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Show CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD The Kentucky Liquor company began suit In tho District court yesterday against .Tames F. Wall to renew a Judgment Judg-ment for ?G28.fiS and to collect a promissory prom-issory note for 5700. On Wednesday evening will occur the regulnr bnnquot of the Insurance men at the Commercial club. Governor Cullor nnd sevcrnl members of tho Legislature will be tho guests of honor. Douglas A. Svan will sever Mb connection con-nection with the l.'tah lS;ht .t Railway company In whose service ho hns been for the past four years or more, bis resignation resig-nation having boon accepted, to take effect ef-fect on the first of the coming month. The Salt Lake Investment company brought suit In the District court yesterday yes-terday against Stephen B. Rose and scv-er:il scv-er:il other defendants to qufel title to1 property In section 31. township 1 south, range 1 west. In Salt Lake county. Tomorrow evening at tho Commercial club will be held tho regular quarterly mooting of tho Utah Association of Life Underwriters. As business of great Importance Im-portance Is to come before tho meeting II If urged that all members be present. A stranger giving the name of Frank .Mitchell and claiming to be a recent arrival ar-rival from the East, was arrested ny Deputy Sheriff Steele Saturday afternoon nnd Is being held at the county Jail for examination by, the insanity commissioners. commission-ers. Lavlna Morris yesterday petitioned the District court for the appointment of Or-vln Or-vln Morris ae administrator of the estate of her father. John Robblns. who died In Salt Lako on May 0. ISSt, leaving real es-tato es-tato valued at SlfiOO and having a rental value of $120 a year. Joe Novlcb. who was arrested at Murray Mur-ray n few days ago, after a hard chase, by Marshal Mauss and Deputy Sheriff Ike Emery, was on Saturday adjudged guilty of exhibiting a dendly weapon by Justice Holm and sentenced to servo six months In tho county Jail Oscar M. Engdahl hogan suit In the District court yestorday against Otto Stenzel ct al to foreclose a Hen for material ma-terial used In the building of a house. The amount of the lion Is .M9S. and Interest Is asked from July 11, 1006, together with an attorney's fee of 525. Judge Morpe yesterdav confirmed the sale of the restaurant property under Walker Brothers' bank, formerly owned by the Rich Refreshment company, to Little S- Little, for $3500. The company's property was sold nt receiver's sale, and, as a result of the confirmation of the pale, the bond of Recolvcr Frank Godbe was Increased from $1000 to $7000. Twenty-eight births wore reported to the City Henlth Department last week, 13 males and IS females. Twenty-six deaths wer reported durlne the week-Contagious week-Contagious and Infectious diseases wero reported as follows: Scarlet fever, 2; cerehro-splnal meningitis, 2; chlckenpox, 7: mumps. 3. Six cases of scarlet fever nnd one caso of diphtheria are In quarantine. quar-antine. A decree of foreclosure of a mortgage on land In section 11, township 2 south, range 1 west, wns signed by Judge Ritchie Rit-chie yesterday In the case of tho Western West-ern Savings & Loan company vs. C. O. .Tanson and wlfo. The amount of the mortgage, with Interest. Is $r30. and an attorney's V? of $60 whs allowed. II. M. H. Lund was appointed receiver of tho property to conduct the sale of the property. prop-erty. Tattle Brothers hnv? submitted to the City Engineer tho names of the new streets which are to be opened on the late Nowhousc purchase In order thnt they may be used In the new city map. Tho extension of Market street Is to be known as "Exchange Place." -while the short street running through the middle of the block from Fourth South lo Ex-chango Ex-chango Place will be named "Cactus" street. The regular monthly meeting of the Utah soetlon. Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists, will bo held In the chemistry lecture room. University of Utah, Friday. February 1. 1007, at S:15 p. m A paper will be presented pre-sented by W. C. Ebaugh. Subject: "Gnses vs. Solids; an Investigation of tho Injurious Inju-rious Ingredients of f.melter Smoke." A general discussion will follow the reading of the paper. All are cordially invited to he present. A large attendance Is desired. de-sired. William Larson, a youth of 17, who llvos with his widowed mother In the southern part of the county, Is in the county Jail on two charges of forgery. In some manner Larsen possessed himself of a number of pay ohecks of the Oregon Short Lino, company, signed tho name of the paymaster to them, and cashed them, one at the J. P Gardner store and another at Mcf-ornlck's bank. Tho first check called for $12.50 and tho other one for $50.50. Xl some time during the early morning hours of Saturday the postofflce sub-station. No. 16, located In the grocery store of Albert Smith ,fc Sons. Eleventh and Stato streets, was ontercd by thieves, who pained admittance by cutting a panel out of the door. As has always been the practice, tho office safe had boen left open. In order to prevent Its destruction In case of a visitation from cracksmen. In an upper drawer of the safe the thieves found a roll of 600 pennies, carefully care-fully wrappcfl In paper. Theso they took, presumably without removing tho wrapper, wrap-per, ."corning $27 In cash and $50 In postage post-age stamps which another drawer contained. con-tained. As yet no clue has been discovered dis-covered as to the Identity of the thieves. |