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Show NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN BY THE undersigned, trustees of thi. FoAv-mv. onth (17) School IMstrlct, Salt . tsr. i t.-.h. that they win Mcelveblds foi he erection of an elght-rooin 'hooT-hOUSS 'hooT-hOUSS 111 the ahove-nam.d district UB 'j and Including th.. K.th day of Mv im and that saTd bids will be opened and . mtracts awarded mi n-e n,,h . 'J May. 1906, at 11 o'clock a m at thi Pleasant Oreen Wardhouae In'nfSreasJd school alstrlct. Plans and BpeclflcItSni may bo had by apply I,,-; to tr isteea St Plea.sunt Qreen or to S. E. Dallas, ach. LVk. acity! Bsir1 Bnk I,u,:u,ne' of1 Ap;!i.";r":,snnt recn th " du- D H JACOBS, ISAAC ' ' IN, " x Trustees, J |