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Show Thin People Try this! Weigh 3'ourself Take VINOL a while Weigh yourself again. The gain in flesh, strength and energy will be better arguments for Vinol than all we can say. That's because Vinol is a pure cod liver medicine, the useless system-clogging oil eliminated and tonic iron added. Your mone'- back if it fails. Could anything be more fair? Druehl & Franken, Druggists, Also Smith Drug Co. I Chamberlain's 1 I Cough Remedy I 13 UK EQUALED PO 1 Congbs, Colds and Crcrap. 1 COLUKBIAlf OPTIOAIi OOMTAMT, WholMaU u4 tail OPTIOIAWS, 160 Uln stret, Salt Lit a City, TUk. Telephone 01C8-K. Clnpcco Shrank Qunrtcr Sizo Collar B 15 cent each; 2 for 25 cents MP cLUnrr, rnanonr & cp, ft i Don 't fail to visit the UTAH CHAMBER OP COMarERCE, 56-5S W. 3rd South St., permanent exhibit of Utah's resources re-sources and products. FREE ADMISSION. Subscribe for The Tribune and Get all the Nem NEW SALT LAKE SUBSCRIBERS I PEESERVE THIS LIST FOR REFERENOE. I 3339A Andrews, W. B. & Co., 201 D. F. Walker Bldg. 3894 Asher. G. L., 1010 S. 1st West. 3361 Bell, L. B.. 54fi W. 1st So. 1034 Barrett, Geo. J.. 114. Canyon Boad. 25)04, Brown, Max., 201 E. S. I'cmple. 2342 Blossom Cafe. 342 W. S. Tomplc. 11243 .Buttonvood, T., 236 W. fith No. 648 Brown, lUax., 212 S. Main. 27.-.1 Bartletl. J. O., 538 B. oth So. 4168 Butte, Miss Martha. 273 N. 1st-West. . 1146 Bcttlcs, Mather. & Co., 158 S. TV. -Tom- pic. 2088 Brooks, Mrs. A. B., 163 b St. 1526 Brockon, J. T 301 I). F. Walker Bldg. 2215 Boughan, Mrs. 11, 767 E. 1st. South. 10S33 Bixby, Mrs. F., 952 Lincoln Ave. . 3176 Boucher. "K". 13.. 2 Kendall Square. 3672 Campbell, K. Nelson, Ft. Douglas. 15S Clark, W. II. fc Son, 11 Walker Bank Bldg. 181 1 Caddell. W. J.. 470 So. 1st West. 4054 Covington. Edward, 16 N. 1st "West. 11303 Cook, R. G.. 616 Emery St. 589 Christcnson Shoe Store, 120 S. Main. 1155A Clcgg, Brigham, 410-411 Aucrbach Blk. I31SS Christenscn, N, C, Jr., 19 Kensington I Flats. 3311 CritchUnv. Miss JItiv, 440 S. 7th East. 9 3730 Cooper, Mrs. L. C. S07 Cauuon'St, 1 11561 Call. C. J., 1322 11th East, fl 12393 Clark, Lewis O., Grogson Ave. 1 3363 Daniels, W. IL. 36 Eardley's Court. I 15S Doschcr, U. W.. 11 Walker Bank Bldg. I 2997 DiKa- S. J., 229 S. 4th West. 3 3794 Davis. ,7. B., 25S W. 1st No. U 3S90 Davnos. II. S., 33 Bransford Ants. 1 2737 De'ardorff, JI. E., 929 EaBt S. Temple. 3 1 10 L Deardorff, John. 290 W. 4th So. 9 187SR Duncan. A. A.. 240 'onstitut.ion Blk. I 3129 Davis, Moses C, 379 N. Main. I 12213 Dixon, Albert. J.. 851 Kimball Ave. 1 61J East Garfield Land Co., 406 Herald I Bldg. 15S Egan. Timothv, 11 Walker Bank Bldg. fj 392S Esliuger, MnC J. N., 264 S. 6th East. 12594 Eldridge, Beu It., 14th S. and W. Tcm- B p'p M 1756 Fleck, C. W., 243 W. 4th North. 11682 Forman, Virgil, 923 S. 3rd West. 33GS Fine. W. O., 334 N. 5th West. 3999 Frank. Bay W., 310 Dooly Blk. 3 2779 Farrell, A. L., 183 Canvon Road. I 3610 Frank, irermaun, 342 3rd East. 1 10141 Frederickson, Paul. 3740 11th East. I ' 2957 Frewin, Arthur, 77S W. N. Tomplo. I 3006 Farrell. Will G., 757 7th St. I 3704 Farnsworth. P. T., 10 Kensington. I 3519 Forbes, J. A.. 331 G St. I 3615 Fitzgerald, W. L.. 1019 E. 9th South. I 3103 Fowle, M. N., 6 Rigbv Court. I 1492 Fowler, Thomas S., 2l8 S. Main. 3294 Gciger, Geo., 6 Brown Flats. 1244 A Graham. Fred C, 226 Dcs. News Bldg. 2907 Greaves. Mrs. Tnez V., 36 E. 4th So. 11473 Grant, F. D., 13-13 Lincoln Ave. 3572 Groshell. O. E., Jr., 6 Wnync Ave. 3683 Gillctt, S. D., 715 6th St. 2S00. Harden. Mrs. L. S., 615 W. 2nd No. 1737 Ilibbard, A., rear 437 N. 1st West. M 12334 Henchey, Etta, 514 N. 5th Weal. 3819 Hewitt. Mrs. M. W.. 45S E. 2nd So. E 3708 Hicks. Mrs. Clara M.. 231 S. 1st West, w 40SI Hamlin, A L., 2nd and C Rts. V 1766 Improved Cleaning Co., 109 E. 2nd So. N 2351 Tvie, Emm.-uM., 354 S. 3rd East. I 1738 Ives. C IS.. 119 S. 51 It Wcsl. H 3367 Johnson. Bobt., 361 W. 3rd South. fj 1619 Jeii8f!ii, Lorenzo, 281 .1 St. ffl 3267 Johnson, ,1ns., 173 W, S. Temple. S 10014 .Jaekson, Alfred B., 19th West and 1st lH South. m 12381 Johnson, Albert L.. 1SS0 S. 71 h East. YA 11203 Kiinkel. Burke. 1415 S. 4th East. PJ 9SS Kimball Agency. 30 S. Main. "Peacock" Lamp, Not and Slack; Anthracite, An-thracite, Charcoal, Smithmg Coal, Cake. All the Time. Central Coal & Coke Co "At the Stan of tho Peacodc'" 'Phones 2600. 38 So. Main. 1 10S64 Lewis, J. R., 321 W. 5th No. 1 1264 Lev's Cafe, 224 S. State. v f. 3165 Luce, Henrv V., 12 Dubei AVc. g 154S Leland, D. M, 270 II St. fc 3366 Lyon, Dr. & J., 1027 E. 2nd So. k 3369 Lynch, E. P., 158 S. 2nd East. g 1 1684. Lester, T., 341 W. 9th So. 2970 Lawrenco, Chns. W., 14 Kcnsingto; ft Flats. J 10652 Larson, L. P., 1505 Indiana Ave. 5 J 1053 Larson, Oscar A., 1417 Fremont Ave. 1 3451 Murphv F. S.. 73 S. Main. I 1062 Mnritsas & Pappas. 543 W. 2nd So. I 2180 Midgloy. C. W., 110 W. N. Tomple. Q 224 S MctWe. C. A., 61 W. 6th So. I . 2885 Musgrave, J. W., 576 S. 4th East. 10062 Marcil, Mrs. L 1465 Indiana Avo. E 602 Mammoth Skating Rink, 1101 S. State. ffl 4471A Myton, H. P., 432 D. F- Walker. E 1099 Mctropole Hotel, 35 E. 3rd So. 1 3281 Merrill, C, 332 W. N. Temple. i 101S2 Mclntyro, Geo. A. B., 326 N. 9th West. i 1163-1 Nelson, Anthony M., 1S10 5th East. 2337 Nipper. Thus. J., 1244 E. S. Temple. 1 1303 New York Cafe, 214 So. State. Pj 2158 Oyler, Mrs. Elizabeth, 176 S. State. H 4051 Onderdonk. Chas. B., S Kensington. H 3719 Olson, Oscar A. M., 35 Quince St. Q 12372 Ottenstein, J. W., 426 Douglas Ave. I 2577 Peck, C. W., Jr.. 12 N. 1st. Wost. 1 . 2223 Pipor, Harriot M., 83 N SI. 1 1997 Purccll, P. Ii., 863 W. 1st So. H 3094 Poet. V. S., 673 7th St. 1 3135 Packard, J. L., 140 W. S. Temple. U 3287 Paul, J. J., 818 4th St. 1 12272 Porter, Rose, 544 Grant St. 41 IS Pruitt, C. P., Sampson Flats. W 1575 Reillv. Mrs. Mamie, 514 S. State. B) 2091 Robb'ins, Lester. 1148 S. 11th East. 3120 Robertson, N. A., 24 Kensington. U 4353 A Jiiitherford, F. D, & Hanson, 36 Sec. Trust, Bldg. $ S36 Savillc, J. W., 6S W. 1st So. I 3507 Smyth, Lucian H.. 79 S street. 12162 Smith, Hvrum, 333 Water St. ' I 4052 Siphcrd, R. I., 2 Kensington Flats. E 2259 Stanley. W. B., 963 E. 5th So. I 17S1 Sunbeam Light Co., 34 S. W. Temple. I 2523 Snednker, L. C, 431 E. 4th So. Q 10134 Strcoherg, Jos.v 1 160 B St. I 1392A Swalum, S. T., 123 Atlas Blk. 2962 Settle, J. M 664 E. 1st So. 12032 Swift. John, 10S0 S. 11th East. I 4205 Shamrock Coffeo House. 74 E. 1st So. 3 11362 Sebrands, B., 1036 W. 2nd North. 3 2572 Simnson. J. B.. 304 First St. ! 3913 Scharor, Mrs. E., 1276 E. S. Temple. S 928 Salisbury, J. E.. 4S64 S. Sth West. a . 1 1463 Swaner, Alma .E., 363 Galena St. I 1416 Swoet, F. A., 145 N. State. 1779 Stevors. W. M., Halls Hotel. I 11472 South. E. R., 1321 10th East. 2229 S. L. Rug Factory, 825 E. 10th So. ' 3233 Straub, F. E., 820 Cannon St.. 12393 Short A. L.. 13 G reason Ave. U 2871 Stodney. Jos. 364 So. 7th West. i, 3540 Smart, Dr. Geo. L., 219 7th East, I 3185 Sorenscn. Nels, 5 Barrows Ct. S 11044 Ttmby, L. W., 1910 So. 4th East. ? 4053 Troloar. Nicholas. 3rd So. and 3rd East. f 3099 Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 366 S. W. ,i Temple. ' 724 Ftah Light. A- Rv. Co., 302 Dcs. News S Bldg. " 517 Utah Light & Hy. Co., 3.1(3 1'Jos. News f Bldg. S 1313 Western Dental nSup. Co., 4 1 E. 1st So. fit 2567 Williams, Richard, 819 S. 1th East. S3 3677 Winwood. .lob II. , 57S E. 4th So. S 11271 Wrigbk M..rs. Mamie S., 2155 S. Sth 2773 Williams. W. B., 26 Kensington Flats. g 10733 Wihon. Jap. W 979 W. N. Temple. 1 n 1239 White. Wm.. 16 Grogson Ave. S 12371 Wood. Dr. M. C. 424 'Douglas Ave. k W Tho real merits of our son-ice alono accounts for out' atoady growth. Now high rocords in H 3 net gains all over our system. Prospects never so good for even largor increases. & ! 'The Phone TSsaf Talks." 9 Utah Independent Telephone Co. j 1 ESTABLISH EO "1 H I TOC TQ ALL NEVER UMDgRSOLD 1 fig I TEE HALF-PRICE SALE OF 1 White Silk Emtooislered I Si SKIRTING FLANNELS i STARTS THIS MORNMG 1 H And should.prove attractive beyond ordinary Merest. mm I The best patterns go first so get there as early as I H Special This Morning j FROM 9 to 12 O'CLOCK. I One Case of New Zephyr Gingfeam Ragular 121c " g at, a yard : JfC Is this the sale you've been wnltlng for? Our records of a year ago,' when we held a similar event, was enormous, yes, extraordinary selling. We'll be'very brief and to the point, for n mere mention vIII suffice to bring a throng here. THIS' MORNING 12JC ZEPHYR GINGHAMS GO from 9 to fk 12 o'clock, at a yard 5C ; Special This Morning i FROM 9 TO 12 A. M. j In Our Cloak and Suit Dept. I ladies' Tailor-Made Suits at $5.45 A nobby collection of jaunty suits In fancy gray plaids and mixtures, seml-fltted, seml-fltted, 23-Inch or pony Jacket effects, with pockets and velvet trimmings: m full pleated skirt to match; suits that ! sold up to $20.00, Monday f? ! j from 9 to 12 a. m. only, at. . tptfa'Xt) Special! This Afternoon H FROM 2 TO 5 O'CLOCK, WW! $4.50 Conch Covers at 1 Mi $2.78 each m Not In many years have we been able jfSw! to tell of so Important an offering of 1 MB; Fine Couch Covers. We pronounce n )cHd them $4.50 covers, based en their II liflU worth some little time ago. Couldn't 3 WEm buy them today for that, yet 50 of 1 Wmm them arc to go THIS AFTERNOON, H Elf?' from 2 to 5 o'clock, at tfjo no a Ri each tpl0 I BflW Special This Afternoon I B FROM 2 TO 5 P. M j 9 In Our Cloak and Suit Dept. j jjf $1.50 Black Sateen 1 m Petticoats at 95c I m (The Elite make), made of good qual- I H Ity mercerized sateen, with deep j jSlVw flounce finished with 5-Inch accordion ' tStM pleating and two rows of shirring, ' MB separate underlay, all sizes; regular ! RH value $1.50. Special Monday after- ; KM noon from 2 to 5 only, iSKk a See Show Windows for Special Bargains. J 9 continues all mont I i I FOLLOW THE CROWDS 1 H Mulletf s Clothing Store j 1 1 THE fl I I f- 1! SALT LAKE CITY BREWING I m If H I COMPANY'S I II J j j "Amerteaa Realty" j 1 1 I Jfe I A HOME PRODUCT j Ii I fi W Superior Quality 1 II I p JAC0S MORTTZ, Gen'lManager r hnwM Your Grocer 1 1 I Bread THE ABOVE LABEL OiV J EVERY LOAF -M M |