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Show 1 1 jf the wa7 to make 1 business: make the PHhb0rh00d Want iflt,,lwJ yo w, i:v. W. e.'LYNE, ??rW00L and Wool-Growers' Supplies ) I 151 STATE ST. Bright' s Disease and Diabetes News. San Francisco, May H, 1805. People of Salt Lake. As San FYanclsco drtiggisis a--Qualnted with the fa. tr. we are to certify to you the curability of chronic Brlght'9 Disease nnd Diabetes and however unreasonable It may seem, yet such Is the fnct. 1'p to a year ago we never heard of a genuine case of chronic Bright s Disease or Diabetes recovering. N.' 11 Is a common com-mon occurrence In this 'lt A great discovery has undoubtedly boon made Many prominent p.opl'- here have recovered. re-covered. And the percentage of efficiency ef-ficiency seems to be very high, for there are very few fa. lures. Ferry Drug Co. Lion Drug Co Rlalto Drug Co. E W. Joy C. F Fuller Green & Wh'te Kllbourne's Pharmacy Han. an s Pharmacy A Dl Nola A. O Schmidt Kibbler's Pharmacy Owl Drug 4o. antra Pharmnc, Depot Pharmacy , Potts Drug Co. B. 8. Dlckhof? F A Oav I" 1 Zeile ' B Pooler N Schwartz A E. Scammeii and many others. The above refers to tho newly discovered Fulton i ompounds, the first cures the world has ever seen for Brlght's Disease and Diabetes. Dia-betes. We Bre sole agents Ask for pamphlet. F. J Hill Drug Co. When to suspect Ilrlght s Disease puffy ankles or handB weakness without visible cause Kidney trouble after third month falling fall-ing vision one or more ot these FOR ACTIVE BRAINS your liver must be ripht. your etomach in a healthy condition and your kidneys properly performing their peculiar functions, or your body won't stand the strain and y ti r brain won't be active. If you would have a clear head and keen perception, get a box of JPXlLaZ.43t?, Use them ami see how much more alive you will be. They clarify the skin and purify the qlood. They aro a suro and positive euro for all Diseases of tho Stomach, Liver, Kldnoys and Bowels, HoacJachc, Indigos- j tlon, Nervousnes, Constlpa- i tlon, Biliousness, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Impurities. Im-purities. FIsLLSt For Salo By All Druggists !Oc. and 25c. per Box, Every Woman Yi - V V Is Interested and should know fn'i.NSi i '' ' a about iho wonderful f itlll MARVEL Whirling Spray tl V Vfe ' ' WsD 'PlThe new Ylo.l Syrlne.. Jnjt: V Kjv CyM (icn an. Oec(i n. Itest-Suf-X-V et-Most Convenient. --'efr Itllrsojct tn.llollj , Ilk Tear draictl,! for It. V Sim . - ex If h cannot sufplv the Xifry5j' ' i ' (- aBVKIi. accept no 5Jr JZ otbar but tend tuunp fox )S lllnstral. -1 t".l.-"le4. It!. T -9 ye a fall rirtleularR and .llreetiorji In- 4tx I gg valuable to Indies M4KVEI, t O,, VllillllllBim 46 9C -"3d . MBit loiiH, nmu0r For sale by V. C. Schramm. F J. Hill Drug Co and Chas. Van Dyke. N CURE, N PRY I I I I WANT to talk to men H r who have aches and S pile-- v. lio f'-ol run cow -i j. JT5 4tti physically, who realize that lUZ?, 1 ! th" ol1 "ftre" and er.orgy i vfni which was BO evident in k)fff(w v youth Is absent now; m-n WJjSSJ' who cm t stand the amount fa ) i of exertion they could years R V 7 1 ni.". I want you if that 9497 l)ss means you to com to me, ! " V V lf 1 ,nv that 1 00n c'jre I ff V ) u I don't ask vou to paj ; I- : ' p y0r me until I DO so. That is v.:j j fllir BUrely TOU take no I have a good thing, and I'll hammer away until you knew it. I have a cure in every town. Tell me where you live and I will I give you the name of a man I've cured. Tall mo your trouDle and I will tell you honestly whether I can cure you I or n..t If I cm'!, cure you I don't want your money, I have been In this a j business 22 years, and I .im tho biggest man In It today by long odds and I R am growing yet. because I glvo every man nil he pays for If you will come and sec me 1 11 explain It to you. Jf you can t call, let p n,,. ,, i ii l ook, full of the thlti'-s a mm finds inspiring to Btrength I and courage. Free If you send this ad. , 1 B DR. M. T. McLaughlin, 931 16th St., Denver, Coin. I EkU' i, CATARRH snd nil curabla Cbronle t y-if'i :v3r dloeasei of the l.js Er, Note, Throat, Vif a 5itjfil -J Lungs, btomach Kldaeys. LtTer, Bladder . k y iSrd I Jj WeTV-i a"'1 Bowels. Heart lJloaM Kits, Chorea, Nr4--o ft3 Kbouraatlsin, Pllce, Rupture. Lort Man- - T I Z5 ho., Varloocele. Gonorrtea Hrpnil'v Pros- ii 4 E v dSA tatle Troublos. and all Cbrvnlc. Nervous Vrfyy fiffv j wfjy and Prlvsia Diseases of Men, Women and 9 ! " '- ' -;':" ' J'.oo. TrcMtiiiont Cnrci. Write '? . '; t' ' .v for fre-o symptom list If Ton one-'.-V- '-ot cpill CoiiKciltntloD t rte, " 4aS4 fSt" nu. x J. s .oRra dr. h w. MHoars. 3 Weak Men I Pay When Cured If tou sviCer from any of lbs woalioesses or V cure jon flml and tbecor, ItCAj.'N- 6 i .j - rallied 0. Icqoranoe, oxoeis or con- AHLX FKI Iii ?u re ourtd. You run de- lAtfloa YtjL Altt. Hit: 'i LUV PEUSON rtB pond upon our word, tbouond of patJenu I WAMT TO I LLB 10 Rave Indorsed us NOW WK WANT To I OKM R We bare proren oursklll Id curio CHftOSIO "V with im distinct uudor.iandlog tbai wu fj I diseases bv .nti.isbln( ajanj rolunturj will not demand a FEU unill wa ours joa n i titluioiilals froiu home people, lrlrui cimea, 'i Im uppllos to Lost Maubood. Sernlna! Weak- 11 j pOlnr4M and addrtise9 nf, fipernjatorrhoea tionorrboca, nTplilll, ut ei vt vein tun nl'R rrRFU Varicocele Dlteaeoi of 'ho Piostnto G'and . t'n- fl ITS OTnmLMlOLOVtt CCBES Mlurai Loases, Contracted Dlsooiors. Mrlo- 3 114 rjBIVATJS utbtASt-B ,irc tU) contagious Blood Poison, and all I neeaoe It would betray conOdenoe. Honoa, WEAKNE-tlgtb jf moo wo have to prove o;ir sVlll In ibis olau of Uoo- (.'KFU'B UOUI19: 9 a. m to p. m. ; Erfolngs I Me i In onothor way This Is our plani I T to 8. Sundays and holMis. 10 a. in toll JBS, SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 SMaJ I C. W. BIGGINS, M. D. j I Vs TEAR9 IN SALT LAJOB. 7 Wlf B SPECIALBST. Ii' Sja R.3?5EHl'li n cscoplc and Analytic Physlcian. "V STl CURES Fits. Nor ous Weakno?i, Neu- T 4C JOklfor ralgla. Varicocele. Weak Spine. BDlous- vOiy'tr. &JCjF ness. Gravel, Sore Eves, Lung Diseases 1 bbssWIbh Hr'W Tapo Worm.. Dyspepsia. Ltv4.r and Kid- B xwSyftAv Sr f nt'-v Complaint, Doafnoss. Catarrh. Ery- i JtrnPlriV! rr) stpehis, Old Sores. Scrofula, Rhoumatlsm, jKw'uVi SjSl. , n J'dnte. PIleo In their worst form rSyTemvvnilt iW rl hcee nffll- ted with Epilepsy or Fits can JffiSSlairwfcfl 7i lK. Pernmr.enllv cured ftfSit XMwVi R a, ' Microscope ws can de- rfST-atXrSa I B t"rt Calcut. Cancerous Matter, Carbonate -jfsi dyrirrr - Lime, Albumen, and all extraneous ' YP$'AV III 5 substances mixed with the Urine or Wlfr Tjft L Blood. This is the scientific principle of ffVv Vs rfl treating Chronlo Diseases. u ImSlS. 11 Sj -an be 'ound at his office, St. Elmo I S Pfotel. from y a. m to 4 p m. Rooms 17, QV THE KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE IS - HALF ITS CLTtE. KNOWLEDGE IH POWErt. MAN, KNOW THYSELF. '.jgasssjjjsssssj j.----r . nzzTZTVFaTrrww. ijrrmiyLi.'xrs l ytt 'J I DOCTOR COOK n0'"!3 I PROSTATIC TROUBLES x NERVOUS DEBILITY permanently cured, no mat- JSr. taSSS $lk kPLFHOS?!! ter i-ow Ions; standing the A W j. by my own fa- dlscsse. In from S to 20 days. Ktf m0U8 metnod- STRICTURE 'j f:'J VARICOCELE cured in 13 days, without flfb " Completely and permanently cutting pain, drugs or deten- vj- ' -1 now process, nil tlon from business. i, ' -A disagreeable symptoms soon . p 4dHsJSSK& disappear completely and WASTING WEAKNESS S forever: It Is sate, painless Tlmo of euro. p. p C" days, u'V9Fr6w an1 Idoodless. An absolute b m;, original, very slmrle jjlY pr .SBfc euro guarant. remedv (vim. I ---:: ! by fWS. jr me ) 1 ,;;,: - M-COn POISON PRIVATE DISEASES u ' ' i1m' "f roleon re- cur .1 In to '.- da vs. without jf iXVW6Wsl ! tl0m sVsl,:m Without I g the use of poisonmiH drtigs. Si X.v aid of mercury or potash M ronsultatlon Is free and Invited, and In consulting me you may bo sure that H nothing that science can devise or skill perfect has been left undone to afford M you a speedy, safe and permanent cure. BH WRITE me in full confidence, explaining your troubles cs they appeal to you. D and receive by return mall my honest and candid opinion of your case. H PH I eOOK MEDICAL co., ffiPcmty- I -wisfwjwrtiMw .n M,. iiiMnssssssaassssaasssarsssi iii si i Sssssssssssasl l CVSlWt4t nMMwmSKmtBt HBBS 69SBBBBa9SBBBBBSBBBSBBBBa! K''''Jf& |