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Show SOCIETY ! SOCIAL CALENDAR THE MARRIAGE of Miss Helen M. Bamberger nnd Arthur Bchal will take Place this evening at the Temple B'nal Israel at 8 o'clock, the ceremony to be followed by a dinner for tho members of the bridal party and relatives at the Alta club. The bride will bo attended at-tended by Mrs. A. N. Ransohoff of New York as matron of honor, Miss Mamie Snpplngton to be the maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Elolsc Sadler and Mlos Supan Sawyer. Lewis Behal of Philadelphia will act as best man, the ushers being Julian Bamberger. Joseph and Benjamin Sie-gel, Sie-gel, J. A. Grecnwald, Sidney Bamberger Bamber-ger and Dan Llppman. THE MARRIAGE OF MISS MARY SHARP and George Taylor Badger will take placo today at high noon In the Temple. This evening- a large reception re-ception will he given at the home of tho bride's mother, Mrs, Sophia Sharp. The bride will bo attended by Mrs. lt. R. Romney ns matron of- honor, tho bridesmaids being Mies Hattle Whitney Whit-ney and Miss Abble Wella, Frank Moylc to act as best man. THE MARRIAGE OF MISS IHR-MA IHR-MA WAGENER and John B. Milan. Jr., will take jplaco. this evening at St. Mark's cathedral at S o'clock. Dean Benjamin Brewster will ofll-clato ofll-clato and a large reception will follow at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Henry Wagcner. MRS. LEWIS H. FARNS WORTH will give a box party this afternoon at the Orpheum for her daughter Edna, Tho guests will bo the faculty and seniors of the Gordon academy. MISS MAMIE HIXES will entertain enter-tain Informally tomorrow afternoon ln honor of her guest. Miss Maud Patterson Pat-terson of Ogden, MRS. W. W ANNESS will give an Informal tea Thursday afternoon ln honor of Mrs. EateUe Wers and Miss Mary Hoag. A beautifully appointed dinner was tho one given last evening by Miss ICathcrlne Gcddes at tho Country club ln honor of Miss Mary McShsino of Omaha, who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Chan-nlng. Chan-nlng. Tho decorations were entirely In red. About tho dining-room were hung baskets of crimson peonlesr a large bowl of llowers forming the centerpiece of tho table. Tho candelabrum waa filled with red candles and shaded ln the prevailing color. Invited to meet Miss McShane were Mr. and Mrs, Roscoe H Channlng. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bamberger, Mr. and Mrs. A, V. Callnghan, Mrs. Sherman White, Miss Katherlne Judge. Mls3 Na-son. Na-son. Miss Kate Williams. Mies Alia Miller, Mil-ler, Miss Addle Zane. Misses Lillian and Maud Fitch; Messrs Henry McCornlck, David D. Taylor. McDonald, Jasper Mc-Caskoll. Mc-Caskoll. Samuel Ncwhouse. Tod Goodwin, Good-win, Clem Schramm, John Crltchlow, Hallett, George Lawrence. w w Mlsa Scallon nnd Miss Mary Scallon en-tortalned en-tortalned Informally at luncheon yesterday yester-day afternoon. Tho decorations and appointments ap-pointments were entirely ln red. A silver sil-ver candalabrum shaded ln red was ln tho center of the table, with Vases of peonies surrounding lt. Loving cups filled with flowers alternated with candlesticks candle-sticks at tho corners of the table. The place cards were Holland and Dutch designs. de-signs. The guests were Mrs. James Fin-len, Fin-len, Mrs. W. Edward Fife, Mrs, Alpha Easton, Mrs Brugulrrc, Mrs. Lesllo L. Savage, Mrs. Robert Edward, Mlse Mose Klrkpatrlck. Miss Kato Williams. Miss Laura Sherman, Miss Lillian Fitch and Miss Almco Best. . Miss Bessie Williamson entertained twelve friends at a prettily appointed luncheon yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Kathcrlno Moffott. The decorations were ln green and white sprays of syrln-ga syrln-ga wcro effectively used. Attached to the place cards were llttlo bags of rice. Besides Be-sides the guest of honor, covers were laid for Mrs. Flowd Knickerbocker, Miss Mabel Crowley. Mlas Myra Sowles, Miss Halllo Fcrron. Miss Amy Addoms. Miss Lydla Smlthcn, Miss lrma Walker, Miss Katherlne McDonald. Miss Ethel Campbell, Camp-bell, Miss Mary Moffett. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Nllcs have gone to Boston for a visit with relatives and friends. The doctor will return In a couplo of weeks. Mrs. Nlles will be Joined by Miss ElbJibeth Nlle3 at the close of the Wcllslev term and Frank, who has been at tho Boston Technical school for tho winter, and they will spend the summer sum-mer ln the East. The marriage of Miss Minnie J. Hogan and William S. Dalton took place last evening at the homo of tho bride's parents. par-ents. Bishop David West officiated. Tho ccremonv was witnessed by only the relatives rel-atives and a few friends of the bride and groom, and was followed by a largo reception. re-ception. t t The engagement of Miss Amy Anderson Tavlor and Albort E. Fisher Is announced. an-nounced. The wedding Is to take placo June 11 at the home of the bride, G53 South West Tempjo street. Miss Maud Patterson of Ogden Is the guest of Miss Mamie Hlncs at 266 D street. , . Mrs. Mary Ryan left last evening for Los Angeles, where she will spend a month. Mrs. Julia Kimball and Miss Blanche Kimball have discontinued their Wednesdays Wednes-days at homo until fall. e The ladles of Fort Douglas will not be at homo Thursday afternoon of this wcek. |