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Show I: i , (At fte Sims Home on ' .. ' Fill South. Young Girl Was Detained Thrse Wseks by Immigration Immi-gration Officials. 1 ' j eclarod Tlut She Believed In Polyg-- nmr end Eight to Land ' ' Was Questioned. I( ' j Miss Caroline Bice of Lancashire, I 1 England, the young woman who has ' J been detained ir. the Immigration hos- J pltal at Boston for 'the past throe r weeks because oC her reply to the au-. au-. I thoritics that she believed in polygamy, arrived In Salt Lako yesterday and is 1 r- guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. I Georgo H. Sims at 23 East Fifth South ( j'strcct. After her release from the de- 1 ! tention hospital Miss Bice came direct j to Salt Lake, where she expects to I make her home in the future. I Young- English Girl. " i Miss Bice is a young English girl of I pleasing appearance, who Joined the . Mormon church about two years ago In her native country. Not long since she j - ! decided to come to Zion to make her home, and set sail for America. Three .weeks ngo, or more, she landed In Bos- I ;'ton and, as Is the custom, was plied ; with questions by the Immigration au-( au-( thorities. It happened that one of the 1 i questions asked Miss Bice was, "Do you l believe In polygamy?" to which she , promptly replied, "I do." Her cxplana-' cxplana-' . ' tion that polygamy was no longer . taught or practiced in the Mormon , church was unavailing, and the young ; woman was detained until released through the efforts of President Joseph ; F. Smith, Senator Reed Smoot and a i number of elders of the Mormon church Jwho are laboring as missionaries in J New York and Boston. Boca Not Blame Officials. ' "Oh, ho, I do not feel bitter toward ! the authorities because of the course i they took," said Miss Bice last evening. ' "Even if they had sent me back to I England I would not have been bitter, because I understand the precautions , m , they must take to keep out the 'scum i of the earth,' so to speak. It Just hap- pencd that the question regarding , v polygamy was asked of me, because I , know of no one else on the boat to ! whom the same question was put I j answered that I do believe in polyg-I polyg-I amy," and here Miss Bice hesitated for I a moment, but quickly added. "But i ( I then that is no longer taught by the Mormon church, j , ' Pleased With Salt Lake. 1 "A part of the three weeks I was in : Boston was spent on board the ship I j ?.nd part in the Immigration hospital. I knew, of course, why I was being j held, and thought, perhaps, I might be ' j sent back to England. At the end of i ; three weeks, however, the authorities I j notified me that I was released, but ; gave no explanation of why, or what ef- ' forts had been made on my account, J learned on coming here that Senator 1 Smoot and President Smith had writ ten a number of letters and secured the j co-operation of elders In the church at Boston. I like your country. I like , your city what I have seen of It and think I shall be glad to make my home I here." |