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Show H Catarrh of the Stomach Hj A Pleasant, Simple, hut Safe and Ef- foctual Cure for It. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has Ion;; been considered the next thing to incurable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloat-ing bloat-ing sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breath-ing, breath-ing, -headaches, fickle appetite, ncrvous-ness ncrvous-ness and a general plaj'cd out, languid feeling. , There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tonguo and if the interior I of tho stomach could bo seen it would show a slimy, inflamed condition. The cure for this common and obsti-nato obsti-nato trouble is found in the treatment -which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate tho delicate mn-, mn-, cus surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do and when 1 normal digestion is secured the eatar- rhal condition will have disappeared. According to Dr. JJarlanson, the safest and best treatment is to use after i . each meal a tablet, composed of Dins-taso. Dins-taso. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Is'ux. Gold-en Gold-en Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores un-dcr'the un-dcr'the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab-i Tab-i 'J lets and not being a patent medicine ' can bo used with perfect safety and J assurance that healthy appetite and a ii thorough digestion will follow their rcg- nlar use after meals. 1 Mr. Ii. S. Workman, Chicago. HI., i u writes: 'Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in tho i head, whereby tho lining membrane of tlj tho nose becomes inflamed and the poi-1 poi-1 i sonous discharge thorcfroni yiassing 1 ':; backward into the throat reaches the 1 1 ,, stomach, thus producing catarrh of tbe i f stomach. Medical authorities pre- scribed for mo for three years for ca- i tarrli of stomach without 'mire, but l o- ,v day I nm the happiest of men after ",s?nK 'y on lox of Stuart's Dyspep- , x f ablets. I cannot find appropriate HL , words to express my good Jecling. I H: ; hxvc found flesli. appetite and sound I -J rosr from their use. , H"f -i ! Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the saf- 'l est preparation as well as Iho simplest ,t i ,1.4 an,l most convenient remedy for any ' fonn of iudigestion, Calarrli of stom- Uj mi acli, biliousness, sour stomach, licart- 'l 'i burn and bloating after meals. H ,j Send your name and address today '. ! 'or n free trial packago and sec for LH .'I vouraeli. Address V. A. Stuart Co,, 5S ' BUturt Marhnll, Preparednot Manufactured : Ghirardelli's G-round Chocolate is prepared, not manufactured. There's a difference. It is made by Nature and prepared by G-hirar-deUi. The Ghirardelli process simply renders available all the natural goodness of the co- coa bean. That's why it is so pure, delicious, deli-cious, satisfying and health giving, and that's why everybody likes it so well. Aok your srocer for It. Bo sure that you cot It, Ghirardellfs N Ground Chocolate L. A. RAY, Salt Lake, agent for Utah. YOUR HOUSE IN The Royal Fire Insurance Insur-ance Company Then if fire comes you will be saved many a worry and MANY A DOLLAR. In this age of the world, when the protection pro-tection of the ROYAL Fire Insurance Company costs so little, and the risk of fire Is so great, it is simply poor business busi-ness to go uninsured. Call and let us write you a Policy in THE LARGEST FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD. W. J. Halloran, Agent Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 14 West Third South St. Both Phones 823. "Whether you arc a visitor vis-itor or a resident, the permanent per-manent exhibit of Utah's resources and products at the. TTTAII CHAMBER . OF COMMERCE, 56-58 W. 3rd South St., will delight de-light and instruct you. Call and see it. FREE ADMISSION, IPf ) norltly "'dB mm' lug. Absolu f rrictK 5ksr V or by ms". J$tp F, J. Hill Drug Co., 8 Salt i'Sfc m, |