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Show interesting Condition A TTK WW 4 I ,; in Hack Ledge, , ' -Over 1000 Feet of Steplng ;Ground With Tremendous Width in Places. .rt' $evr Striko "Recorded While Explor-rT Explor-rT ing Territory Off the Orig-"""" Orig-"""" innl Workings. ..That tlie reappearance of patriarchal ..Mammoth among the bread-winners ib a-permanent one. and that it will cons' con-s' cnuc its monthly dlutrlbutlon of vvealth among its shareholders every -oonrtltlon undor crmiml fnrrtrll5 fi'nlil I II Samiiel Mclntyre, Jr., on his arrival I from camp yesterday morning. rhile I( "Jth'J management has refrained from It exploiting', developments in what Is I -'Jrh'own as tho "Back Vein" have put( flhe company In posocsalon practically k iftr, in new mine, Its wealth extending I from the POO to the 1900 foot level with I 'o.yer 1000 feet of stoplnpr gTound, white I at the bottom It is apparently going ! down with as much encrpry as at anv station uoon Its course. The channel 'With which connection has been made on all levels up to the 900 and which "was originally tapped at a point 135 feet east of the shaft, is one uf the most powerful on which tho company "has. In a career extending over a pcr-I pcr-I lod of more than thirty years, ever ,lrawn. said Superintendent Melntyre, -and while other channels have been "productive of ores of much better qual-I qual-I ty, certainly none have been opened I '-A'Jth a promise of greater endurance. On the 1600 foot level the ore body dis- closes a width o over sixty feet be- ( tween walls, while on this the manage- ' incnt has now raised for forty-nine feet with every set of timber In ore of com- 'mercial Quality, some of It sonsatlon- I ally high In gold with characteristic I amounts in silver Nor have the older ! channels, said Superintendent Mcln- "tyre, been denuded. On the contrary, copper, cold and silver bearing orc3 I continue to come from th5se sources. 11 although In volume greatly diminished, compared with former days. Mcan-, Mcan-, -while new territory is being explored, , with results by no means. Indifferent. On the contrary, a new strike hus Just .been made off the old workings that -promises big results on any shift. "Yes," said the superintendent, who will leave ' for camp again this morning, "we are ' furnishing them with the money for I dividends and I've no doubt the dlrec- j tors are willing to continue them." |