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Show DYNAMITE CARS ARE BLOW UP Fifty Bodies May Be I in Wreckage. I Explosion Results From a Collision in Harrisburg Railroad Yards. Two Cars of Giant Powder in Freight Train With Which Express Collides Col-lides Wreckage on Fire. HARRISBURG. Pa. May 11, An express ex-press train on the Pennsylvania railroad J ran into a freight train In which there J were two cars loaded with dvnamlte at H 1:10 o'clock this morning In South Har-rlsburg. Har-rlsburg. near the plant of the Paxtang Eight, Heat and Power company. Three Terrific Explosions. I Three terrific explosions that broke win- dows all over the city followed, and the two trains were completely wrecked and took fire, it was estimated at 3 o'clock that fifty persons were killed and 100 in-J in-J ii red, though these figures may be too Figures May Be Too Small. it Is Impossible to ascertain the exact number of fatalities because tho wreck-age wreck-age In which many of the passengers and J some members of the train crews aro pinned, is still ablaze and unapproachable, unapproacha-ble, and many small explosions occur continually. con-tinually. Bodies Thrown From Berths. When the first explosion occurred bodies were thrown clear out of the berths In the sleeping cars and landed down tho railroad embankment, and some even wero hurled Into the Susquehanna river. which parallels the railroad In that lo- All the physicians In the city proeur-able proeur-able were summoned to work with the Firemen Aro Helpless. A fire alarm sounded, and the firemen H arrived to find themselves practically heipless In the work of rescue A police patrol wagon was commissioned as nn ambulance, and as many of the injured as possible were loaded Into it on each trip and taken to the Harrivburg hos-pltal. hos-pltal. the capacity of which "soon became taxed because of the large number that were brought In. H A special train was made up and brought Injured and dying to the Union Station. Many of the Injured were taken Into private houses itan iTom acene o: Jiorror. Immediately after the wreck the passengers pas-sengers who could do so ran from the scenes of horror to safety from the In-cessant In-cessant small explosions. The agonizing cries of the unfortunates wero heartrending. Cause of the Wreck. The wreck was caused by a smaller wreck to the freight train, which was eastbound. Passing the plant of the Pax- ) tang Electric, company, near Cedar street, and air pipe burst and several cars In the middle of the train buckled up and fell across the passenger tracks at the side. Dashed Into Freight Cars. Almost at the same time the express train with ten con. he, dashed along and plunged Into the wrecked freight cars. The boiler of tho passenger locomotive il UeW up, and the COnCUSelon caused th H Immediate explosion of the two cars of dynamite in the freight train Crushed the Passenger Cars. The force of the collision crushed all the passenger cars, which piled up In a fH huge mass with those of the freight. In- stnntly the two trains were masses of PSSl flames. With the crash the passengers, all of sjBH whom wero asleep In the berths, worn hurled in all directions. Many were tossed fH free of the wreckage, some down the rail- pjpjj road embankmuent. some Into the Sua- sbbjbj quehanna river which parallels the rati- isj road In that locality. All who were not pinned In the debrH BBJ or totally Incapacitated ran away from the perfect volcano. Office Made a Hospital. The office of the Paxtang Light. Heat and Power company looked W a hos- IJBBJH Dltal At an earlv hour the ll .rrksburg Traction company ran out 0 lumber or cars" from Its feouth " V ' ' , i ho used them to bring the Injured to tho hos- jH DWlth practicallv no clothing, many wo-men wo-men and children from the train were JJH comp-dled to warder about the fields, as TajajaV th. r. are few houses in the Immediate vl- JJH clnity of th.- wreck. Believed Fifty Are Killed. The train was the second section of No 19 There were 1G9 pnsseng. rs in tho BjM train, and the lateest estimate l that fir- JJJH ty were killed. f ' The hospital is - rpwded to the doors and th. hotels are being opened for the care of the Injured It mav be necessary f.,r th- authorities to .seize n.- of trie hotels and turn It Into a temporary Hospital. Hos-pital. BBBBsi |