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Show THE DECISION White Is Saved From Knockout, Englishman Does Cltver Work in Early Rounds. American, However, Hands Him the Medicine After Sizing Up His Game. WOODWARD'S PAVILION. May fc- I mes B Brlit of California became llgnt-V,.Pht llgnt-V,.Pht champion of tho world tonight , K. he knock out Jabcs Whit. England at the clone of magnificent round battle. With uat U woonda to Ko Britt bdoked the BnglUhman with o ,t on the law and the foreigner went to mnt where he lay flat on hla back u evidently the better man Both Loudly Cheered riih? and left, but apparently OUT not 1 uA ; the little San Francisco i.nii-dog. White Had One Chance. in the twelfth rnund ,gfTJgB5 ii, r wns oft his txiiaiu . , . ... nn.l rolled nn.h r llv rop.- H' , V.s fvTaVR for the jaw "h- Kngllshrnn.;'s ' that be had damaged It But hh-Urhl hh-Urhl was In good or.h r un) h - t mi 1 It oom In the nineteenth round when he LSngW White's stomach and Jaw Pays Tribute to White. Brltl paid a tribute to White by saying i,, ,, ,L cleven-at tx-x.r In th.- world !le atilfei and blocked and kept .me . ay in a manner thai waa nevef done beTore" aald th champion Had he come St me and led t could have finished him JJpgg aa h! would have left mor n- "ti.o Bant tonight was by long odda the diver." t Uhlblth... thai ha Rly. r"c ,t years In San Prancleco, Brltt rtcmonatrated what his admirers havcal-, havcal-, Slilm that although he Is not a rtowy bowr h. It -a hard man to hit Cpe tight bi round follows. Round One - . . J i i. J-'' -,- l clererly and Wnlte amoth- i "" two ii H?T fur the bod: Brltt "' , J i hu i. fi for ihe body, blocked a "" Si'- im ihiv cut o the center of tho ring Whin. , ;Ul. nnw place A ch foUowed. Br HElrtlyJ hh! u th left ' " ''' ,n' oIana,,i Whltr H ;V.1 - elicited ..men cWrlna rem -.,.! ti.tr was Utile to chDOM bcten llu IIUTl ( Round Two. 'Vhtt. Bmllad ji. he rami- up. end liamedlaU u'MiVd Brm left lead Brltt felled to con-Lot con-Lot with t -. U; I kS m.a Wh tc vy rieveriy blocked left for tiio tr-u Brm .ged' hi left. b,. Whiu ewntered with .mlKht rlht ' tb IWCk Brltl tnon i ". Minsr two riht imMbeii to tht hwd and r, ,lclou left to the bod He Jfi ,iRht to WbU i tomach, and a nlto earn lo-ahot hla left Btmlahi to the face, w m'lBMd left f-rd rlahi for'thj S1" honked hi l-ft hor-l hi.- h la. " h. n i't out left to jw 'i.vi.J ' l,u pft atrafahl tr. the body. Brltl aet a warn. ,..,rc unrt xft8 in af-a t of While gU an like a Jumplns Jack. Tha bell clanged with the honom murh In ll.ltt f.i"i 1 fYM. Drltl rtiahad In with l-ft fur the tiloinorh. but blocked. Whtie'a a'timj..:- :.t " i.,iiik rr u.is- -niiy dtaaoaad "f Brltt .krd hu lvtt for ih stomach, but WhJta .wuin MrtcKid it. tik-v tforked to the naldoja -r Hip ring, and in a mil white whlpie i,i to be head nil then ho-.kj u ft to in. body White biokr ground, but (nimedlately Khot kla Kft to the face, f..r which ba wn .0- aiUM by a ktralKht rlclit in the Ik-I' S '..i.bfd Jimmy iwlce with h-ri to the race and iMtdy hut Brltt fought hark ralh-i wildly, v hit th.-n drbve H iriKia . Uhi to rlhuny a ttnd a moment later planted two itralght ri to ihe fac. and a rlghl to the body. Brttl ...ot in Ilka a demon and .broke through ttit.-'t. luard iik"- o ...nch chaff, landing "n fo.-. and bod The hrii .an at ihi- itase, -tfm.nlnu BrlU'e ralb Whltr hud thr batter To! aarllar nghtlnr. krul BrIM evened 11 up i i ward tha end T- 1 .. 1VOUI1U IUU1. WWW Brill aer.t two lefts hard to th- jaw and n-calvad In r!um a straight left to tho face ' nttd a left hcM.k on the body. Brut mlaaed a i ft h'ok fir tho aiomach and Whlt cleverly docked left and ri0'ht nwlnga for the Jaw White boxed very urettlly, nn.i after Brltt '.u.i mUd two left and riehi avlngi i" r,llt K-nt tVhttf nculn'Jl 'ho roi-fn with i alcht ift to Ihe face. NothlnK daunted, rvnite evened up the acora by planting riKht tnd left t.. Britt'-i far. The then mixed It I rlOUaly, Brltt itendlra httr.l Kiv.rt in iii r 1 ii t , the body. Brltl than drove in vlcloui ft high on Whltu' hudy and oni ahowy , DXltig enued. ndlng In a . lln- h Tli roiintl Ii i-nded with the crowd cheering both men. Mon- - a were comparatively even In thl round. I Round Five. The men came tog-ther quickly. Brltl Bending Bend-ing In R punlsh.nK left 10 tht body. Brltl ih.n I --lahed hut a straight left to the fn- itopped I lilltl White cleverly took caro of Brill's fa mous left bOOk Then they mixed It. BHtt sending In right and left swing to the bead, vri. r some sparring While jut mUaed a fnr-' fnr-' tul right awlcg for the Jaw and Brltt worked i Brltt going to h.a comer w Uh h , Ot the hMOta hlte. however, I d couple of stiff right punchca In this which th, Callfornlan did not rcimn. Round Six. Thiy at once rushed to cldee .5 hard rlKht on th- ear la l ' " , ,h and ief. atralght. were " V . Vie law and with left and White n any ' tn ,rlU vlcloua right uitd left fWlnaa. WWte m n waa tremendously cheer, d aurmt, respite. Round Seven. wr rtS g&esSJS care of by tha clever 'Bri on Brltt kept peg Xl SSUUS u, th; law and followed iVun,hri!r!f zr&&wg S2 chnch Brltt forc-.l White ngalnst he ropoa for eovral seconds. Tho round was BUgnu In favor of 1MM Round Eight. They each mixed right und left awing and mbdng it Brltl H left f-un.l White's 'V, 'V.'Lh and a rlghl and left hook reached the tngllah-man's tngllah-man's juw Brltt wad-d In. flrttlng a tlg.-r. but White avoided in , 1,1 . '. , , ate bSada. Brin mlaaed right for tha bukj and tried to force White to th- n.pe with a -m ces-ion of right m.d loft awlngs, but iheEng-.,hma iheEng-.,hma arraln WBJ too cleVei for l he local I. vorlte, They went lo a mix chenlnc vlcloua vlc-loua light and l-ft swing lo the body. BtW was w ild v. l.h two let- -.w lnK. -n- a , It, I t I r the body was blocked. White then dravo a atralght right to Brltt'a law and lb boll rang. Rritt did the P"Hu. w..rR In this nun but the Bngliahman wa; io dev.-. thai f iw ot Brllta blows found lodgement It via -n In thlH round al Round Nine. They went Immediately to n clinch and an Ineffertual mix enH.iod VMHie sent Brltt g head hack with B light i-svlng and mixing "; he duplicated th- blow. BUM hook, d with left and right, but the Englishman TOW thcreO on the -ari of both men Suddenly Brltt WUng hard tn the body with right and a moment later hOOged his ll ft to his opponent s body and they eiinehwi. Brltt than aant White s h-ad baek a f.t with a straight right on the ehln and h.ke,l his left hard to h'' Brlt..n's stomach. Some ne.r. petty b-xlng fnllowe.1 and several vicious blow? were neatly blockel The round on.led with the advantage slightly In Brltt'a favor and with tho crowd Cheering t5lh men V to this stare the fight Waa about even If. anything Brltt having a slight had. Round Ten. Brltl missed left p.lnR for the head and l- ft nn l right for White s fac- were also hlooJ.ed. White Jabbed straight left lo th- face, I at which Jimmy nunterel with left hook '" ''"' face. They swung tbemaalvea into i ciincn I and Brltt fvnl In a raking right to lb. Jaw ard left swing M ih. la nd Whit. g. I b o-., al him however, vlth straight Jnh lo tlie foce. Hrltt's hi. ws tiu-.l lo exc I 111 power thoso of his O'lversarv Both missed several lcada with straight lefts for the face an I the fought to a clinch. While then sent his left tn the face, bringing the blood from a f-Jh over Jimmy s eye rtrllt th. n -ent '.XI ' l- mendoiu smaah t-. the rJrltlaher'a Ja.. which forced him lo cover qulcklv. and the bell rnnir , ...... nl.t'. ..v.. from which the hlcKwl trickled In a tln Btrt im BI lh( Call-fornlnn Call-fornlnn sought his corrjer. The round W in an even one. Round Eleven. They quickly rushed to n clinch nnd Indulged In-dulged In some In-fighting, neither landing Brltt uias wlid with left, and then n moment mo-ment lat. r. hoiked twice to While s law with left. There was a momentary hill In th'-fighting th'-fighting and then Brltt landed his left on the jaw ami a left hook lightly to th. body. Brltt continued ai the aggreaaor, but Whenever Whe-never broke ground A Clever exhibition of ducking and bl.xklng vicious swings was again In evidence and tha crowd was much pleased. Brltl swung left thrice for th- jaw but was blocked, and While's efforts ut a counter were also blocked. White wai bleeding bleed-ing sllghllv f.oni th mouth n. he look his s.at and Brltt'a eye looked very bad Indeed; Biltt's blows ..ii the IhIv were the only on.-s that seemed to ptiaxla White Round Twelve. Brltt at onco shot his left lo the stomach. They aparred and h!te s-nt Brltt to the flrKir with a straight right to the face. Brltt ua off his l.ahince. however as Ihe blow landed mi I t h.- .h-llv, r; wn- n verj rh an Brill was up quickly and fought as if nothing noth-ing had happened He realised cry aooi that he xv.is In a fight, fqr White clouted him rtclouslv on the Jaw with n right h.-ok I and Brltl I. aght bach hind. Brltt came back ... wt.it.. una n rlirhi and III a climb loth exchunged l ights to Ihe fat . Brltt's having ihe mor- ataam In It Brltt theh mlaaed left and rights for the lod and they clinched Brltt missed two vlcloua lefts f..t the Jaw as the loll rang While hud the advantage In Ihls round and the crowd M.-.l White! White," etc., us tha men n-m to ih.-ir BBata Round Thiiteen. They each mlaaed lefta for lh tarn nnd Brut suddenly bHo! iwo lefta to n.. fa. e had a moment lanr. again hooked his left U Wlltte'e Jaw. Th.-n followed a mis Bnd Brltt sent While's head buili with two hfts to ihe face :,tra1ght and followed ll wlih a left hook to the body Brltt then got In another left lo Ihe le. ly and h clinch ensued BiUt swung a vhloiis left lo the head an. I tabbed White wlih left to ue fa..- Than Brltl aant In a stiff left hook to whit, s atom- BCh and followed his advantage with tlgh-and tlgh-and toil awlnga 'o tho Jav. A right shift .aught Wltlt" ..n the fa-, nnl Man a left hook lo the body found a berth as the hell rang Brltl s showing In this round was the best of tha cohtaat. Be landed Innumerable lefts m 'he Ftomach and jaw but they lacked th force nee sear;- to bring dlatrcea te his opponent. Round Foin teen Whit cleverly blocked Brill's attempts with left nnd right for ihe bead, but air lpatani later rimmi swung Ids right and left lo the Engllahman'a jaw and the latter sough, cower, while tabbed twice v.iih left to the face and Britt landed a f-a-fui rlghl lo the body, . ..- ,i hi h I ft i otiDanent. land ed three left h.e.ks to he law and then a Ion hook o the bodV Brltt continued to deal .mi damaging punlahmenl Bending iwo lerta to White's atomach and a right to ih ii. J.' Brltt kepi f.ggl"g au;,v- llnJ",f almost at will A f tfie ..and Closed Brltl swung his left hand to the far.- u was all Brj a round but the Kngllshman t.-ik his punl-h-ment without winclna. Brltt appeared to ,n"e Improved In his apeed and White found ll harder to bl " k Bid is onslaughts. Round Fifteen. Brill mls-ed left for the body twl. e and two i.ft attampta for the law were Worked. Brill conlln.nd to do all the leading. V, title I'll contenting hbns.df with d-fcnsl e ivmk Brltt missed left for the b...l and then OTOaaad with the left t" Whiu-'s face and thep up-phrcut up-phrcut with left to tha body They mixed it contlnuullv and Brltt planted n short-arm left i..' While's luw and blo ke.l all aUenipl of the rtngllshnuin to counter. Brlit then worked his left tn the body and hooked I. f( to the Jaw. Brltl was landing wlih toon .1 -I ous regularity, but his blows did n-.t seem tO featfee th Kngllshmnn t" ony aimi erlabie extent, other than tu mako him slow up a bit. Round Sixteen They went to- a clinch. Brltt f..i -d th--llghilng. lacing out continually With olther left or right A straight left found the Britisher's Brit-isher's head and all attempt at retaliation w.nt a-gllmmerlng. rtiitt hx.ksi two wicke.i lefts to the Jaw and quick ns a flash drove a straight left to tho body and the Englishman English-man covered. Brltt swung Ills b-rt to ih-race ih-race and Brltl hi... k. l While's counters. Brltt shot hla left lo the Itody and then sent a stiff left to the Jaw Thej went to a clinch. Brltl kept forcing the pace. Whlto merely acting on th- d- f.-iisUe Brltt again hn .ke I hi left to the stomach and the t.cll rang with all tho honors In the . allforulan's favor M Ihls stago Brltl appeared to bold a long "lead and bad the decision easily won Unleaa Whlto look a brace. 13rltt had don practi- cally all Ihe h ading nnd landed the ch anr Mows. Round Seventeen. The usual opening clinch followed. Bill' mlaaed twice with left for the face and , : ,i aid sttempta by both win. right end left awing- went wild. Flneirjr Briti ahot twq straight ufts to WWte'a rac. and they went to a Clinch. Breaking a'.vay. Brltt shot Ids left out rather low and there was some hissing from the lallerj Brill booked hla v.. .erring h-ft to the bodj and then varied it with a right to the h-ad WWW fought back .at)., r feeblj and app.Hi.d to have lost al his Bteam. Brill swung a hard left to! IhS Jaw and then B Oruahlng right .-aught White .,n the Juw. nearly pulling hhn out. Brlit wa overanxious id pul In a Anlsblng blo nd his subsequent ntt.mpts were uther Wild ii, wits cautioned by his leconda to fight care-fullv care-fullv It was oil Britt again In this round. White scarcely landing u blow; Round Eighteen. Brltt rushed, but failed Id land A left I hnk for the body was blocked and then both mlaaed left and right awlngj for the fare Emerging fr...u a clinch, BrlU swung left and right to th- Jaw and un In-itml ISter planted a vlcloua laf hook lo the body. ' Bill! got careless and Whit., shot a right, hard to the face by way of n diversion Brltt forced White ground and landed left hOOK 10 Hie bod) While was ctiil Oil the d-fen-tdVf and maile little attempt to fight hack Brltl kept after While, and tho lutt-r did nothing bul DIock. i.i.h i., uiol k .... glowing inonOtOnOUt lo the uu.Jlen. .-. tusi before tho round ended Btl.t hooked his left to tho face and ih-. Englishmen alowly amid, am-id, d 10 his corner Brill . annot lose unlees bj a knock -out nt the handa of While. Round Nineteen. Brill lunged OUI Willi lefl and W03 blocked He kept forcing tha p." and mlaaed left ami iixhi for the la.dy. A almllar alteropi waa ,-.. I. .men und then Brill rocked Whiles head with a full light swing io the chin l'.rlif mlaaa I a fearful left swing, and n right swing partialis- .aught the Britisher on the fait- White, kept Brill busy leading, blocking block-ing moal of th- CaUfornlan'a attempt Oija lefi reached the Bngllahnian a chin iiginu. and then White itIc.1 left and rlglit twice for the fae bui his efforts were unavailing. They went i" the center of the rim; and exchanged rlghl and lefi swings as the bell denqted Ihe ' HU Ol l'"- I WUIMJ. . ,..e - i tuuiM and tiresome, wlih Brlit still In Ihe bad. Round Twenty. They shook hands and Brlit Immediately .ailed In, mhslng left for Ihe face The puce quick, i.e. I but the blows were easllv btockrd. Both foueht ot close quarters, with White mostly on the defensive. Brltt suddenly uncorked un-corked a vicious right on the Irody and In ana ln-flghtlng failed to t..rin.ci wll't left and right for th- Jaw Brltl wae careful, realizing thai apparently the decision was his. 'Ihe referee had to -eiiarale I If ...en fmp. a Mnch nnd then Brill aicaln put n rlghl to the bodv an.l brought hla light and lefl wlih fearful force to While's Jaw. sending While tottering to Ihe floor, very groggy. When ih- Britlahsr roae Britt went at him like a demon and sent him cleai across the ring with right .in. I lefl -oiashes lo th, fate The round was murh 'r ut this stage, hut tho police Jumped Into the ring and stopped th'. uneven contest, and Brlit was declared the winner amidst titmendoua excitement. ex-citement. -JgMBBBjge |