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Show CASSINi GOES TO MADRID. Transfer of Russian Embassador Is Officially Announced. WASHINGTON, Mav 10 Count Cassl-nl. Cassl-nl. the Russian Embassador to this coun- ! try, has been transferred to Madrid Jl will be succeeded her bv Baron Rosen, until recently Russlyn Minister at Toklo Count Casein! was Offered the Knit..-', dorshlp to Madrid two months ago an.l a -cepted It That the news of hi nppointmnnt to Madrid should have become known before be-fore It was Officiary announced at St Petersburg has caused some nnnoyanee t. the Embassador, but as he had confided the fact to one. of his diplomatic confrere"!, con-frere"!, the word was passed along an.l It seemed best to make nn official announcement. announce-ment. The Embassador will await BafOli Rosen's arrival here some time In June, before hailing for Europe Two ears nr.. I B half without leave hn told on the health of the Embassadoi and after a llt to St Petersburg, where he will see the Emperor. Count Casslnl will go to Uontrexevllle to take th- cure His presentation at Madrid will occur some time ln the fall. The Russian Embassador at Madrid, v. Imm fount Onsslnl succeeds has heen appointed one of tho ministers ln the Council of the Empire. |