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Show WILL HAVE NEW HOME. Virginia. Home Late David H. Peery, to Be Leased by Weber Club. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. May &. There Is a movement on foot to change, the present headquarters headquar-ters of tho Weber club from Its home on tho fifth floor of tho Ecclea building, over the Commercial National bank, where t la-club la-club has been located slneo Its organization, organiza-tion, to (he Virginia, The matter has been under discussion for some, time and now eeems to be ready for fruition. The Virginia is ono of the most magnificent magnifi-cent homes ever erected In L'tah. It was built as a residence by tho lato David H. Peery and Is most elaborately constructed construct-ed and well appointed. It occupies a site, at tho corner of Adams avenue and Twenty-fourth street and has tpaclOUS grounds, which are up-to-date in appearance. appear-ance. Tho proposed new home Is but one block distant from tho present quari.-r II has been as a high-claps famlb hotel, but the lease Is about to expire, and the club Is after It. The location Is Ideal and the structure ample for tho requirements of the club, It Is more spacious than the prSsi nl fjuarti rs. and tho old colonial Idea that pervaded the builder when he built It us tho most magnificent homo In Utah af-foi- ail the requirements for club life Just when tho change will be made cannot can-not jet bo announced, but it Is assured that It Will bo sufficiently soon that the members can SpChd this year under the Shadow of the nines and tho other magnl-fKenl magnl-fKenl foilago that decorates tho grounds. So desirable Is the locality and the surroundings sur-roundings that the trueLeea of the Weber club are said to ho including a possible purchaso clause among the other terms of tho lease, which Is now being arrange! |