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Show MARTHA HAD HER JOB PRESS AT WORK For $3819.14 the investor at yesterday's yester-day's call on the mining exchange was permitted to cort off ol,C78 shares of slock, the feature of the trading being the heavy sales Of Martha Washington at fractions, leas' perhaps than the cost of certlllcates, through which the do-llverles do-llverles were made. Daly-West was quite actively dealt in at the morning session, although the parcels were small and tho market averaged about $22.25, while Grand Central came out to a bid of $4, CO on tho open board, with Con. Mercur parting with a single lot at 31 cents. Montana ot Tonopah was sold at S1.G4 for delivery ten days later, "while Tetro was shorted down to 29 cents, with- Star Con. receding to 13,4. lnnkee Con. found a customer at 35 cents, a slight Improvement, although little comfort to the man who ucqulred his holdings when the shares were eagerly embraced at ?5 or better, whllo Carisa changed hands at 7 cents, with Uncle Sam flattening out to 17, the day closing on the following market: I A. Mi p73T I Bid. lAskcd.jj Bid A8ked. AJ.n 5 -lift .15 $ .V'M $ .10 Allco . .. ,20 ........ 15 . ... fi.-Bick 1.25 1.7.1 1.00 1 40 B.-Llheral .. ,12ft .15 .12 .13V? Carisa 07 .OS .06 .074 Contury .75 .78 .75?i .78 Creole Con. Mercur. .CO .32 .30 .33 Daly 2.00 2.1G " 1.05 2 20 Dhly-Judgo . 4.00 4.75 4.00 4.K0 Daly West.. 22.00 22.40 22.00 22.70 Daltori CO& .02 . 00& Emerald 02 02 E & B. B. .50 55 1.00 Galnna 01 ., G. Central .. 4.50 4.70 4.W 4.70 Horn Silver . 1.00 .....i.. 1.10 Ingot i .00 .01 Joo BOwerS m'i Littlo Bell 1.00 SO Little Chief .01 .01 .01 .01 L. Mam 1G .10 19 La Relno 05U .04 03 Mammoth PS 1.00 Manhattan 3-1GI ........ .3-10 amy Day .. .w .WA .01 .01?, M. Wash. .. .00; .01'; .00 .$1 M.-TOnopnh l.Ct l.f5 1.6311 1.63 Now York .. .03 .0911 .0051 Ontario 3.25 3.25 PetrO 02 .07 R.-A'conda 01 01 R.-H'stako CO 50 Sunshine 0(1 Swansea 20 .35 .2A .36 S. Swansea .03 03 Sacramento . .141 1451 -15 Silver King 51. On K.C) 51.03 6.00 Star Con 13Vi .1.1 13 Sllvor S Wi .02 .02 ., Tetro 2S .20 .29U .20 U. States .. 19.75 20.62 19.75 20.50 U. Sam C. .. .is .1S .is .1S Utah W .GO .41 .52 Victor (0 ,. Wabash .00tt II Yankee C. .. .35 .351411 -34 .Hi', MORN KG SALES. Carisa, S00 at 7c. v Con. Mercur. 1(0 at 31c Daly West. 10 at $22.40; 10 at $22.35 : 2 at 522.45; 31 at $22.25; 10 at $22.30; 5 at $22.20. Star Con.. COO at 13c. Tetro, 1000 at 29c, seller sixty days; 500 at 20c, seller alxty days. Yankco Con., 100 at 35c. Shares sold, 3063. Selling value, $2133.S5. OPEN BOARD. Daly West, 10 at $22.25. Montana-Tonopah, 100 at $1.64, seller ten days. Shares sold, 110, Soiling value, &S0.5O, AFTERNOON SALES. Uncle 9nm Con., 500 at ISc: 1000 at lSVic, selfer thirty days; 25 at lS'ici 200 at 18c: 175 at 17&C Martha Washington, 51,000 at 34c; 500 at 1C-16C. Shares ROlil, 63,400. Belling value, $795.06. OPEN BOARD. Grand Central. 100 at $4.C0. Martha Washington, 4000 at c; 1030 at lc. Shares Sold, 5100. i Selling valuo, $504. San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. The official closing quotations fOr mining stocks to-dav to-dav were as follows: Andes $ .19 Justice $ .00 Belahcr 30 Mexican 1.S0 B & B 1.50 Occidental Con . .79 Bullion 02 Ophlr 5.25 Caledonia Co Overman 2S Challenge Con . .20 Potosl 15 Chollar .17 Savage 32 Confidence .. 1.10 Scorpibn .10 C C & Va 1.05 Sog Belcher OS Cori Imp 02 Sierra Nev 46 C6n N Y 03 Silver IIII1 55 Crown Point 19 Union Coii 07 Exchequer 20 Utah Con 09 G & C 27 Yol Jackot 21 H & N CO Adams Con .irtf Little. 'Chief ....$ .03 Allco 20 OUhlr 5.00 Brccco .10 Phoonlx w Brunswick Con. .07 Potosl 10 Comstock Tun.. .10 Savago CO C C & Va 1.60 Sierra Nov 42 Horn Silver .... 1.35 Small Hopes 15 Lbadvllle Con .. -02 Standard 2.00 Ontario ., 3.50 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Adventure...? 1.75 Michigan....? 4.00 Alloucz 4.0) Mohawk .. ,. 39.50 Amalg'd .. .. 48.8714 Old Dom .... 12.25 Aincr Zinc ... 9.50' Osceola .. .. 56.00 Atlantic 7.50 Parrot 21.00 Bingham .. .. 20.50 Qulrtcy SO.OO C & H.$45S.COI4C0.CO Shannon .... 7.12Vj Centennial .. 19.50 Tamarack ... 50.00 Copper R .... -12.(0 Trlnltv 3.S7V, Daly West .. 2.25 U S Mln .... 20.00 Dom Coal .... Cu.CO U S Oil 9.00 Franklin .. .. 7.50 Ulah 33.37A Grrtnoy 3.00 Victoria .. 3.00 " IsIeRoynlo.. 0.25 Winona 6.00 Mass Min ... 3.23 Wolvcrlno ... 70.00 Quiet iu Boston. Special to The Tribune. BOSTON, Mass.. May 17. The Boston market seems to have lost what little snap it had last week, trading today being be-ing practically at a standstill. Very few transactions were made In copper shares, which were inclined to heaviness. Ono or two stocks developed a little strength, but the j;alns wero fractional. llorn-blowcr llorn-blowcr & Weeks, brokers, 53 State Btrect, Boston, and 10 Wall street. Now York, furnish the following quotations: Sales. High. Lbw. Cloac. Amalgamated 1,210 $19.37V S43.S7V4 $49.00 Bingham 21.00 20.50 Daly Wcat GO 22.50 ; Mercur .33 .30 Utah 950 23.87V4 33.37 33.37 United States .. 290 20.12 19.87 20.12". Curb Boston, $5.87 l-2fiG.12't. |