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Show ; ( f IN CRITICAL CONDITION. j&ndrow C. Peterson, Who Attempted 1 I i ! His Life, May Die. I Elder Andrew C. Peterson, who al-' al-' Kempted his own llfo In San Francisco '.Tuesday, mention of which was made In ja Tribune special , dispatch yesterday, is ja nephew of Bishop Jame3 C. Pctoruon :of Fairvlcw, Sanpete county. Ho left (Utah last January on a mission to New Zealand. Ills health hocumo badly affected af-fected In tho antipodes, bo ho was re I loused from the mission to return homo. His mind. It s said, was also deranged which probably caused him to attemnt kelf-dostructlon. 1 '-Pu?slJVnt J.os?p" E. Robinson of tho r California mlrwlon was wired by tiU j church authorities here to Investigate anil .look otter Elder Peterson. Ho to" o-jrraphert o-jrraphert back that Elder Peterson was In Ja critical condition In the omonwncyoa- 'jiltnl jn Sen Francisco, but ihat honon , wore entertained for his recovery Wnr,i 1 ha alFo b.cn sent to the relatives of 1 , Elder Peterson In Sanpete county. |