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Show firing Women flCured. iMrt. Dnwson, Restored to Health by Duffy's Pure wBtkey. Heartily Rccorn-AUe Rccorn-AUe to All Women Who WttiX Nervous Brenk-Down. mi. , fore Malt Whiskey It Ib? v fson eNCUTICURA KESOLV- A WKNT greatest of y Blood and Skin Puri- XT fiers, has wrapped about ii a complete t 4 cription of the treatment (or Blood Poison, Scrofula, and other Constitu-tiona Constitu-tiona Humors. Cum are speedy, pcruiuijut, and ecoaomicui. Ko ;ov or pleasure on this earth quite cmli, that which conies into the home when babj arrives. Who can deiKribe J the happiness of nan ml woman, joined in wedlock, a they look upon the fragile, delicate m:letlnt iv blood of their blood and flesh of their flesh? And who can depict the hopelessness and dejection that hover alxjut the home where the wife is incapable of leconnni( a mother? Barrenness proceeds from some derangement, derange-ment, of the distinctly feminine organs. Many of the common ailments kuown as "female troubles" cause it. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription overcomes barrenness barren-ness by stamping out diseases of women, and by healing and curing ulceration. It tones up the system, stops drains, and restores strength During gestation it modifies morning sickness, gives elasticity elastic-ity to the overstrained parts concerned, makes the hour of baby's coming short and almost painless, and gives wonderful recuperative power to the patient. By making the mother strong and cheerful, J it makes the little one healthy, vigorous and good natured. Insist upon the medicine med-icine dealer giving you Dr. Pierce's Fa-voriV- Prescnrdu .n v, hen yon .tsk for it. Substitutes are often dangerous. Mr. Tomr W Blacker of (?-) Cltherin- M 6yrncue, N Y . writes Your medicines have done wonder for me For year rny health was very poor j I had four miicarTiage. but since taking Dr Pierce's (".olden Medical Discovery and ' Favorite l'rr?cription ' I have much teller health, and now 1 have q Cue healthv baby." For ji one-cent "tamps to cover cost of mailing only you can pet a free copy of that celebrated doctor book the Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, illustrated illus-trated Cloth-bound stumps, Addiesi Dr R V. Pierce Hutfalo. N Y. The ladles of St. Paul's guild will hold a jfalo of cakes, aprons and other useful articles Saturday, May 13, at River Bros., 140 Main street. Summer pk Summer H 'alu-s up to $2.2'. m j&r jmw 0 m for M AW JmYsM mmaK iB ''w tu i Values up to Sir,. $1.23 zme(2mM. I 1 1a WONDERFUL SALE All A "Nfr II H Silk Shirt Waist Suits at a Reduc- I lJL f ITT H tion of 25 From Regular Prices X. A sale such as you would expect at the end of the season rather than at the beginning. A LARGE VARIETY OF SILK SUITS IN A EE OF THI.s SEASON'S REST STYLES. ALL STZFS. 1 The assortment of suits In BEA'"K is particularly large. Those who contemplate the purchase of a 1 BLACK SILK SHIRT-WAIST SUIT this season should be among those who will profit by this sale. I - COME EARLY.- ' -J REMARKABLE Hosiery and Underwear Specials. I 17TTT T TRT 170 7 15c Il E ll rH f Led double heelB iviiijii 3 i-rv 1 25c -.t,, T Boys' extra heavy fast black cotton hose, double h-els ; OFFERINGS. 20c ' . Ladles' Jersey ribbed cotton vests, low neck 1C. I CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS Cuban shapes, nicely and sleeveless f..r i UC B trimmed with all Mlk ribbons. CI OR , , V , Value r oo- for 4l.tO Ladlea fli ttoi its, lace yokel low neck 9Rr 1 ' 1 and sleevelesc for Jt H CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS They are trimmed Ladles' cotton ribbed union suits, low neck and sleeve- I with dowers and rlbboi CI QR less, lace trimmed kn.. m. Rflr. I Values $1.00; for 1 ,wo for JUU MISSES' TRIMMED HATS Daintily trimmed with ' S prettj flowers, ribbons eti . in all desirable colore. "O C" T f T J t Of Large assortment to choose from. CO OR .Dig OA.IC Ol LadieS OKirtS. Valui 1 M for yu.vs o r-irmrv r l-M TWnrcvaTC AflRTMPV'T riT? ctv Wnlklnp skirts in broadolothl ChSViotB, panamas. I 1 .' ' . vt : r ini Tii ' i h vtS vTf" 'e. covert cloth, eltlt mt pleated or 1 - i 'r p. READY-TO-WEAR HATS. VAL- pleated and trimmed with straps and buttons. They I I KS UJ 1 - J)l.yO ' """ 1'lack. blue, brown, Um, gra mixtures and I for shepherd plaldS. LADIES' TRIMMED HATS A larce variety of ladles" Cashmere skirts, accordion pleated m trimmed hats, nil of the nen. s' si vies and trimmings, on shirred yoke. Come in black, m EJ U In all .leslniile i-.il.irs and bin.!:. IA QR cream, bine. k'"0"". brown, nnd pearl JntfeL. tIib n VALUES $7.50 and .00; for T.vf grny, A GREAT SPECIAL y TlUU I THE PARIS MiLUNERY COMPANY. THE PARIS MILLINERY COMPANY. I I GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS f I In most stores the 1 H Pants Department is a 5 a minor considera- 1 tion. 1 6 Not so here. I Indeed, we pay i t just as much atten- m V tion to pants as I , S other things, I That's why we are 1 J always ready with f the very kind you want, I Whether it is $1 1 work pants or $10 dress pants, or any- S 4 thing between the l y ONE PRICE 5 I IJ. P. GARDNEIlI ' J 136-138 MAIN ST I TEA It goes tu the spot. HAMILTON'S! I SMART SHOP I Monday we will pho-w a Smart Line of Linen and Batiste Gowns. Embrol- i M dery Suits and Fancy Coat Suits in whites, blues, lavenders and greens, all h the Exquisite Styles of the Lingerie H Models. S LINEN COURT S I COATS. L Are the Smart Things We will show M some Smart Suits in Silks, Veilings and U -K I Tussars. FRENCH HATS New Models in all N the Small Hats and French Sailors Just S n received. B I HOSIERY. I I ii All our New Hosiery In the Legion J Browns and Tane. the Embroidery r H Navy Blues, Blacks, Whites, are all Jg LmW late productions of foreign markets V LL m The accessories to the Ladles' Dress, B the Beautiful Neckwear In Tailored Ij r Stocks, Lace Collars and Lingerie Col- 9 lar and Cuffs. B 1 ' l j Romney Dependable Shoes H 868 S MAIN STREET. There 's a big round reason why the ailing one should use Grape - -IMtUtS WWW t I . . ' I I mWm : I maiuillri iUIKlMliij; CEREAL FOOD COFFEE B |