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Show ENTHUSES OLD-TIMER. On; of Torus Finds It Impossible to Keep Out of Swirl. Nature must have been in a particularly good humor when pho manufactured the country round Bullfrog, according to a gentleman who has spent a generation I or moro In mines and mining nil over the West. B "I have sworn ofT mining thro op four h. fal.l pjv Ilk.- . h ird 1 ' i ' king man will throw the bottle aside, and ihe H lrst tlmo I was positive, on account of iiH age ami experience, assisted by a compe- tepce, that I would not again fall from grace. But when 1 hit Bullfrog I simply toi.ght the same old tangent and took ti. iPiM the bottle again "It beats anything the world has ever seen. I began buying and buying until IfiH I bad to me;id my bank account, but that H vas simply a momentary diversion. At iiH 3 o'clock one da) I purchased one claim lor 16000, and before I went to bed two experienced mining engineers offered me $10,000 for It. and not a rock had been disturbed, or a color found on the twenty "You mut have Flept pretty good that H night," suggested a listener. Didn't Annoy Him. B "It didn't bother mo a damn!" was the startling but more than sincere lep.lnder, fl "If I don't score a dollar's worth of 1 mineral on it. within a few weeks I will H have the choicest twenty acres of build- H ing lots in the county. If the past growth of the town of Ithyollte can bo taken as H an example." 1 "Boya," ho continued, "go down to Bullfrog Why, I struck a ledge there iiB Li feet wide and four miles long that H assayed from the surface an average of nearly (20. 1 havo seen Virginia City, Butte and the balance, of the Hg fellows, fel-lows, but Bullfrog is ahead nf all put together to-gether Looks Good to Him. '"I'hcro la not a hole down deeper than a hundred feet In the whole district, and you can imagine what will be tho extent B when those ledges are forced to give up their surely Increasing values. I can say positively that there has not beo.i a holo dug on ore ten feet but what the as-ay.s fchow on Improved worth, 1 "I need to mine and prospect Rome- what on sclentlilc prinefnies, but the -it-nation there boats science and experience ifH ell hollow. They actually find the crop ping phorphory and even rpiartzlt lnd.-n IfiM with values. Now. when that quarizlte if-V-H enda In quarts, what can't a man look for1 The.. ties are all busted to hades and bock. We have learned that gold u found H J-jsc exactly where you run across it I "I'm in the harness again, it is a down grade pull for nie now. But I'm awfully tired; good night I The little, aurtlenco had listened atten tively to this glowing account of this new point in Nevada's rich mining list and all were ngreed that he not only spoke enthuslasticn ily bit truthfully His age. experience and past record wore nil i ccnln:-t any conclusion but that Bullfiog H Wan Just what he eald It wa- |