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Show II f he fait faltt $f ibma. Issued every morning: by Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Company. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally and Sunday Tribune, week...? .26 Dally and Sunday, one month...... 1.00 Dallv and Sunday, three months... 3.00 l Dnlly and Sunday, one year 13.00 Sundav Tribune, one year 2.00 , Sundav Tribune, six months.,..-.... 1.00 . Seml-Wcisklv Tribune, one year.... 1.60 I S. C. Beckwllh, Spoclal Agency. Solo I Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern office, Tribune Building. New York; West-I West-I ern office. Tribune Building. Chicago. Business communications should bo ad-OrcFsed: ad-OrcFsed: "The Trlbuue. Salt Lako City, Utah." Matters for publication, lo "Editor Tho Tribune. Salt Lako City. Utah." Where Tlio Tribune Is On Sale. ( Murray. Utah Excelsior Stationery Co.. Ind. phono 177-L Provo, Utah A. V. Roblson. 27 East Ccn-v Ccn-v ler streot. New York Arthur Hotallng, Broadway and Thirty-eighth street; Waldorf-Astoria; Waldorf-Astoria; Imperial Hotel. , Philadelphia Ryan's Ticket Office; Win. SeneKolT. , , Chicago Pulmcr House: Auditorium Hotel' Ho-tel' O. E. Barrett; Emplro News Stand. . . Washington New Wlllard; Ralegh, Becker & Omdorff, H27 Penn. Ave. Omolia Union Station News Stand. Kansas Cltv M. T. Wright. 612 Main street; Yoma News Co. Portlnnd Oregon News Agency. Los Angeles Alexandria Hotel: B. E. Amos. , . San Francisco Hotel St. Francis: Foster & Orear. Ferry Building; Parent Stationery Co. Seattle W. C. Ellis; J. R. Justice; W1I-son-McVey Co. , Denver Brown Palace: Kcndrlck Book and Stationery Co.; Julius Black; a. P. Hanson. , , -Boise Idanha Hotel; Bolso Book and Music Co. Pocatollo ChalTee & Company. Ely Thos. Oda'ovlch: Ely Reading Room. Las Vegas Wilson Drug Company. Rhvolite Sam H. Spears. Goldflcld Hunlor Stationery Co.: L. Polln. . Tonopah A H. Rounscvell; Sherman fe Oldfather. Bu tie John G. Evans; Kenfo Bros. Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lako Cltv as second-class mattor. f Tribune Telephones. Ask for cither Bell 4660. 4GS1, fir3 or 45P.4. Ind 3G0. "S4 or 34S for all departments de-partments of tho paper. Monday, January 28, 1907. |