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Show I 1 Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten , j "Years o2 Suffering. "i "r wish to cay, a few words in 'i .praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' ,( land Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. ,') f Mottle Eurge, of Martinsville. Va. "i ,K I suffered from chronic diarrhoea, for ten II (years and during that time tried vari-!; vari-!; fou.s medicines without obtaining any , 1 permanent relief. Last summer one , ( ' j ol my chlhlrcn was taken' with cholera i!!! morbus, and I procuro a bottle of this I i remedy. Only two doses were required , to .give her entire relief. I then decided ' lo try the medicine .myself, and did not use all of one bottle before I was well ' Jind I have nover Blnce been troubled j , 'with that complaint. One cannot say j 1 'too much in favor of ihr.t wonderful medicine." Thl3 remedy is for sale by leading druggists, H :J ?' m l; HALF RATES Via Oregon Short Line, For Pioneer day. Tickets" on sale July 23, 21 and 25 to points In Utah; good for return until July 2C. See- agents. ' IDAHO EXCURSION, - Saturday, July 23, Via Oregon Short Line. See ngents for full particulars' regarding rates, limit" etc. Idaho streams are noted for thofr fine llshlng. and now la the time to go A Great Salo of Waists. Look for our ad in another part of this Issue for particulars. THE PARIS MILLINERY CO. S1.00 TELEPHONES For Residences. 20 outgoing calls per 'month. No charge for Incoming callsu 2c for ex-ces ex-ces calls. S2.00 TELEPHONES For Residences. Unlimited service. ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE TELE-PHONE CO. PIONEER DAY EXCURS10PJ Via D. & R, G. R. R. Ono fare for the round trip between any two stations In Utah. Selling dates July 23, 21 and 25. Final limit 26. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS .Via D. & R. G., July 23, 24, 25. Final limit Juiy 2G. One fare for the round trip between, any two artatlong on the line In .Utuh. ' KNUTSFORD HOTEL. The one place for comfort and elegance. ele-gance. Fireproof: telephones in everV rcom; modern In every way' The Jadlco of the Jewish Relief cQ. ciety will gh'e a dancing party at the Lagoon on Tuesday evening- next ah Laleina?7tn?PCCial tl'aI Waves' S HALF RATES &Nt Via D. & R. G., July 23 ?Bw! For Pioneer Day the D. sell tickets on above d7 wjBWJiw one fare for the round trip JTHBHT'tai two stations on the line W uMl limit July 20, - -HStk |