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Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Several Important Parcels Changed Hands at Good Figures. Special to The Tribune OGDEN, May li. Soron P Chrlstensen and his wife, Maren Chrlstcnten, hao convened to Mrs I.ydla P. Farloy a sorles of forty-one city lots In block 4, Bushton addition to ogden og-den cll Tho deed states that the consideration considera-tion nu (1 A. G. Van Rookhuyzon do Kroon has purchased pur-chased of P II Peh for tho consideration of 11000. lots 17 and IS. of block 6, In the Lake A lew addition. Joseph Decker of tho firm of BOOWOTOft b "o , has purchased of Mrs Mary E Warnor tbo old A. J. 'Warner residence, on Twenty -fifth street, between Madison and Monroe r enu-s. Tho purcbuso price was 7.r00. This was onco one of tho handsomest himn In Ogden city an.i Mr. Decker's purchase of It la regarded os a very Judicious move |