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Show "THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S"--AND OURS, The organ of Ihe church nnd monopoly monop-oly had a long nrgument on Thursday evcnlng to prove tho perfect propriety of the head of the church being also a business monopolist It shUI nothing at all of the spiritual or religious duties supposed by men to appertain to the Offli e of church leadership, but It was fervent In protestation that the Lord's servant and vicegerent on earth is amply am-ply competent to manage sugar fac-toi fac-toi let an.t every other form of Industry and commcrelali'ursmlt The Almighty made the earth, says this monopoly organ. Eerythlng upon it is his. He has the right to manage all iii his own way. And what more natural, or logical, or practical, thin that he should manage everything through his special representative, sustained sus-tained by his peculiar people ns prophet, whether he prophesies or not; seer, whether he sees hidden things or not, and revelator, though he has no revelations. A true servant of od should be able to handle temporalities, as well as those things which are called spiritual," says the organ. ' Are called spiritual ' IS good, and thus with a band of hierarchic hie-rarchic outlaws, who reject faith, truth and honor, who defy the law and their pledges, and who hold as the only things worth while, money-grabbing and graft. It Is r.o wonder that the organ refers thus contemptuously to things which are called spiritual.' Perhaps some of these fine days the Mormon masses will as slightingly refer re-fer to their bogus head-piece as one who "is called a revelator." But a true servant of God "Is ser lug God and practicing real religion, as much as If he were praying and preaching preach-ing and performing sacerdotal ceremonies," ceremo-nies," when he handles temporalities It Is significant that even the organ of this grasping greed does not claim that any one man can do both; it must be one or the other. And that Is what the common experience of mankind has come to, everywhere the fact that "Ye cannot serve God and mammon" is recognized. re-cognized. And It must be recognized here. The doctrine of the organ, baldly stated, is the same old plea that has made endless misery, contention and violence wherever asserted It Is ' The earth and all It contains are the Lord's and the Inheritance Of his Saints; and we are. his Saints, nnd mean to take possession right now." It has made the worst of troubles for the very sect whose organ now proclaims the miserable mis-erable doctrine anew. For, what does It lead to" It asserts the claim of rightful ownership b the Lord's representative to all the property there Is. Tho proposition Is thai all belongs In his hands. Wfi can, therefore, understand more fully the commercialism which the chief hlernn-h has made the leading feature of his presidency. Hp wants to gobble everything; every-thing; and Is taking such steps as, If he can effect it, will give him everything every-thing According to this doctrine. It Is the duty of every one to submit to the hle-rarch's hle-rarch's will In this We might as well turn over all of our property to him and let him control everything, the rest of us subsisting on his bounty or clearing out of the country. It is not only our duty to do this, according to the organ's doctrine, but we are impious, wicked, If we do not do it. it is an astonishing reassertlon of the doctrine of hierarchic rule and control of all things. It is monstrous, a bigoted, fanatical, vicious, upsetting doctrine, altogether Impossible of realization, reali-zation, and serving only to proclaim anew the Insufferable pretensions of a vulgar, avaricious hierarchy, and to warn the people of the extraordinary and indefensible pretensions It sets up. |