g27c. St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS. June 5 Wool-Steady. Territory Ter-ritory and Westorn mediums. 25S30c; lino medium. 21CC5c: flno, l$f20c. |